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Short Stories

Hunting The Ghost Lion by Wolfa An African poacher stalks a trophy lion through the savannah and encounters a strange an... [2,146 words]
When Machines Bleed by Mark Brittan All season long, the Sterling Heights Stevenson Titans High School football team had been r... [3,286 words]
Northern Lights by Cathleen M Doug moved to Alaska for adventure, but at what cost? [3,009 words]
Two Guys, Two Dogs And Me by Ivana Milakovic A girl likes a boy. She also likes dogs. He likes dogs, and he likes the girl. So wha... [1,915 words]
The Perfect Snow Angel by Wolfa - [1,754 words]
Hooked by Richard Koss A short short story originally started as a poem, about a man's obsession with a special kind of woman. ... [323 words]
T´ayl Ever-Cold by Fermin Moreno Gonzalez Norstrilia-style. [2,791 words]
They´re Coming by Fermin Moreno Gonzalez Horror short-story. [341 words]
The Ravine by Shawn Petersen Three men find themselves in an unusual perdicimate when the truth is revealed. [994 words]
The Gorgeous Ganges by Sreenivasa Murthy Govindaraju To fulfill the last wish of an old land lady, who died, the tenant carries her ashes to VAR... [2,266 words]
My Inter-Continental Friend by Sreenivasa Murthy Govindaraju A tourist's illusion and strange and similar experiences in two continents. [1,828 words]
Motorways On Mars by J P If there was a war between Earth and Mars sorta thing. It's funny, not Sci fi, really. [1,063 words]
Liber Beneficiorum by Fermin Moreno Gonzalez Short-short story. [375 words]
Idolatry In Zalahar by Fermin Moreno Gonzalez Weird story Klarkashtonesque. [2,701 words]
I Am No Exception by Sreenivasa Murthy Govindaraju A tourist from India on his maiden visit to United States undergoes strange experience at the... [1,838 words]
Caged Emperor by Fermin Moreno Gonzalez Fantasy story. [288 words]
The Second Coming by L M Long About the long awaited return of "God" only to find out it isn't who we were expecting at all... [4,896 words]
The One That Got Away by Matt Tracy Mark has a weird experience after a night of memories and heavy drinking. [1,427 words]
The Irish Cinderella by Stills An adaptation of this classic tale of Love through Adversity but don't let the message of ... [1,201 words]
Spooks: Chapter 4 by Jan And Smokey Back to basics, the confrontation between Tammen and Black will be resolved. What will happen... [1,949 words]
Spacesuck by Steven K Mitchell Avant-garde sci-fi. [3,206 words]
Eye's Of A Bad Man by Albert Davis In a world of violence why are we so surprised by the violence we encounter? This is a depi... [5,180 words]
Deathbed Wishes And Lifelong Dreams by Catherine Bartnik - [1,557 words]
Billy by Albert Davis Life has possibilities and options and the possibilities sometimes don't follow our options. [2,061 words]
The Letter Of Elijiah by Ashley Burdett This is a story about a girl who finds a lost book of the Bible and attempts to find Jesu... [3,101 words]
The Journey by Ivana Milakovic - [183 words]
Street Smarts by B. P. Skinner Missy, a mentally ill homeless woman with intuitive powers, tells how her circumstances change th... [2,504 words]
Spooks: Chapter Three by Jan And Smokey Mr. Black and Tammen finaly have the showdown they've been waiting for...but who will sur... [3,340 words]
Quiet Escape by Cathleen M Looking at the life of a homeless man, Dave, through the eyes of passerbys, and then through his o... [4,138 words]
Or So He Thought by Mark Brittan What happens when you lose the love of your life? How do you go on after you've been betrayed... [1,727 words]
