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Immortalized Dream by Fred Hardy Suasidal theme. something I wrote a long time ago the words came very easy. and like most th... [172 words]
One More Try by Fred Hardy Complicated lyrics fast pace music with great melody .still searching for answers. [230 words]
How Is It Now! by Fred Hardy hard to follow its like a really bad trip chorus is simple with repetition any comments good or... [248 words]
My Angel ,My Star by Fred Hardy Speaks of the pain of living without someone who was very close. [161 words]
The Sinfull Seduction Of A Communist by Fred Hardy a point of view from the left on how american society has influenced the... [276 words]
True To Your Name by Fred Hardy Sometimes it can be very confusing with all the complications that surround us choice are mad... [205 words]
When Your Seventeen by Fred Hardy Misunderstood. very twisted look at the choice between life and death. in a world that has ... [359 words]
You Had Lost Your Way by Fred Hardy Very slow with more tempo in the chorus a definite religious theme [193 words]
Wating For A Message From God by Fred Hardy Not a religious song. no more of revenge mode on a really bad break up. [240 words]
You Think That You Know Me by Fred Hardy Slow pace,a view from the left. [231 words]
Yesterday's Past by Fred Hardy Not much flow but does speak out with imagination some religious people may be offended. [234 words]
Here And Gone by Fred Hardy Depression with susidal theme a definite rock song with more tempo in the chorus. [321 words]
You Want It All by Fred Hardy About the girl next door a very fast pace rock/alternative type song. [240 words]
September Rain by Fred Hardy One of those boring non imaginitve boy girl songs that have been done to death . [233 words]
Somewhere(Part One) by Fred Hardy Part one of three. [203 words]
Another Night In Paradise by Fred Hardy Simple three cord progression the chorus sounds familiar plain rock no surprises lyri... [318 words]
Consumed by Fred Hardy It's about a girl who was just trying to be herself and trying to fit in to the world around her and t... [263 words]
Arizona Heat by Fred Hardy A pop rock song with simple but catchy lyrics .any comments would be appreciated. [237 words]
I Packed My Bags by Desi Williams About how my parents don't appreciate me for who I am, and how sometimes, it gets to the point... [252 words]
Like Raven Wings'
The Internal Plea by Amy Anderson Umm... about the people who bottle up their emotions and appear to be happy but on the inside... [285 words]
Dark Fate by Amy Anderson I was heaps upset when I wrote it and yer... Tell me what you think. [222 words]
6 Foot Under by Amy Anderson A song I rote the otha night, half asleep and heeps upset.. tell me what you think. [294 words]
.The Beach. by Carla Thomson A countryish song. [125 words]
---Hasnt Got One by Kasey Ann Miller I havent got a name yet,some sugestions please.. [122 words]
Your Secret Sins by Amy Anderson A song I wrote about... well I guess it might be obvious.. tell me what you think. [310 words]
Your Lullaby by Amy Anderson Another song, tell me what you think :) [221 words]
Why? Why? How? To See His Own Death by Josh Earl This is a song about a kid that gets bullied so much through his life he ca... [245 words]
Where Are We Now? by Desi Williams Sort of a poem song... wait. all songs are poems LOL... about how trapped I feel sometimes. ... [193 words]
What's Dead Is Gone by Amy Anderson Another song about a friend... actually it's the same person... so as you've probably gathe... [144 words]
What Will Become Of Me by Melanie West A slow but touching drama song. [113 words]
Too Many by Amy Anderson I wrote this a while ago and I wasnt guna put it on but oh well... Its about what I used to always wis... [184 words]
To Set You Free From A Life With Me by Josh Earl This is a song about a guy that nows his girl friends life would be better ... [214 words]
The Way It Goes by Andrej Milec Dedicated to all those who love and have been loved. If you feel the last stanza is a bit diffe... [84 words]
The Unnamed by Kasey Ann Miller Sorry ppls,the stupid thing screwed up my name etc,my real name is KASEY miller not KAREN miller...... [121 words]
The Phsyco Stream by Josh Earl Its a very heavy song about ppl not takin shit of no one anymore. [124 words]
The Ones Unnamed by Karen Miller This song is kinda about me I guess,but also relates to other people,guy or girl,that feel lik... [128 words]
The Hand You Have Sold by Josh Earl This is a kinda stupid song its about no one I have meet yet but I am shore I will sum d... [114 words]
The Description Of Beauty You by Josh Earl This is a song about a special person that has left alot of things in my mermorie... [132 words]
Talk To Me by Sam Cheton It's a song I wrote for no particular reason kinda relates to me... [166 words]
Suicide Lullaby by Kasey Ann Miller This is about a guy I love.... [133 words]
Sonic Boom by Josh Earl This is about a person that never gives up to be with you even when you dont want them to...this is ... [173 words]
Song Of My Life by Andrej Milec Just how it all feels sometimes. [109 words]
Should I Let You In by Carla Thomson A slow rock song. [123 words]
Sacred by Alina Grigoryan - [163 words]
Rising Suns Of You by Josh Earl A softer song about a gurl want more clik in and read and tell me wat u think. [174 words]
Revelations by Joel Aaron An invitation to discover who I am ,the part of me you cannot see. [151 words]
Put Me Down by Alina Grigoryan This song is not about me at all,though I wrote it. [140 words]
Over Change by Amy Anderson Wrote it bout one of my friends... just thought of it off the top of mi head so I duno if its any g... [134 words]
Only One by Brian C Lebron - [60 words]
Old Man 2 by Andrej Milec This one is more like a pop/rock song. Thought it up on my way home. [166 words]
Nothing Less Then You by Amy Anderson Just came to me then... tell me what you think. [142 words]
Not Loving You by Amy Anderson Umm... about some one who is in love with one person but can't stop thinking about some one else... [158 words]
Never Lands Pain by Josh Earl This is a song about a kind of a nerd liking a realli popular chik and she never notices him i... [228 words]
Natasha by Alina Grigoryan Just a funny one , nothing personal to Natashas:)) [66 words]
Melody Of My Tears by Josh Earl This is a song about a gurl I new who was very depressed at the time..... plz leave your com... [123 words]
Maybe I'll Let Go by Nash Song about the same girl it's always about:- [218 words]
Looking At The Same Thing...Different! .. 6 Songs.. by Jane Ruth The song is about all of the different perspectives we have... [763 words]
Little Black Hook by Nash - [254 words]
