This play is about a African American woman struggling to survive and take care of her family; however, she can't because all the employers in her city is hiring illegal immigrants, and telling her she does not have enough experience, and this mom is pissed as hell. [454 words]
A beautiful young single African American mother, who is accomplishing her goals and succeding through some of lifes toughest objections and distractions. I learned a long time ago, that no matter what I go through or what someone says about me, or whoever may disbelive in me. That I will make it. I am determined to and I believe in myself no matter what odds I am facing. For better or for worst, I can do something about anything I face. I accept all challenges except death, because I can't do anything dead. [September 2005]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (10) Ciggaretts (Poetry) A Health Hazard worst and costly then the most addictive drugs out in the market place to date. [296 words] [Health] Cuntroversy (Short Stories) A story with several twists and turns, as she whispers the words in his ear " you never know the underlining truth " CUNTROVERSY" History proves women are smarter! [183 words] [Erotic] Hot Baby (Songs) Intro: The way you make me feel. [106 words] [Mind] It Is My Business (Poetry) This poem is about other people business, but your own. [123 words] [Comedy] Start Asking Questions (Poetry) This poem is about relationships? [136 words] [Fantasy] The Lying Voice (Short Stories) Ms.Johnson a successfully, established woman whom is constantly batteling this tormenting voice in her head. This voice has become a personal war her against the voice. Is she worthless as the voice... [425 words] [Mind] The Wendy Williams Pu-Lease (Poetry) A big Phat Shout Out to my girl Wendy Williams on her Pu-lease to the people who did not give one brown cent to the Katrina Hurricane Victims, and the victims who did not accept help after loosing eve... [203 words] This Spirt In Me (Screenplays) Theme is Two woman act. A young lady name Kim desperately trying to find her purpose in this world. She calls the request line to speak to disc jockey about her issues. [775 words] [Drama] Umn Is All I Can Say (Poetry) This poem is about handsom or beautiful women that make you Umn. [95 words] [Fantasy] Who Said? (Poetry) This poem is about courage and believing in yourself, when no one else believes in you, your parents, family, or friends. It's human nature to walk by sight and not by faith; however, faith is the be... [26 words] [Adventure]
Here it is my mother marched with one of the greatest leaders Martin Luther King for equality, and to be treated like a human being and 50 years later here it is a nigga can't even push a broom on the side-walk to feed his family. You're damn right I am mad, I am pissed as hell. In my neighborhood where I stay at now, A nigga would be skinned alive if they were caught in that area. Now here come all these foreigners taken over my community like fucken cock roaches, they bring their babies, their drugs, "cocaine" and their illegal ass families over here to steal work from hard working civil rights decendants. Who gives a damn, I don't want to do the same job the white man will not do. . Are they being held accountable for their standards. HELL no. Yes, I can get a job flipping a burger, but I am a middle aged, educated woman with a family. I'll let the children, teens flip burgers, I don't want to take their jobs, and I'm not talking about taken the illegal immigrants pepper picking jobs they can have those. I never was a slave, and I have never picked cotton, and I never will. White America, I blame you, you always want to get in the bed with criminals, abuse mother fuckers then pretend like you are the Here nothing, See nothing and Say nothing Monkey's. Everyone knows your justice is selective. I'm not just blaming white folks, I'm blaiming everyone who is in a position to be a solution, and instead they rather be part of the problem. If you're going to be tough on crime, start with the politicans. We all know if you're not dead then you're not right, and It does not matter if you're black, white or chinese. Allowing illegal immigrants to come over here and dictate how our country should be run, how the law applies to everyone except them is hillarious. My advice is this. Go to Rehab and stop doing drugs. Stop making deals with the devil and be leaders.
Hell I guess what it all boils down to is: Gays, Dogs, and immigrants get more rights than African Americans, who were brought here by force and the ones who marched in the Civil rights movements. Shame on you America, NOT BUSH. Employers and Congress should be held accountable for the way they operate our country. America is not the land of the free for all.!!!!!
Disc Jockey: Caller, would you like a hug, all I am asking is can't we all just get along, like Rodney King said.
Caller: Yes, If I can get a job, that allows me earn a decent living.
"I think you have a very heavy subject. will I don't enought about subject to say something highlee intellegent." -- J H.
"Oh come on, You yourselve should have respect, if you so call yourselve respectable than you should not call black people Niggers- alright Illegal immigrants yes, But if you are not respectable than how can you respect other people." -- Billy, southside queens, new york.
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