No Such Thing As Stage Fright by Megan Swope A young girl joins a friend's band to become famous and learns how important frie... [1,394 words]
My Vision Of Hell by Letitia Murphy This is my vision of hell [1,889 words]
Going To The Opera by Susan T Fisher The perils that can happen when you are having "one of those" days! [1,940 words]
Bethlehem In Berlin (A Christmas Story) by Glyn Norman This is a re-telling of the Christmas story, set in 1990's Berlin, wher... [645 words]
Another Night At The Club,,,,, by Kristina Tonic How much would a person do for one moment of power, for one brief second of exhi... [651 words]
The Ransom by Jesse Olson - [1,858 words]
Searching For Sleep
Man's Best Friend by Glen Pearson A so-called hard man describes his relationship in no uncertain terms with his Rottweiler dog... [3,521 words]
Desires Fulfilled by Alberto Pupo Desires burn deep within the human mind sometimes to have them fulfilled can be lethal. [516 words]
Spooks by Jan And Smokey An expirienced spy teaches a new recruit about the world of Industrial Espionage on his first mission. T... [2,577 words]
Spooks: Chapter 2 by Jan And Smokey Mr. Black watches the events that occur due to to his pupil's hasty tactics. Tammen takes con... [1,932 words]
Pound Of Fruit by Michael David West What family means to me. [2,051 words]
Bleeding Entropy by Oleander Myst A woman spends her last days in a hospital with her partner by her side as he contemplates how... [8,483 words]

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Searching For Sleep
Sometimes one cannot find the remedy or solution to the situtation...
[536 words]
Alberto Pupo
[December 2000]
21 Steps Till (Poetry) 21 steps till something occurs... [62 words]
A Game Of Lies (Poetry) Play the game to amuse yourself.... [63 words]
A Journey Throughout (Poetry) A journey... [73 words]
A Lack (Poetry) the confusion created when I miss her... [58 words]
A Path Now Divided (Poetry) Just when everything seemed certain... [59 words]
A Question Of Timing (Poetry) To time everything perfectly to time things right, or to forge forward. [74 words]
A Simple Concept.... (Poetry) A quirky little poem with a dash of humor, about.... [61 words]
After The Storm (Poetry) Dedicated to a love that has been tested by past phantoms but still goes on stronger than ever. [78 words]
Again Struckdown! (Poetry) About frustrations from a not so distant past.... [67 words]
Aimless (Poetry) For the first time understanding what its truly like to lose the love, of one you truly loved. [53 words]
Ambiguous Art (Poetry) Delve deeper to find meaning perhaps... [83 words]
An Ode To The One True Love. (Poetry) This is dedicated to the one I love and will always love, and I hope she will get the chance to read this one day. [128 words]
And So It Goes....... (Poetry) going........ [56 words]
Antidote To Love (Poetry) Is this the cure? [85 words]
Anwser To You (Poetry) Anwser? [48 words]
Awaiting A Call. (Poetry) Desperation at its finest... [71 words]
Before Me... (Poetry) Yes before me... [82 words]
Beg (Poetry) Plead [68 words]
Beyond Earthly Despair (Poetry) Simply beyond... [51 words]
Blinded (Poetry) Cannot see.... [57 words]
Code Red (Poetry) An alert to all [91 words]
Crimson Reverie (Poetry) - [48 words]
Danger... (Poetry) Is there something dangerous in passion? [102 words]
Dark Winter (Poetry) For it can truly be dark. [73 words]
Delusions Of Grandeur (Poetry) There is nothing more ridiculous than a self deluded individual.... [70 words]
Descending (Poetry) Prepare for the fall... [65 words]
Desires Fulfilled (Short Stories) Desires burn deep within the human mind sometimes to have them fulfilled can be lethal. [516 words] [Suspense]
