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Short Stories

Spencer by Jahri Ann Spence’s life is filled with ups-and-downs. Police is after him, circumstances keep arising. He is invo... [4,984 words]
Liberia by Jahri Ann About a girl that lived in New York but now lives in Jamaica and is appalled at the delapidated culture... [2,260 words]
Cemetery Road by Randall Barfield "What was that? There's someone out there," she exclaimed. [444 words]
Cornileus Capers:A World Of Darkness-Episode 1...The Light In The Dark,The Beginning by Jay Little It's about a man surviving... [1,800 words]
White Horses by Theresa C Newbill - [993 words]
Uncle Reggie's Study Room by Randall Barfield - [268 words]
Una Mañana Mas - One More Tomorrow by Theresa C Newbill - [1,007 words]
Tom's Moon by Liilia Morrison A little doll makes a difference [857 words]
The Talisman Trilogy: The Emperor's Nine Lives by Mariah Neuhauser An archaeologist and a New York Times journalist set out on an a... [1,770 words]
The Salty Skeleton by Theresa C Newbill Haitian Voodoo [1,000 words]
The Night Falls by Jeremiah Semien The story is about one brother, who decided to fake, his own death, to collect money until, one... [9,673 words]
The Mystic Vagabond by Theresa C Newbill - [525 words]
The Mysterious Gypsy by Liilia Morrison Among old photos of Northern people, an exotic gypsy's photo appears. Who is she? [1,457 words]
The Little Gods by Michael Potter A short story fantasy about a young couple who are given a flying saucer. [4,814 words]
The Engagement by Theresa C Newbill - [1,641 words]
The Child Prophet by Newbill - [990 words]
The Airport by Newbill - [346 words]
Thank You For Not Sleeping by Liilia Morrison Thoughts go all over the page during the night [1,257 words]
Taxman by Neil Southern Taxman or Bounty Hunter? [592 words]
Residual Effect by Theresa C Newbill - [623 words]
Reflections 1 by Theresa C Newbill - [534 words]
Phantasmagoria by Leanne Nev A teenage girl experiences the peer pressure of a bully disguised as a best friend [2,080 words]
Peter The Goldfish by Kaitlin Kingdon - [428 words]
Nostradamus's Revenge by Theresa C Newbill - [197 words]
My Journey by Kevin Miller The interpretation is up to you. [765 words]
Menopause by Doc Byron A woman going through the ''change of life'' has had enough [297 words]
Latifondo At Sunset by Tarek Karkoutly The Matazarro crime family has been collaborating with a representative of the christian de... [2,721 words]
Kylie by Liilia Morrison Success is not always what we think it is. A girl chooses between fame or love. [1,700 words]
Just Another Joe by Liilia Morrison A gumshoe takes it as it comes [1,096 words]
It Was Raining by Randall Barfield "Let's not talk about it right now, Mama..." [368 words]
I Will Kill You by Doc Byron - [196 words]
I Have Chosen You by Neil Southern This is just for you and no-one else. [198 words]
How Lizard Lenny Svaed My Life by Liilia Morrison A woman escapes life under the El thanks to a man called Lizard Lenny [1,255 words]
Garlic, Ginger And Golden Seal by Liilia Morrison An old woman's recipe for a long life [1,868 words]
Flicker Of Light by Jeffrey Williams Randall Barker, a retired republican strategist, seeks to make the city repair a broken street... [2,146 words]
First Boom (He & Salman) by Anoop Menon first boom is my collection of short stories about the new age citizens of Bombay (in... [1,744 words]
El Gallito (The Rooster) by Theresa C Newbill Political [745 words]
Dragon's Salvation by Brian Money As the title suggests, a short story about dragons which i used for my GCSE English coursewo... [2,736 words]
Down In The Country by Liilia Morrison The end of the line ain't what it's cracked up to be. [840 words]
Dogs, Cats, And Babies by Doc Byron A tale of pet/sibling rivalry [237 words]
Doctor Trek - Sammy's War by Ian Kidd When Cody vanishes, Sammy Davis Jnr (no relation) finds himself on the run in a unive... [12,485 words]
Desert by Gabriel Campbell - [855 words]
Child Predator by Brian J Hankins Please don't read this if you are easily offended by harse laungage, or obsenities towards manki... [738 words]
Catch A Rising Star by Randall Barfield "It's Luis, Jaime..." the old man stammered. [496 words]
Beautiful Is The Night by Newbill - [247 words]
As It Comes by Liilia Morrison A discarded, ragged notebook found on the sidewalk brings impressions and thoughts to the person wh... [756 words]
Abigail's Blessing by Newbill - [592 words]
A Werewolf? by Liilia Morrison A man entrances a woman in Miami, or is he a werewolf? [1,492 words]
A Treat For Heinke by Liilia Morrison A girl finds hope during wartime [1,028 words]
A Tale Of Exile by Newbill - [432 words]
A Rainly Day In New York City by Newbill - [585 words]
A Man Named Joe by Brian J Hankins One man's wasted life as an alcoholic and the impact it had on his son. [2,532 words]
A Gun On A Summers Day by Jessi A couple of random sentences about guns. And nature. [123 words]

