Sam Vaknin has a combined doctorate in Physics and Philosophy.
He is an economic and political columnist in many periodicals in a few countries and a published and awarded author of short fiction and reference books in Hebrew, English and Macedonian in Israel, Macedonia and the Czech Republic.
He has collaborated with Israeli psychologists and criminologists in the study of personality disorders and is the author of "Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited" (available from Barnes and Noble and, as an e-book, from Booklocker, eBooksonthe.net, SoftLock, MightyWords and from CyberRead).
He is the editor of the Mental Health Disorders category in the Open Directory Project and the editor of the Narcissistic Personality Disorder topic in Suite101 and Go.com.
He is serving currently as the Economic Advisor to the Government of Macedonia.
His new book "After the Rain - How the West Lost the East" is available from Barnes and Noble and, as an e-book, from Booklocker, eBooksonthe.net, MightyWords, SoftLock and from CyberRead.
Full CV is available at - http -//www.geocities.com/vaksam/cv.html
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (6) A Beheaded Cart (Short Stories) My grandfather had one love: my grandmother. A ravishing, proud, raven-haired woman. A framed retouched photo of her hung, imposing, on one of the walls. [1,508 words] [Romance] After The Rain - How The West Lost The East (Essays) An anthology of 180 previously published articles and essays regarding the politics, economics, geopolitics and history of countries in CEE and SEE (Balkan). [11,318 words] Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited (Essays) The Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Pathological Narcissism Described and Analyzed. 82 frequently asked questions (FAQs), excerpts from the archives of the Narcissism Revisited List, essay and a... [5,066 words] On The Bus To Town (Short Stories) The announcer warns of imminent terrorist attacks on public transport. It recommends to err on the side of caution and to exhaustively inspect fellow commuters. [2,713 words] [Adventure] Philosophical Musings (Essays) More than 150 essays about various topics in current philosophy. The main emphases are on - - The philosophy of science - The cognitive sciences - Cultural studies - Aesthetics, art and literature ... [10,353 words] The Self-Appointed Altruists (Non-Fiction) Their arrival portends rising local prices and a culture shock. Many of them live in plush apartments, or five star hotels, drive SUV's, sport $3000 laptops and PDA's. They earn a two figure multiple ... [2,387 words] [Business]
Poetry Of Abuse And Healing Sam Vaknin
More poems by the same author are available here:
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Tell me about your sunshine and the sounds of coffee and of barefeet pounding the earthen floor the creaking trees and the skinned memory of hugs you gave and you received.
Sit down, yes, here, the intermittent sobbing of the shades slit by your golden face.
Now listen to the hundred children that are your womb.
I am among them. Snowflake Haiku
Where I begin your end snowflake haikus melt into crystalline awareness.
I guard your quivered sleep. Your skin beats moisture. The beckoning jugular that is your mind.
My pointing teeth.
A universe of frozen sharp relief, the icy darts your voice in my inebriated veins in yours.
Getting Old
The sageing flesh, a wrinkled vicedom. The veined reverberation of a life consumed. On corneas imprinted with a thousand dreams, now stage penumbral plays directed by a sight receding and a brain enraged. To fall, as curtains call, to bow the last, rendered a sepia image in a camera obscured, a line of credits, fully exhausted, fully endured.
The Toxic waste of bottled anger venomized. Life belly up. The reeds. The wind is hissing death downstream, a river holds its vapour breath and leaves black lips of tar and fish a bloated shore.
Tableaux (on Van Gogh)
Listening to a scarlet sink, detached
an ear, still glistening wax,
in bloody conch.
The gaping flesh.
Wild scattered eyes
fiercing the mirror.
Light ricochets from trembling blade
(it's gaslight evening and the breeze ...)
Behind his stooping shoulders,
a painted room ablaze
the dripping composition of his blood.
The winding crowd
inflates the curtains inwards,
sails of a flying Dutchman.
The little things we do together
to give up life.
The percolating coffee,
your aromatic breath,
the dream that glues
your eyelids to my cheek.
We both relent relentlessly.
Your hair flows to its end,
a natural cascade,
a velvet avalanche
buries my hands.
In motion paralyzed,
we prowl each other's
hunting grounds.
Day breaks, our backs
turned to the light
in dark refusal.
My Little Brother
My little brother cuts himself into existence.
With razor tongue I try to shave his pain,
he wouldn't listen.
His ears are woollen screams, the wrath
of heartbeats breaking to the surface.
His own Red Art.
When he cups his bleeding hands
the sea of our childhood
wells in my eyes
wells in his veins
like common salt.
Prague at dusk
Prague lays over its inhabitants in shades of grey. Oppressively close to the surface, some of us duck, others simply walk carefully, our shoulders stooped, trying to avoid the monochrome rainbow at the end of the hesitant rain. Prague rains itself on us, impaled on one hundreds towers, on a thousand immolated golden domes. We pretend not to see it bleeding to the river. We just cross each other in ornate street corners, from behind exquisite palaces. We don't shake heads politely anymore. We are not sure whether they will stay connected if we do.
It is in such times that I remember an especially sad song, Arabic sounds interlaced with Jewish wailing. Wall after wall, turret after turret, I re-visit my homeland. It is there, in that city, which is not Arab, nor Jewish, not entirely modern, nor decidedly antique that I met her.
And the pain was strong.
A Peace Accord
I wrote, Sally Ann, I wrote:
Shot from the cannon of abuse as unwise missiles do.
Course set.
Explosive clouds that mark your video destination.
Experts interpret, pricking with laser markers, inflated dialects of doom.
Hitting the target, you splinter, a spectacle of fire and of smoke.
The molten ashes, the cold metallic remnants, the core...
A peace accord between you and your self.
More poems here: http://www.geocities.com/vaksam/contents.html
Sam Vaknin Sam Vaknin has a combined doctorate in Physics and Philosophy.
He is an economic and political columnist in many periodicals in a few countries and a published and awarded author of short fiction and reference books in Hebrew, English and Macedonian in Israel, Macedonia and the Czech Republic.
He has collaborated with Israeli psychologists and criminologists in the study of personality disorders and is the author of "Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited" (available from Barnes and Noble and, as an e-book, from Booklocker, eBooksonthe.net, SoftLock, MightyWords and from CyberRead).
He is the editor of the Mental Health Disorders category in the Open Directory Project and the editor of the Narcissistic Personality Disorder topic in Suite101 and Go.com.
He is serving currently as the Economic Advisor to the Government of Macedonia.
His new book "After the Rain - How the West Lost the East" is available from Barnes and Noble and, as an e-book, from Booklocker, eBooksonthe.net, MightyWords, SoftLock and from CyberRead.
Full CV is available at: http://www.geocities.com/vaksam/cv.html Web addresses: http://narcissism.cjb.net , http://personality.cjb.net , http://musings.cjb.net , http://economics.cjb.net, http://www.ce-review.org/authorarchives/vaknin_archive/vaknin_main.html Email address: palma@unet.com.mk or samvak@briefcase.com
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