Destiny Of Fools (Poetry) Are we fools destined for something, or is destiny for fools. [90 words]
Embrace Again (Poetry) Strange rantings... [87 words]
Emergence Of The Optimist (Poetry) Emerging from the ashes of the Pessimist. [160 words]
Emerging From Shadows (Poetry) The unexpected can often be disturbing. [101 words]
Emotion Pool (Poetry) A pool of emotions brewed into one. [42 words]
Emptiness Of Living. (Poetry) A life so hollow.... [56 words]
Essence Of Death (Poetry) Life... Death... [69 words]
Eyes Deceive (Poetry) All is illusory everything is deceptionary... [65 words]
Games We Play (Poetry) The games are played. [54 words]
Half An Epiphany (Poetry) To understand to an extent. [54 words]
Imprisoned (Poetry) Locked deep within... [52 words]
Infinite Ocean (Poetry) Oceans of infinity... [63 words]
Inner Demons (Poetry) How insecurity kills... [65 words]
Innocence Lost (Poetry) A loss. [93 words]
Into The Night (Poetry) from the darkness return.... [70 words]
Is This To Difficult To See? (Poetry) The truth about everything and what I feel for her, is it really that difficult for her to see.... [73 words]
Isolated (Poetry) Living in isolation. [42 words]
Jc Of The Kitchen (Poetry) A description of the prophet of the lake [104 words]
Journey Into Nothing (Poetry) Why the past means nothing yet is a plague to the mind... [80 words]
Keeper Of My Heart (Poetry) For my one true love I'm so glad Ifound yher andeven though we are physically seperated by distance we willbe together forever soon enough. [68 words]
La Epica (Poetry) Whatever it is, it has become [168 words]
Live It Up (Poetry) Indulgence is the theme of today. [66 words]
Logical Step... (Poetry) The next step.... [58 words]
Lost In A Thought (Poetry) Deep within the mind in the darkest of corners... [63 words]
Melancholia Darkness (Poetry) As the title implies [69 words]
Memories Of Destiny (Poetry) Remember.... [73 words]
Memories Of Her (Poetry) Only a memory. [102 words]
Mind Of The Betrayer (Poetry) So easily are we all deceived.... [118 words]
Mio Figlio (Poetry) To my son [76 words]
Missing In Action (Poetry) Longing.... [38 words]
Mistress Time.... (Poetry) Generous on the surface but deep down so terribly cruel.... [52 words]
Morbidity (Poetry) All that is Morbid. [56 words]
More Experimental Poems (Poetry) Yet again another experiment. [263 words]
Musings (Poetry) To simply Muse. [84 words]
Nocturnal Godess (Poetry) Love is much to strong... [66 words]
Oceans Of Deception (Poetry) Sailing through treacherous waters.... [62 words]
Ode To Love Bleeding (Poetry) How to find the cure for love... [57 words]
Ode To The False One... (Poetry) A short little invective against one who has caused her such great pain. [74 words]
On The Brink (Poetry) To die just a little every day. [55 words]
Pandemonium! (Poetry) Total chaos is afoot... [76 words]
Passion Reborn (Poetry) A flow of thoughts an outpouring of emotion, dedicated to a grow currently making a difference in my life. [105 words]
Pleasures! (Poetry) Simply Pleasure.... [50 words]
Poem To No One (Poetry) Because this is for that somebdy who is nobody... [89 words]
Pools... (Poetry) For love is predestined... [78 words]
Quagmire In Thought (Poetry) To decide or not to decide to forge ahead or not to, what will she do? [80 words]
Questioning... (Poetry) All must and will be questioned.. [89 words]
Realizations (Poetry) To realize... [64 words]
Reflection (Poetry) To reflect upon... [80 words]
Regretting Mistakes.. (Short Stories) a weird tale of a deranged little mind... [1,044 words]
Restless. (Poetry) Indeed. [56 words]
Returning To That Place (Poetry) Reawakening the Pessimist within. [50 words]
Rhyming With You (Poetry) To rhyme somehow. [33 words]
