AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (28) Apocalypse (Poetry) The German gods didn't like you. [78 words] Ash (Poetry) - [55 words] [Architecture] Bad Day. (Poetry) - [100 words] Crime And Me (Poetry) A commition to crime where there are only two involved. [159 words] [Crime] Dark Betrayal (Poetry) A love misplaced. [58 words] [Romance] Dark Love (Poetry) - [54 words] Dementium (Poetry) - [170 words] [Horror] Don't Be Obsessive (Essays) People during school who act like they are a "gangsta." [456 words] Dreams 1 (Short Stories) This is the most recent dream I can remember. I am above the influence and these are always weird dreams/ nightmares. Enjoy! [355 words] Eternal Heartache (Short Stories) In honor and memory of Grandpa Buddy. [597 words] Harrassment (Essays) This has been going on ever since my school started to learn about The Holocaust. [857 words] Heaven Shunned (Poetry) When all hope is lost, one can give into anything in a time of dire need. [49 words] Hells' Populous (Short Stories) This is chapter one of a comic idea that got turned into a story. It's about types of troops designed for military use that are sent later to an island that's mostly a huge city at their disposal. The... [439 words] [Science Fiction] I Saw You (Poetry) Stalking a girl is like being a ninja during the time of Christmas. [126 words] In Soviet... (Essays) Just a bunch of random "In Soviet..." tidbits I thought up. If any of these are offensive to you, then by all means don't post here. These weren't meant to hurt anyone and if they were, it would've be... [83 words] Ninja (Songs) A short silly song about two ninjas. [49 words] [Comedy] Paranormal Sighting 1 More Lights. (Essays) The follow up of what I saw. Note: The first paranormal sighting one was supposed to be under Wanderer Bass, for I forgot to put in the Wanderer part. [372 words] Rant - Stupid Kids (Essays) Here's a rant that we all share when we think about stupid highschool kids. [718 words] Rest In Peace (Poetry) Everyone loves their mother. [64 words] Stolen Emotion (Poetry) Emotions is the vitae of human suffering. [38 words] The Game Of... (Poetry) Bring your friends to the party, I'm sure you'll love my game... [204 words] [Teenage] The No-No's And Yes-Yes's. (Essays) Do not EVER joke around about The Holocaust. [245 words] The Sea (Poetry) - [51 words] Visual Mind (Essays) This is what I see and think during times of when I'm in a "feral" mode. [663 words] Wanderer (Poetry) This could describe who I am and my goals. [28 words] What Is Heaven? (Essays) - [211 words] Whoops... (Poetry) A silly poem about a guy whos' life sucks at the very end. [124 words] Wwii: A Soldier's Experience (Short Stories) This is a piece of writing I un-earthed from the depths of my room that I wrote awhile ago. It's sort of a war-diary of a soldier in WWII named John. Please comment on what you think. [556 words]
If You Don't Like It... Wanderer Bass
Many people never realize the little term, "If you don't have
anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." And no, I'm
not making a rant to my Harrassment essay of what the last
person posted. This is in general, so I'm not singling
anyone out here. Before you decided to read, read the term
FIRST, then decide whether you will abide by it or not.
Have you ever had that certain someone just for no
apparent reason whatsoever, just walk up to you and say,
"Your face looks like someone pissed all over it."? This brings
up my point and a few questions. Why the devil do you even
WANT to say things like that to others? Are you a spazz? Or
do you like to pick on others that are smaller than you?
Here's an idea, how about you go and say that to some
really tall, Russian, parkour master. Want to know what
you'll get? You won't get a laugh, oh no, you'll get your face
punched in because of your ignorance.
From now on, and I have put this in a few of my texts now
before I made this rant, is to say this: "If you don't have
anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." That clears
everything up rather than having to say if I accidently make
a slur, remark, or accidently say something incorrectly. But
hey, that's my problem, not yours. And from that statement,
this brings up another answer. This IS my problem, but at
least I'm stating that it is and that I'm doing something
about it.
And let me get this straight to all the people who think I
will never live a happy life and think I have major anger
problems. I DO NOT. I don't swear at the computer like some
people because of someone flaming them on a forum or
something. No, I do it maturely and just make a statement
like this one to show that I do not like it when someone
treats me like garbage.
Please comment and read the term above. Thank you for
taking your time to read this for this was not forced upon
you, it was your decescion to read it.
"Even constructive criticism, which is what we all hope to receive, may contain several points the author may consider to be "not nice." In this case, noone should ever review your work because you will most certainly always be offended. Of course, your writing indicates you are offended easily, so this would come as no surprise to those of us who review and comment on your work. I enjoy reading and reviewing the work of others but I felt very uneasy reading most of your pieces. Everything is about you and you alone. It's me vs. all of them kinda stuff over and over again. Do you know anyone who likes you? Do you trust anyone? Do you have friends who like to hang out with you? Your reflection upon these questions will tell you honestly whether or not you have a problem. Good luck. " -- Richard.
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