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A short story of a woman and a boy caught in reversal of life.
[721 words]
Jimmy Mason
Jimmy Mason is 29 years old. He spends his free time from being a stay at home father writting. His work has never been published and he's only now begun to rewrite rough drafts. His world is one of fantasy and insanity.
[June 2007]
20 Dollars To Fear (Short Stories) This story hold a special place in my heart. A story of a strange night in a bar [1,437 words] [Fantasy]
Ageing Is Psychosomatic (Poetry) - [66 words] [Mind]
Either You Or I Or Both (Poetry) If writing is present for anything. It's to have the ability to explore all the landscapes of emotion within ourselves. There is no light without Dark, no good without Evil. [189 words]
Gravity X 4 (Poetry) - [93 words] [Mind]
Judgment Day In Eden Hills (Short Stories) Hell on earth, starting in a small town. [3,733 words] [Adventure]
Locked Away (Poetry) A poem I wrote in the days before I was in love. [124 words]
Narcissistic Fairy Folk (Short Stories) A tale of the darker nature of fairy folk [1,824 words]
The After Life & Beyond (Poetry) You decide [94 words]
The Hell Monkey’S Revenge (Poetry) Evil, Twisted, Lewd, Crude, Don't read unless you like to be disgusted. I was in a odd mood [233 words]
The Monsterboys (Short Stories) This is a story not to be read by those who are easy to offend. A gritty story of a group of friends who get thrust into the bussiness of Monster hunting, and uncover some of the truths of humanity [5,298 words] [Fantasy]
The Search (Poetry) Humanity through my eyes. How lost are we? [102 words] [Mind]
Jimmy Mason

Nora awoke to a spring fog staring grey and emotionless through the window. She brought the covers back over her head and scrunched down as far as her pillows would let her. She hated days like this. The air so thick with moisture that every breath was like drowning. Days like this made that day last year seem tolerable. Last year, Nora woke on a morning much like this one. However that morning ended with red emergency lights pulsing through the mists. Nora knew today could meet the very same end. She peaked out from under her heavy comforter, Yep still there. That same flat grey she remembered from last year. The very same slate grey that haunted her daily since. The eyes of the little boy staring at her through it all. His eyes matching the grey all around them, his eyes at her window when she looked again.
She froze, praying she would awaken from this night mare she seemed to be in. The boy’s prowling eyes roamed her bedroom, Nora moved to the foot of her bed turning her blankets off.
“ Stanley ?” She asked.
The boy’s brow furrowed and creased with sudden anger. He brought his fists above his head and then smashed the window in. Nora brought her arms up to guard her face and heard the boy screaming.
“ It wasn’t my time! It wasn’t my turn! Can’t you understand It wasn’t for me!”
Nora uncovered her face. The fog had begun to seep through the newly broken window, the boy nowhere to be seen. Nora knew better, Stanley was still there. Nora jumped out of bed, ran to her bathroom door got inside and locked it tight. A bout of weeping took full authority over her, she slid down the wall and sat there hugging her knees. She felt a light touch on her head, and then it came again. Her hair was being stroked. She looked up into the grey orbs of Stanley. Nora opened her mouth to scream but all that came out was a choked squeak, Stanley continued to stroke her hair.
“ It’s ok “ He said softly, “ I know your scared, but you have no need to be.”
Nora couldn’t speak, She could hardly breathe chilled to the core and quivering. Stanley tightened his grip attempting to comfort her.
“ All you need to realize Nora is that it wasn’t my turn, It wasn’t for me. You must understand, It was for you.”
Nora looked up into his face with tear stung eyes.
“ It was an accident Stanley.”
He embraced her hard this time and held her fast like a padded vice.
“ I know. I know it was an accident Nora, but you can’t trade. Don’t you see that? Look what it’s done to us and our lives.”
Nora thought she finally could understand.
Driving down the curves of white oak lane in her small blue hatchback, on a slate grey foggy spring morning . A boy on a dirt bike with a newspaper satchel slung over his shoulder. Nora sees the boy’s reflectors stuck on the back of his jacket an instant before his foot slipped his pedal. The boy’s foot struck the ground and swerved him directly in front of on coming car. Nora slammed on the brakes screaming and jerked her steering wheel to the right. She saw the boy’s eyes looking at her in surprising recognition as he blurred by her window, The back bumper caught the boy’s back tire and she went smashing into the forest that lines the road.

“ Hey kid! Kid wake up! Come on you got it.”
Stanley looked up into the paramedic’s face, His ankle hurt like hell.
“ You took a nasty fall, we have your ankle in a splint and we got to take a ride to the hospital. You’ll be fine though kid, your a tough one.”
With that the paramedic smiled at him and another came over. They lifted him and his stretcher up and loaded him into the back of an ambulance. Stanley saw that there were three cop cars and another ambulance, being loaded into this one was another stretcher with a blanket over it.
The last thing he saw before the two doors were shut was red emergency lights pulsing through the mists.





"I love it. I totally understood it. i thought that this took alot of imagination and time. This is a great piece of work. All I can say is keep them comming." -- April Lankford, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA.
"Really Good! I was a bit confused about the end. I think that's my fault, since I can be a bit dense at times. Also I must agree that the first paragraph doesn't roll of the tongue as easily as it could. I did, however, like it as a whole." -- Jenny , you know where, Illinois, United States.
"Very nice. Very nice. email it to me and ill edit it for you. and add some story building ideas down at the bottom in little captions. and double space it too man!!!!!" -- Jameson, Oak Rdige, TN.


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© 2007 Jimmy Mason
June 2007

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