Salvation In Death (Short Stories) Things are never what they seem... [493 words] [Suspense]
Saturnine (Poetry) Depressing, yet enlightening... [90 words]
Secret Place (Poetry) Into the secrecy of nothing. [38 words]
Security Matters (Poetry) The words to ignite [100 words]
Settings (Poetry) To set the stage. [70 words]
Should Have Would Have, Could Have Been (Short Stories) A story of regrets and mistakes.... [638 words]
Slave To The Imaginary (Poetry) Delving into irrational thought. [166 words]
So Now A Crescendo (Poetry) An end.... [55 words]
Sound And Sacrafice (Poetry) to the victor goes.. the spoils [87 words]
Speaking Of Which (Poetry) To speak. [96 words]
Spectre Of A Distant Past (Poetry) A memory of a girl who has faded.... [64 words]
Spellbound (Poetry) To a special someone who has left me simply spellbound. [56 words]
Stranded (Poetry) On this lonesome rock floating away.... [81 words]
Struggle (Poetry) To struggle. [84 words]
Struggles Within (Poetry) A battle against oneself... [53 words]
Suddenly Numb (Poetry) The unfortunate nature of relationships.... [46 words]
Taken (Poetry) To be taken. [46 words]
Taste.... (Poetry) A yearning to break free, and taste passion. [59 words]
That Saturday Night (Short Stories) A story of inner struggle and disbelief [766 words] [Thriller]
The Adulturess (Poetry) Dedicated to all the one's out there. [74 words]
The Experiment... (Poetry) A compilation of experimental type poetry... [224 words]
The Fall (Poetry) What goes up must... [64 words]
The Fruitless Search (Poetry) Love, a most ridiculous notion. [84 words]
The Grazing (Poetry) Grazing. [81 words]
The Mirror Image (Poetry) a redux now corrected [134 words]
The Mirror's Image (Poetry) Do you like what you see? [129 words]
The Replacement... (Poetry) Substituting one for the other... [57 words]
The Song Continues... (Poetry) We sing a most depressive little tune don't we? [58 words]
The Song Of A Goddess! (Poetry) To a Goddess which stirs my heart.... [82 words]
The X- Factor (Poetry) You may not know who you are.. [71 words]
To Diana Empress Of The Heart... (Poetry) Dedicated to the one I loved... Perhaps I still do love. [112 words]
To Enlighten (Poetry) A most noble quest to stroke the ego. [95 words]
To My Muse (Poetry) An ode to her. [118 words]
Tones (Poetry) A tone of misery and despair. [59 words]
Traces (Poetry) A fading trace... [56 words]
Tragic Truth (Poetry) Because the truth stings, reality is harsh. [76 words]
Travel In Darkness (Poetry) The road of a weary traveler... [73 words]
Truth About Love (Poetry) A harsh reality. [67 words]
Unconciously Wanting (Poetry) Wanting unconciously to reveal.. [108 words]
Washing Away The Pain (Poetry) Dedicated to a girl who has recently come into my life and has already made such a difference. [70 words]
Watcher (Poetry) Watching.... [42 words]
Watching Madness. (Poetry) Gazing into that which defies sanity.... [48 words]
Welcome To A New Tomorrow (Poetry) Love the grandest of delusions... [111 words]
Where Does It Go? (Poetry) Indeed where to? [71 words]
Why You Never Loved Me... (Poetry) The minimal doubt that existed, that was magnified by the way things went.. [105 words]
Words Written (Poetry) Read the words written... [55 words]
Searching For Sleep
Alberto Pupo

     Silence so sweet and so brief all to brief.
Sound a harsh metallic clangor a symphony of total chaos never ceasing playing on forevermore.
"Damn the neighbors and their never ending orgy of sight and sound, why won't they quit this infernal torture, it's three in the morning and I cannot sleep, damn those hooligan kids with their satanic Heavy Metal, and all out drug fests."
