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Hothouse Lizards Part 2
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Hothouse Lizards Part 2
Voodoo, soul searching and Spanish moss....
[949 words]
D G Williford
Don't hate me because I'm crazy!
[August 2006]
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Take Me To The South (Poetry) Simple diddy re the South. [187 words]
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The Machine (Poetry) Sensitive abortion piece from the baby's viewpoint [160 words]
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The Presidents (Poetry) Twisty and hidden.. You tell me.. I'll let you know if you're right. [122 words]
The Talking House (Poetry) Echoes of old earth and stone.. are you listening? [107 words]
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Tick Tock (Poetry) Betrayal.... [55 words]
Wanderlust (Poetry) You guess... vampire... or lover??? [150 words]
White White Wonderland (Poetry) A short poem scaling seasons from childhood to adult... [134 words] [Motivational]
Hothouse Lizards Part 2
D G Williford

I smiled thinking I had made some huge conquest - like I had taken on the whole Roman Empire with a slingshot and won. Marley at that moment reached for my radio dial and surfed the channels looking for something more to her taste. She settled on an R&B channel that wasn’t coming in too well, I could only pick up every other word, but she seemed happy. I pried again. “How long have you been picking, I mean playing?” She burst into a crazy laugh and said, “Little sister of the Mother Earth! You have no idea about anything do you?”

In a town 75 miles away from two girls heading southward lay evil with a warm heart.
The sea breeze made the bones sing from the handmade chimes that hung over Noriste La’Mand’s door. The night was one of wonder and witchcraft; of spells and ancient chanting. The full moon lit up the woods around Noriste’s house and a lone hound dog howled from afar, lending an even eerier mood to the magical night. Candles flickered in the wind as mahogany bodies slick with sweat swayed to the rhythmic chants.

 Noriste La’Mand in her flowery dress sat in the midst of this midsummer’s night dream. She was in her 70’s and her once dark curly hair had long ago turned white as a dove’s tail. Her eyes were glazed, manifesting all that she had witnessed in her long life. The Gullah matriarch reigned as high priestess of her gathering. She had been holding these rituals since she was a young woman; now she was revered and feared by all that knew her or that heard her name whispered in the dark. Young children walking past her house crossed themselves, or threw a rock covered with moss for protection from her spells. They were sure, from the stories that their mothers and fathers told them on dark balmy nights that they would turn into the snakes that swirled in the swamps if they were not protected.

Noriste swayed to the drums throbbing around her and let her mind slip away to a time long ago. Her upbringing was steeped in voodoo and the ways of the old ones. She was a direct descendant of Marie Laveau, the most powerful voodooienne to live in New Orleans. Marie was born on Santo Domingo in 1794. To this day, people mark her tomb with three X’s hoping that she will grant their wishes. These wishes have mostly to do with matters of the heart. Voodoo was Noriste’s heritage and birthright. Her ancestors, the La’Mands can be traced back to the Foulah Tribe from the town of Kianah, in the District of Temourah, in the Kingdom of Massina, on the Niger River. Their lineage of powerful root doctors, voodoo priestesses and medicine men was one to be revered. She could not deny it. This was her life and kundalini; the root of voodoo was in her soul. All this power of the ages now lay in the heart and soul of one seventy five-year-old priestess living in the swamps.

Something evil was laying in wait for her. She shook, and looked towards the stagnant water. She was afraid. She was too tired and too old to fight it, but in her heart she knew that a battle lay ahead.

Noriste looked deep into the bonfire that illuminated the dancers, and what she saw almost knocked her off her seat. She saw the image of two faces. The faces dancing in the sparks were nothing like any psychic portal to the future she had ever experienced.

 She looked down at the necklace that she wore around her wrinkled neck.
She ripped a bone from the necklace and threw it into the fire. It was a frog’s leg caught in the very swamp that surrounded her home. The bone of a local frog was powerful magic to the Gullahs to ward off all types of evil. As the embers caught fire to the small bleached bone, and exploded in a plume of purple smoke, she shuddered knowing this was the only way to soften the hurricane of trouble that was coming her way.

Marley pulled out a clove cigarette and rolled it over her tongue, then pushed in the lighter in the car’s dash. She looked at me as though she was going to unload all her problems. I waited.

  “Just where are you going Little One?” she said. I was hot and tired, and the tar fumes from the newly paved road were making me sick.

   “I’m from the lower part of the state, this one, and I’m going to what they’re calling on the news the newest resort location in the South.”

I looked down at my own frayed jeans and peasant blouse and started to tell Marley just what had happened in my life to lead me to this point. I wasn’t sure I wanted to tell her, a complete stranger, that I was a total disappointment to my parents, and that I longed for adventure. I hoped that she would tell me about herself first.

Marley shifted in her seat as I was changing lanes.
  She said, “Do you know anything about Charlie Manson or Squeaky Fromme? My parents lived in a commune with them in San Bernardino during the 60’s for about a month. That was all my Mom could handle of sex and acid trips.”

I had heard about the Sharon Tate murders like everyone else in America, but was stunned thinking that I had picked up someone indirectly involved with them. I was shocked and at the same time morbidly curious.



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© 2003 D G Williford
May 2003

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