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The Din by R Bennett Okerstrom 42 strong words. [42 words]
A Guy Who Didn't Talk by Corey Alissa A poem about a shy guy and his life. [101 words]
You Let Your Jealousy Overtake You by Omar Longoria Dumb feelings thatare already gone from my soul. [111 words]
Whispers From Small French Children by Martin De Leon - [73 words]
We Care Carebears We Care! by Omar Longoria I have know idea where this came from. Goofy... but I like it. [75 words]
The Killing Heart by Christy Mack I'm not exactly sure what it's about. Just started writing. You decide. Fiction. [106 words]
Screaming Wind Knows by Omar Longoria You ever feel like your falling into a dream within a dream? [72 words]
Psalms Of A Hypocrite by Janae D Anthony No time to pray. [521 words]
Ponderings: A Collection by Reed Stuart A small collection of personal thoughts [606 words]
Oh Baby by Omar Longoria - [115 words]
Make Sure Their Dead My Dear
Leave It Alone by Omar Longoria What seems important now won't last forever. [67 words]
It Never Ends by Omar Longoria see i try, to look up to, to the sky, but my eyes burn! [117 words]
Downtown: Coney Island Footlong by R Bennett Okerstrom Part four of a series referring to Downtown Detroit's homeless population. [635 words]
Don't Fall On My Living Roots by Omar Longoria I drank to much last night... my head. and then you call me. [109 words]
And Then You Wouldn't Want It Any Other Way by Omar Longoria close your eyes. see the snake. one red eye and one green eye. 7 mi... [69 words]
Planar Void by Joey The Raven "Planar Void", titled after one of the poems in it, contains mostly love poems written after a brea... [2,784 words]
Weeping Willows by Randy Guess A man's brother talks about his suicide...and different views of life. [881 words]
To All The Lonely by Nancy F. Carlson this is expression of deep feelings of my own about fighting and boyfriends. there all poem... [1,087 words]
November Vibe by Rob Parrish - [360 words]
Infinity Of Evil And Others by Steven K Mitchell More dark poetry. [741 words]
He Knocked The Budgie Over by Joe Gallivan A humorous poem inspired by an assignment at a Creative Writing class [238 words]
Dreams by Melloson Allen - [124 words]
Downtown: One Eye by R Bennett Okerstrom Part two of a series referring to Downtown Detroit's homeless population. [223 words]
Downtown: Mr. O.D.C. Preacher by R Bennett Okerstrom Part three of a series referring to Downtown Detroit's homeless population. [261 words]
Downtown: Do You Have A Quarter? by R Bennett Okerstrom Part one of a series referring to Downtown Detroit's homeless population. [315 words]
All You by Rob Parrish - [249 words]
New Beginning by R Bennett Okerstrom - [93 words]
Nothing by R Bennett Okerstrom - [77 words]
'twas The Night Before X-Mas 2k by Mason Cole The real meaning of Christmas condensed into poetry form. [371 words]
War Chess by Mason Cole An allegorical look at the Civil War, espcially Lee and Grant. [548 words]
Us by R Bennett Okerstrom - [182 words]
To My Blooming Rose by Mason Cole A short work of dedication to a very special someone. [113 words]
The Stars by Mason Cole A short philosophical piece. [219 words]
The Roof That Night by Bruce The Mtndewpoet Just a bit of fantasy... [114 words]
The Rhyme Of Eternal Triangles by Richard Koss A poem that describes in a silly, funny way, the futility of wanting someone wh... [223 words]
The Greatest Of All by Mason Cole A work of triumph about a personal hero of mine. [381 words]
The Form Of Poetry by Mason Cole Peotry is an undefinable thing in technical terms. This piece is meant to help describe jus... [318 words]
The Eyes Of God by Janae D Anthony The omniscience of God. [190 words]

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Make Sure Their Dead My Dear
don't go
not over there
[109 words]
Omar Longoria
[November 2000]
And Then You Wouldn't Want It Any Other Way (Poetry) close your eyes. see the snake. one red eye and one green eye. 7 miles long. deadly. all the history of the world on it's scale. [69 words]
Don't Fall On My Living Roots (Poetry) I drank to much last night... my head. and then you call me. [109 words]
It Never Ends (Poetry) see i try, to look up to, to the sky, but my eyes burn! [117 words]
Leave It Alone (Poetry) What seems important now won't last forever. [67 words]
Oh Baby (Poetry) - [115 words]
Screaming Wind Knows (Poetry) You ever feel like your falling into a dream within a dream? [72 words]
Stranger To Myself (Essays) “Look in the mirror. The face that pins you with its double gaze reveals a chastening secret.” [1,225 words]
We Care Carebears We Care! (Poetry) I have know idea where this came from. Goofy... but I like it. [75 words]
You Let Your Jealousy Overtake You (Poetry) Dumb feelings thatare already gone from my soul. [111 words]
Make Sure Their Dead My Dear
Omar Longoria

make sure their dead my dear.

Take you out of the dark!
and put you in the spotlight.
Big fucking star.

isn’t that what you want?

(“Your god sits in the back of a limosine.
Your god is a shallow little bitch trying to make the scene.
Your god’s face is on the cover of the MAGAZINES!
your god comes in a wrapper of cellophane.”)

It’s time to bring an end to this insanity.

Don’t pretend your not one of the sheep.
A sheep born to follow.
A sheep programmed from birth.

What happens when your by yourself little sheepy?
All alone.

The big bad wolf takes care of you.
That’s what becomes of someone who depends.

Just Kidding,

Or am I?


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© 2000 Omar Longoria
November 2000

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