Eric Adler is a fourty year old car salesman, trying to get some sleep yes for he needs sleep or it will be impossible to function in the morning. Yet ever since a balmy Summers eve, his little world of peace, and soothing Moart pieces has been taken away by the brand new neighbors, and their tattoed pothead kids who have made a hobby of cranking out the stereo and off course form a death metal band. Ever since that accursed days where once Beethoven's ninth symphony wafted majestically through the air Slayer's memorable piece the Angel of Death has become common place.
Anger raging within mind swirling from the massive surge of noise, "Hell, Satan, God dammit"
Springing from bed, now he is a man on a mission, determined to put an end to all of this, a scowl upon the face trying to look intimidating, quickly opening the door heading into the cool autumn night crossing the street staring straight ahead, at the door which leads to the madness, fist clenched at his sides ready for anything. Now he stood before the closed door ready to unleash all the hatred within to pound it down and teach the bastads something their parents have apparently forgotten to do so.. Respect.
Fist hammering away, knuckles nearly raw from the magnitude of the pounding, yet still the music blared, and no one replied, no one at all.
"Open this door immediately I demand you open right now" voice echoed throughout yet still the radio played on in all it's furious glory never ceasing a steady stream of music. Hatred boiled within the audacity of these children was flabbergasting how dare they. " Do you not hear me if you do not open I will be forced to break this door down open damn you, open" A sudden crash, and finally the gates have been brought down, a multitude of eyes fell upon them, various young men and women, covering their mouths in disbelief, some broke into fits of neverending laughter others shook their head in disapproval.
All eyes on transfixed upon, him a balding fourty year old salesman, clad in striped red pajamas, and fuzzy slippers. Silence a terrible silence overtook them all. Red faced and embarrased by what he has done, he felt as if all sanity has left him. They looked so composed so normal the ladies dressed in fancy silk dresses, the gentleman clad in tuxedos the soft sounds of Mozart wafting through the living room,
the tension to unbearable. Where were the hooligan kids the loud obnoxious stereo blazing away, where were all the noises he heard all through the night, the noise that kept him away from sleep, slowly tears began to trickle down his cheeks right before sirens blared behind him right before he simply collapsed into the arms of sleep.



"Huh?" -- No Name Rogers.
"If no one minds me saying so, I think No Name Rogers has some of the best commentary." -- Tyna Aberdeen.
"What? Advice? Spelling! Edit! Syntax!" -- Judi Goff, Tampa, Fl, USA.
"Try proofreading." -- Ty.
"Did you not attend K-12 grades. You were supposed to learn how to spell and use commas. Not to mention all the run on sentences. And what is the ending all about?" -- hairball82.
"I see that alot have you have quite a few things to say about this piece mainly dealing with the numerous grammar errors strewn throughout, well as I posted this just understand that I didn't really go and edit it, so please I know there are errors, but I would apreciate hearing more about the content of the story itself, rather than simply stating it's mechanical problems" -- Alberto Pupo -author.
"So no cracks about "Mozart" and "bastards"? Alright, I agree with what No Name Rogers said, the ending does strike a "Huh?" response from the reader, but I assume that is what you were trying to achieve. Nothing needs to be said beyond that, you achieved what you set out to achieve. " -- AC Keane.
"OK I'll throw you a hint Alberto. As you know Storymania doesn't edit your story for you upon submission. But you can edit ahead of time without manually scanning every line. How you say? Easy. Just enter a word program, write whatever your going to write, then let your built-in grammar program scan it to weed out what you don't want. Once it's the way you want it, give it a manual read-through once just to make sure. Then in your toolbar select Edit, then Select All, Copy. Once you arrive at Storymania's website and go to submit your work, you can then go to that little submission box and press Paste, and wham it's all there, without a single word skipping a beat due to manual retyping. Try this method on AC's Fiction Contest now listed on the board, his contest should be right up your alley genre wise, and let me know if it works for you at tynaaberdeen@hotmail.com. Always happy to help!" -- Tyna Aberdeen.


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© 2001 Alberto Pupo
March 2001

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