Liberty For Libertines by Alina Grigoryan A note *on 18th of may 1964 was a riot ( rockers etc.) [179 words]
Know Me by Sam Cheton It's a song I wrote about how I feel about this guy I've liked 4ever. [122 words]
Know Me (Revised) by Sam Cheton It's Knew Me revised. I didnt like the other one as much. This one has rap in it... [115 words]
Kewler Than You Or Me To Handle by Josh Earl About alota faggets that think there to good for anyone. [252 words]
Just A Little, Baby by Desi Williams How I'm feeling in the moment... [143 words]
I'm Still Alive by Amy Anderson Another song... same shit behind it... tell me what you think. [269 words]
If You Wanna by Tom Bomb - [117 words]
How Do I Live by Kym Whitney Um this is a song already made up by trisha yearwood....its like exactly how I feel for someone r... [188 words]
Hope For The Helpless by Amy Anderson About the people that make life so hard and the ones who give me strength to keep going..... [255 words]
Happy by Steph Kidd Its a rock song. me and my parents have been having some crazy times lately. theyre driving me insane...l... [124 words]
Give Into The New Addiction by Karen Miller --This is a song about a guy who im not to happy with at the moment. [117 words]
Friday Afternoon by Carla Thomson This song is kinda jazzy. if you just read it can sound depressing. but it sounds kool when it... [99 words]
Feel Sorry by Jannah Akira Bout me and how I feel. [208 words]
Don't You Realize by Finding Saturday Fs It's a song someone in my band wrote about a guy in our class. [101 words]
Difunctional Things by Luke Giddins About people I dont like and what I want them to do. [397 words]
Depression--- Game Over by Josh Earl This song is about anyone that has been depressed a song about the real life the happy ... [201 words]
Comfort Place by China Rose Marie Bullock Talks about the place you go to when you need your space. [130 words]
Clones At Heart by Josh Earl A very soft song think of vermillion pt 2 [136 words]
Broken Cinderella by Melanie Geeregat Umm..don't really know what to say about this, wrote it about myself I guess... [174 words]
Blood Stained Tears by Amy Anderson Another song... leave a comment :) [225 words]
Best Friend And Worst Enemy by Desi Williams Hard Rock lyrics... country sound... those two don't normally go together, huh? :) ... [154 words]
Be My Guest by Alina Grigoryan Song about me..i really felt like that in the moment I wrote this song Not a long one but with mus... [35 words]
Awake--Sleep by Josh Earl This is a weird song about people that never want to sleep never wanna see what there nightmares b... [174 words]
Single Chaotic by Amy Anderson I was so sick of always getting the blame for anything and everything that ever went wrong.... a... [186 words]
Without You In This Lonely World by Jennifer Cuartas A song about a guy I used to love who died. [66 words]
With A Reason Why by Aryka - [279 words]
Who Am I That Jesus Would Die For Me? by Jessica L Young This song talks about wondering why Jesus would die for me. We are all si... [102 words]
What Is Here by Jannah Akira Never look back. [130 words]
Upside Down by Katie C Johnson It's about a real life story that I had for a boy that I loved but things came between us and ended... [573 words]
Trapt by Amy Anderson This song is pretty up beat all the way through and is especially faster in the chorus. It's about feelin... [164 words]
There's No Sometimes With You by Ellen E Watson Sometimes clouds turn into storms Sometimes sunshine shines on my day Sometimes s... [115 words]
The One Who Aparts Us by Fahad Tauhid Lyrics about life: The most hated the most loved. Its quite metallic. [119 words]
Thank You Lord by Jessica L Young Song talks about thanking the Lord for everything...Med. paced... [77 words]
Suicidal Self Desire by Josh Anderson Lyrics; Through misery and self sacrifice, what is this world achieving? When sung, it is ... [176 words]
Steak Night At Barnie's by Lithium - [116 words]
Stay Away From My Way by Desi Williams It's a hard rock song... maybe not heavy metal... but definitely hard rock... punk... yea... [134 words]
So Sick by Nash Song about my repetetive confusion with the same girl. [163 words]
She'll Make It Thru by Dri - [278 words]
Saviour by Kaye Burland This is a song about a teenaged girl who feels empty and alone. [178 words]
Red Eye Summer by Nash A little discription of my summertime. leave a review! [188 words]
Not You by Kelli L Potts This poem is about a kid being constanly pressured to be something they don't want to be. A very common... [102 words]
My Melted October by Kayla Hupp This song is basically a romance song. It tells about when my boyfriend whom I loved with all... [164 words]
Mahal Kita by Amy Anderson Well.. mahal kita is filo for "i love you" and I wrote about my boyfriend who I have liked for along... [124 words]
Lost In Mind by Amy Anderson Just another song... hope you like it. [211 words]
Left To Burn by Amy Anderson Another song... so f*n cut wen I rote it.. plz read it n tell me wat u think :) [296 words]
Jesus You Are by Jessica L Young My last song that I wrote. I am working on writing more...This song is fast paced... [112 words]
Jesus Is There by Jessica L Young Song tells you that Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you. He'll always be there when you n... [105 words]
Imperfect by Nash Lol I decided to do more of a wierd theme this time instead of a straight out song. I like it, I migh... [183 words]
If Only You Could by Nash Song about alot of things. I took some of the comments on my other songs and peoms into cons... [167 words]
I Love You Jesus by Jessica L Young A little chorus I made up...Fast paced... [39 words]
Four Walls by Brian C Lebron - [93 words]
Enter Insanity by Amy Anderson I wrote this song after I had been sitting down for a while thinking about my life, I realised t... [218 words]
Ends Here by Amy Anderson Another fast, heavy song... feel free to say anything you want about it... good or bad, it's all good... [232 words]
Christmas Day by Fred Hardy Simple melody catchy,not every thing is as it seems. [211 words]
Bullets by Lode Loyens Song about the real violence and hardship for someone born in the inner city or ghetto. [133 words]
Broken Promises(Monday Never Came) by Babe I got hurt too many times and let it happen again, I had to get it out some ... [189 words]
Bleeding Tears by Amy Anderson Another song.... alot of emotion behind it. [163 words]
All I Need 2 by Desi Williams This is a slightly different version of the first one... no swear words. [166 words]
Ache by Amy Anderson I'm not sure I really like this song.... I was so cut when I wrote it so I don't think I put much effort i... [165 words]

