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This Is Home by Fred Hardy - [309 words]
On A Night Like This by Fred Hardy - [246 words]
Dreaming (Alt) by Fred Hardy - [236 words]
The Next Real Thing by Fred Hardy - [220 words]
Sam Don't You Cry by Fred Hardy - [270 words]
Forgiveness (Song) by Fred Hardy - [364 words]
Conspiracy Theory by Cedric McClester Conspiracy Theory pretty much speaks for itself. You be the judge of its relevancy. [221 words]
Government Name by Rapadamus Many urban youth adopt street names under the false belief that the authorities won't know who ... [517 words]
The Indictment by Cedric McClester The Indictment speaks to abuse of office. Check it out and see if you agree. [231 words]
Get Over It by Cedric McClester Get Over It is my response to those who have been critical of my political point of view. [228 words]
Any Nigga by Rapadamus Any Nigga addresses the issue of crime and street credibility in the Black community. [519 words]
I Die Again by Jonathon Brannon Startin' March off with a bang!!!! My new song. Hope you like...... [235 words]
Do You Cry (When You Hear The News)? by Cedric McClester Do You Cry (When You Hear The News)? was inspired by the plight of Nixzmar... [328 words]
Prison Isn’T (A Rite Of Passage) by Rapadamus Prison Isn't (A Rite Of Passage)is a commentary about how going to prison is v... [428 words]
Gone Away by Chad Naquin this song is about the people who died for the justice of this counrty. they will always be remembere... [262 words]
20 Proof Jesus Juice by Rapadamus The song is written in singer Michael Jackson's voice and represents his mea culp for the ... [163 words]
He's A Friend by Jessica L Young This is my 10th song! God is good!!! [152 words]
Lawd Have Mercy by Rapadamus Lawd Have Mercy is a contemporary social commentary. [316 words]
You Hurt Me by Rainmaker - [32 words]
You Are Holy by Lazar - [73 words]
Whose House Are You Building? by Cedric McClester Whose House Are You Building, is addressed to ministers who sometimes get carried... [256 words]
Who You Gonna Follow (Holla) by Cedric McClester Who You Gonna Follow (Holla) poses an age old question. Life is full of choices an... [263 words]
When Praises Are Sent Up To Heaven by Cedric McClester When Praises Are Sent Up To Heaven makes the point that God is worthy of all... [333 words]
When It Comes To... by Rapadamus When It Comes To... Is a comical commentary on The Maury Povitch Show and his guest who are... [603 words]
When I Get Sad And Blue by Kendall Wilt A little twisted electronica. [77 words]
What My Succubus Did For Me by Kendall Wilt Straight metal. It helps if you read this while your headbanging. [191 words]
The Hater by Rapadamus The Hater was inspired by Star of the STar&Bucwild Radio show. Star speaks of objective hate and ref... [548 words]
The Best Song Ever by Marcus Lochricho Im a fag. [105 words]
Sun Smiles On Morning by Buxton A song, I'm not ussually a song-writer, so all feedback is welcome.. Good & Bad¢¾ [198 words]
Some Love by Usama Aa Kadri Some love is a song against blood shedding, wars and violence. Some love is all needed for a better w... [131 words]
Sayin It Don’T Make It True by Cedric McClester Sayin It Don't Make It True was inspired by a critique of my work. The comment was,... [266 words]
Running Out Of Time by Jonathon Brannon My latest piece of work. Felt good to finally sit down and write again. Hope you like..... [302 words]
Romantic Kamakazi by Matt R Kellaher This is supposed to be a fun, upbeat, kinda song that doesn't take itself, and relationships ... [390 words]
Revelations, Revolutions, And Repitition by Brandon Colcleasure This one is kinda Simple Plan-ish. [132 words]
