22yrs old and living in NC since August 2010. [January 2012]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (8) Angels Fly (Songs) A Christmas song though not my best. [98 words] [Spiritual] Christian Ups And Christian Downs (Poetry) Just a poem that I wrote while bored. Hope you all like it. [69 words] [Spiritual] Death Has Come Knocking At My Door. (Short Stories) A story that will make Dr. Sueze proud. Unless I misspelled his name. The idea just popped into my head and had nothing else to do so wrote it down, and the rest flowed out from there. [173 words] [Fable] I Had (Songs) Not sure how to describe it. Just had that thought before going to bed wrote it down, and the song came to me a couple of days later. [84 words] [Motivational] See The Truth. (Songs) A song to reach out to others. Country style. Hope ya all like it. It's from the heart. [190 words] [Relationships] Thoughts On Idiots (Essays) Just some thoughts of mine I thought others might find funny/interesting. [78 words] [Mind] Thoughts On My Dad (Essays) Just some thoughts as to why my dad refused to believe about the emotional abuse. Don't worry, it's not happening anymore. [254 words] [Relationships] Why Can't He? (Poetry) This poem goes with my song See the Truth. [54 words] [Drama]
Mom's Birthday Poem Bethany J Hargrove
Who is she who holds me tight, when sadness comes into my heart? Mom Who is my friend on the roughest of roads? Mom Who gives me courage when I want to give up all hope? Mom Who is the one who will love me even if I do wrong? Mom Who is she who gave me a home when I had no where to go? Mom Who gave me strength to love myself once again? Mom Whose trust will never shatter like others has done before? Mom Who is she who is friend, courage, love, home, strength, and trust all in one? Mom
A birthday gift of gratitude for the one who gave me all this and more.
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