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Like Raven Wings'
[134 words]
Brian C Lebron
[March 2007]
21 Guns' (Poetry) I remember as a child my father sharing with my brother and I stories about when he served for his country in the Korean War.Expressed with such graphical detail and conviction that I could never forg... [23 words]
A Deeper Blue (Songs) - [109 words]
A Different Place (Songs) - [66 words]
A Fine Line (Songs) - [60 words]
A Reflection Of Tomorrow (Poetry) - [63 words]
A Sunday Drive (Poetry) - [85 words]
All (Songs) Just a tune I recently wrote. [53 words]
All The Things.... (Songs) This isn't quite finished.But let me know what you think anyhow. [65 words]
Apparitions (Poetry) - [15 words]
Awake (Poetry) - [55 words]
Babylon (Poetry) - [70 words]
Blood & Wine (Poetry) This poem was inspired by Jim Morrison, his writings have been a big influence in my style of writing for quite some time. [58 words]
Born Again (Poetry) This was inspired by a poem on this website.This actually has 35 words not 13 [13 words]
Breathe To Speak (Songs) made some new changes let me know what you think. [158 words]
Bring You Down (Songs) Sometimes distance can test relationships in ways that if survived can only make us stronger in the long run. [89 words]
By My Side (Songs) - [123 words]
Discovering Tomorrow (Poetry) - [50 words]
Dispelling The Magic (Poetry) I think most of you will enjoy reading this one.It's something I just came up with.Let me know what you think. [34 words] [Mystical]
Epiphany (Songs) This one has got a real nice tapping style that coincides with the rythym as your strumming the chords.Feels real good reminds me of Godsmack or Alice in Chains. [90 words]
Fences (Poetry) This poem is about the day I escaped out the front yard when I was three. [70 words]
Four Walls (Songs) - [93 words]
Freak Show (Poetry) - [66 words]
Heresy (Poetry) This is a remake of another poem I wrote titled "Sacred Magic" let me know what you think. [93 words]
I (Songs) This is a little something I wrote lastnight strumming along with my acoustic.About my sobriety. [61 words]
Like A Bird (Poetry) - [77 words]
Make Me Laugh (Poetry) This poem was influenced by a movie I watched a year or two ago.Check it out and let me know what you think. [38 words]
Must Be Something (Songs) Written for my fiance.Check it out and letme know what you think. [114 words]
My Eternal... (Poetry) This is something I wrote this morning.Let me know what you think. [40 words]
Nothing Safe (Songs) If everyone you trusted in failed you tomorrow how would it effect the outcome of the rest of your life? [68 words]
On Winter's Deathbed (Poetry) - [14 words]
Only One (Songs) - [60 words]
Paper Moon (Poetry) - [42 words]
Pay No Mine (Songs) This one reminds me somewhat of a style like Jack Johnson.It's got a catchy rythymn to it.Give it a read and let me know what you think. [150 words]
Sacred Magic (Poetry) - [41 words]
September (Poetry) - [21 words]
Take My Hand (Songs) This is a song I wrote for my fiance. [72 words]
The Canyon,The Hawk And The Dreamcatcher (Poetry) - [65 words]
The Innocence Of Youth (Poetry) The beginning of this poem has reference to a Native American myth,mixed with a style inspired by William Blake and a true event that happened to a childhood friend. [71 words]
The Lotus (Poetry) Haiku. [6 words]
The Memory Of Dreams (Poetry) - [50 words]
The Passing (Poetry) - [73 words]
The Poet's Muse (Poetry) I wrote this back a couple of years ago.Check it out and let me know what you think. [40 words]
The Premise Of Morning (Poetry) This poem is dedicated in the memory of Layne Staley. [49 words]
The Silence (Poetry) - [27 words]
The Wake Of My Desire (Poetry) - [58 words]
This Love (Songs) - [61 words]
Trippin' Sunshine (Songs) You can hear this on my "Stillborn Afterbirth"profile on myspace.Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think. [42 words]
Waking Twilight (Poetry) Not so sure about the title.let me know what you think. [50 words]
Words' To Say (Poetry) - [16 words]
...In Hell (Songs) I wrote this for my daughter.Hope you like it. [59 words]
...With My Bones (Songs) This song was influenced by The Doors.But to hear it on my 2nd CD would be a real treat. [19 words]
Like Raven Wings'
Brian C Lebron