Put God Back In Your Life by Cedric McClester Put God Back In Your Life is the story of a woman who is struggling with a husband wh... [265 words]
Open Arms by Nicholas T Olson A song about the hectic life of a high schooler and the redeeming love of Jesus Christ. [80 words]
No Shit Dick by Rapadamus No Shit Dick satarize Vice President Dick Cheney's hunting accident. [504 words]
Nip ‘N Tuck by Rapadamus Nip 'N Tuck chronicals America's fasination with plastic surgery. [290 words]
Na by Alice W-M I wrote it and apparently it's good. Lots of thanks to Gordon for helping me with the ideas. Be warned there... [197 words]
Mascara Tears by Katelyn Berry Its about realizing your life is all wrong, and you need to fix it. [88 words]
Lift Me Up by Cedric McClester Lift Me Up is a spiritual song of hope and promise. [247 words]
Just Get Back In The Casket And We'll Begin This Eulogy by Brandon Colcleasure I didn't really see the need for a repeditive chorus in... [105 words]
I’Ll Always Raise His Name by Cedric McClester I'll Alway Raise His Name is a spiritual praise song. It is unique in that it never... [300 words]
If Jesus Showed Up At Your Door by Cedric McClester If Jesus Showed Up At Your Door poses the question of what you would do if that... [354 words]
I Didn't Know by Michael Worthington A song I wrote just one day when I was feeling down. Ever since writing "I Didn't Know" I have be... [221 words]
Human by Matt R Kellaher Its kind of about being able to except the past and take just one more chance, because both love and pain... [355 words]
How It Is Up South by Rapadamus How it Is Up South is a documentary. It actually happened. The song reflects the writer's f... [198 words]
How Could I Love by Michael Newby - [84 words]
Hi My Name Is Barbara Sagula Me And My Friends Sanjana,Providence,Tabitha, And Conisha Are 10 Years Old And We Want To Publish Our Song Because We Made A Band Acctully We Are Like The Cheetah Girls And U Can Vist Our Site Www.Anglegirlsband.Blogspot.Com Thank U We Really Want To Become Famous With Our Songs, Thank U So Much We Already Wrote 6 This Is Our First On We Ever Wrote: by B C S Sagula summer time:/ summer time is here put away your snow boards and take out your buggy borads and lets have fun, Summer time is here summer, summer, summer time is here its three words only ...... - song plays - fun , fun ,fun on a sushine its the summer time yeah let... [27 words]
Go On Without Me. by Sasu - [85 words]
Fuck The Faggots by Rapadamus Fuck The Faggots should be delievered in a Jamacian dialect, and reflects the intolerance many... [638 words]
Dem Thugs ‘N Gangstas by Rapadamus Dem Thugs 'N Gangstas is a true story that happened in Brooklyn, New York, but is replica... [171 words]
Dead Roses by Kendall Wilt A little diddy for an old girlfriend. [144 words]
Cowboys Who Love Cowboys by Cedric McClester Cowboys Who Love Cowboys is inspired by the Academy Award nominated motion picture, Br... [360 words]
Can't You Hear Me? by Just Another Kid - [292 words]
Can You Say Hypocrit? by Cedric McClester Can You Say Hypocrit, pretty much speaks for itself. [265 words]
Buried In Aleeton, Ia by Brandon Colcleasure - [184 words]
Bang Bang by Rapadamus Bang Bang is a commentary on the urban situation. The internalized oppression and its sad results. [353 words]
Bandage by Andreas Rainmaker A song about things in the past better left forgotten. [244 words]
Are You Really Inclined To Agree? by Cedric McClester Are You Inclined To Agree was inspired by the slimplictic answers we are give... [209 words]
A Day Late... by Cedric McClester A Day Late...is a classic blues song that speaks for itself. [147 words]

