AshleyHudson, keep trying and pushing hope u like it. [March 2012]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (26) 30 And Still Learning. (Novels) Almost There, Talks about how at a certain age u think u know it all, and still have alot to learn. Like at age 18, 21, 25, 30. still growing. [20 words] [Motivational] A Minsiter Child (Short Stories) A Minsiter Child, is about how somebody grow up in a house with a pastor and how it affect the person life. people think that the child is perfect. [34 words] [Biography] Bed Sheets (Novels) is about how what happen the next morinning between me and u. After we than when to bed with each other. [29 words] [Drama] Comeing Off The Porch (Novels) Comeing off the porch, talks about how u as a person don't know nothing bout life. [46 words] [Drama] First Flight (Screenplays) First Flight, is about this kid who trying to find her way. By knowing what she want to do and she feel lost, her friend get kill and she have to deside if she want to stay where she from or go live w... [18 words] [Drama] If Tomorrow Never Comes (Plays) Talks about how u don't know what to tomorrow brings. until the next day so u just wait and see [12 words] [Drama] In God's Profile (Plays) talks about God have a list of things he wants us. To do for him but we as people choose to go our way. [23 words] [Drama] My Sex Life (Novels) Frist i want to said it not bout sex it goes alot deep in talking about sex, how it good and bad, to a quick to a one night stand. [44 words] [Erotic] Next Chapter (Novels) Next Chapter, talks about how it always a chapter in your life. [32 words] [Drama] Nothing Earn,Nothing Gain. (Novels) The story is about, getting someting for something, saying that u help me I help u.Be by myside I be by yourside. [20 words] [Drama] Old School Love (Short Stories) Old School Love is bout bringing the love back makeing it feel gineuing and real. [21 words] [Drama] Our Story (Short Stories) Our story, talks bout country where we from which is Louisiana. From our food to clothers, How we as people is different from other states. [33 words] [Biography] Pick Eaters (Children) PickEaters, is about how childern is very pick when it comes to food, clothers, friends, people and Ect. [30 words] [Popular Fiction] Singles (Screenplays) Singles, talks about how four sisters have beautiful voices all of them could sing. They start a group and go from there. [20 words] [Drama] Sunday Blues (Screenplays) Sunday's Blues, is a old time movie that it express feeling back in the day. When u went to church and share yours ways and your feeling on where u live at and brought up. [19 words] [Movies] Sweethearts (Short Stories) SweetHearts, talks about how one person is so much in love. with this person at one time they felt the same way, down deep inside they still do they just teaching them a lesson, to not take they love ... [27 words] [Drama] The Best Is Yet To Come (Plays) The Best is yet to come, Talks about how to whole on the best is yet to come keep the faith. [23 words] [Drama] The Jewerly Box (Novels) The Jewerly Box Talks about my life how grow up it not. Like the same story everybody have a story to tell and a testmonial. [21 words] [Biography] The Red Light Special (Novels) The Red Light Special, is about How this woman goes on this date. She met this guy all she thinking is can it get to the red light which is candles, Wedding Bells, Ect. [12 words] [Erotic] Tough Skin (Short Stories) tough Skin talks about, how in the Gay World u have. To be strong mineded not just with woman but men to. If u in that lifesyle u have to have some tough skin to deal with anybody. [34 words] [Gay & Lesbian] U And Me (Poetry) U and me, is about if the Relationship will last. [5 words] [Drama] What Kind Of Love Is This (Short Stories) it is about how love trne upside down, and go wrong. How to fix we don't know. It be all good than be upside down. [27 words] [Drama] What's The Deal (Screenplays) talks about a one night stand, how everything goes down containing that one night stand. [42 words] [Drama] Which One (Novels) Which one, talks about how this person is in a circle. Of who she should go to do she continued with her ex and work it out, or go with the person she just met. [25 words] [Drama] Who's Behind The Door (Novels) This story talks about how this woman don't know who behind the door until she find out. [50 words] [Drama] Win Or Loose (Poetry) talk about when u tired of something, and u want to give up. Times get hard. [44 words] [Movies]
Just Pray About Ashley N Hudson Hudson
A Play that talks bout one communtity come together as one and pray bout there things they going throught, a small town.
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