I've got my trigger finger on
the trigger of my new gun
with a plastic smile to hide behind
when i feel it's time to fly

it's time to fly

because i can only wait so long
before it's time for moving on
a wounded bird
with a broken wing
with out-stretched arms
like raven wings

I swear to Christ it won't be long
before my resolve is with a gun
with a plastic smile under pale moonlight
I swear to Christ upon my life

because I can only wait so long
before it's time for moving on
a wounded bird
with a broken wing
with out-stretched arms'
like raven wings

moving farther wayward from
moving westward setting sun
with a plastic smile to hide behind
when i feel it's time to fly

it's time to fly

because i can only wait so long
before it's time for moving on
a wounded bird
with a broken wing
with out-stretched arms
like raven wings



"I always love ur work when i read it, and this is no different, blooming brilliant Brain, loved it!" -- Josh / AxeY.
"Simply stunning...nothing else to say about it" -- Rebecca.
"I recorded this last weekend and it turned out pretty good. Not bad at all.I appreciate the good reviews.Thanx," -- Brian L.
"beautiful work, I would say wonderful. " -- Dri.
"Thank you Dri,I appreciate the positive feedback.I've been trying to e-mail you but with every attempt every one got sent back." -- Brian L.


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© 2005 Brian C Lebron
September 2005

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