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Myspace pwns.
[215 words]
[November 2006]
Angry Fever (Poetry) Rarrrrg. [75 words]
Apple (Poetry) - [156 words] [Thriller]
Ask You (Poetry) - [133 words]
Balanced (Essays) - [65 words] [Mind]
Brighter Than The Eye (Poetry) - [54 words] [Motivational]
Cancel The Order (Poetry) My first entry. Please be kind.. [114 words] [Romance]
Carmen, Open That Door! (Poetry) A discreet poem about..well Im not going to spoil it, but it's cool. [293 words] [Mind]
Code Of Deadjerry (Poetry) A code to go by. [156 words] [Popular Fiction]
Deaths Door On The Gallipoli (Poetry) It's 1915, I sit in the trenches on the Aegean coast of Suvla Bay. Waiting for my enemy to rouse my fear. [430 words] [Biography]
Deep Hole, Dirty Dust. (Poetry) A wizard is trapped inside his own mind. The key is no-where to be seen. [93 words] [History]
Divinity (Poetry) ? [65 words] [Mystery]
Don't Stand There ! (Poetry) - [49 words]
End This... (Poetry) - [74 words] [Mind]
Every Pressure (Poetry) - [180 words] [Relationships]
Free Will, Dark Night (Poetry) - [84 words]
Go On Without Me. (Songs) - [85 words] [Nature]
Guessing Game (Poetry) - [109 words] [Mystery]
Halo (Poetry) - [72 words] [Art]
Happy Moth (Poetry) Can you feel deprivation creeping up on you... [69 words] [Architecture]
Human Race Track (Poetry) I will never write again... thanks all for nothing. [500 words] [Crime]
I Thought I Saw You (No?). (Poetry) - [69 words] [Finance]
It Rains Harder Under The Oak Tree (Poetry) A poem that lacks as much as it gains. [19 words] [Motivational]
King For A Day! (Poetry) The best day. [140 words] [History]
Laughing Pig (Poetry) Peek into the central database of thoughts from one man. [112 words] [Mind]
Living Purgatory (Poetry) - [29 words]
Maybe I Did See You. (Poetry) - [89 words] [Thriller]
Open Coffin (Poetry) Dunno what Im thinking, read and see my mind... [133 words] [Mind]
Pawn Of Z-War (Poetry) - [118 words] [Fantasy]
Personally I Think.... (Poetry) Helpless are these feeling's. [77 words] [Horror]
Phone You, To Hear Your Voice (Poetry) The voice of the one you loved is a siren, you can't help but here their voice as you know everything after will be alright. [142 words] [Relationships]
Placid Dreamer (Poetry) - [115 words]
Rest On The Wind (Poetry) A poem that reads, and loves, it hopes for your eyes to read, and would love it. [74 words] [Mystical]
Review ! A Myth.. (Poetry) A blast at the lack of readers, but writers on this Forum. [108 words] [Motivational]
Same Sky Rhapsody (Poetry) A little jibe at the lack of control in this world.. [111 words] [Mind]
Shadows At Dawn (Poetry) The part of the day where the world wakes up.. [36 words] [Mystical]
Silk Razors (Poetry) I expected this world to be a bit nicer than it is, why are we so nasty sometimes? [114 words] [Romance]
Sleepy Eyes (Non-Fiction) A poem about a man who cant take it in a world full of greed, and has to end it.. I have no psychological link to my brain so this poem is totally non-fiction.:) [77 words] [Mind]
Son Of The Sun (Poetry) - [255 words] [Mystical]
Stairway To No-Where (Poetry) A poem that climbs.....Or..descends!?!? [17 words] [Popular Fiction]
Take Someone Else (Poetry) - [69 words]
Thank You (For Everything That You Do) (Poetry) Ok.. 1 more! [63 words] [Romance]
The Drums Of Jericho (Poetry) - [173 words] [Mystical]
The Forward Thinker (Poetry) Felling a bit ambitious tonight. [166 words]
The Lady In The Forest (Short Stories) She awakens in the forest at 4am. Why? [1,658 words] [Horror]
The Wars Of Belfast Part 1. (Short Stories) A story about a city searching for hope through war, based in the late eighties. Contains some swearing. 15 rating. [1,221 words] [History]
Thinking About Your Leaves (Poetry) - [117 words]
Waving Goodbye (Poetry) A black hole of a poem. [127 words] [Architecture]
Wet Dream (Poetry) - [106 words] [Romance]
Winter's Wisdom (Poetry) Cold and valiant. [90 words] [Fantasy]

Hey baby girl I seen you on myspace
You got a lovely body, not to mention a lovely face
Your all that I want you can meet but don't be late
The girl of my dreams sitting in my top 8

Oh yeahh..

I seen you straight away, and I added you without haste
Your someone that I'd marry,I'd make sure you wouldn't go to waste
There's something almost angelic about your lovely face
And I cant believe I met you on my damn myspace

Oh yeahh..

But I sent you a message, I maybe sent you nine or ten
You wanted to meet me but you wouldn't say when
If I found out you loved me the way I love you
I would add you to myspace called myheart too OOo

I open myspace to see a new message waiting
I look to see it's not you, myheart is bruised and breaking
I really thought you loved me the way I loved you
I guess that's just the way we do what we do, on mypsace.. O O O O

Months have gone by and you don't answer me back
I don't know why you ignore me, what's the Fu*king crack?
You torture and you tease me and you always make me wait
You've had your chance with me, your now off my top 8 .. Bye Bye O O O O



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© 2006 Sasu
February 2006

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