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Blood & Wine by Brian C Lebron This poem was inspired by Jim Morrison, his writings have been a big influence in my style of writ... [58 words]
Emerging by Dri Cook A natural psycological growing process that most of us, human beings, go thru to get flow of power in ... [85 words]
We'll Get There by Kennedy O Obohwemu It's a motivational one,composed 9th-10th May,2003.It's all about remaining focused.It stemmed ... [100 words]
I'm A Rose by Dri Cook No matter what, a rose will always be a rose in the garden of love. [199 words]
For Better And For Worse by Dri Cook When God created man, He saw that it was not good for him to be alone, and He created ... [91 words]
You Were My Light by G N For someone special. [125 words]
You - New Love by Hayley Burdett - [46 words]
Within The Depths Of His Eyes by Skyler Drevan Only when you're truly in love, can you feel this way. [55 words]
Winter Ode To Keeping Summer Love Alive by Hayley Burdett - [101 words]
Whims Of The Restless by Inchara It is about mind and its powers. [88 words]
Undertow by Hayley Burdett - [30 words]
Touch Me No More by Erasmus Flynt - [114 words]
Thoughts On Omega Minus by William 'joe' Stover - [55 words]
The Dance by Tim D Ryan I was influenced by this after reading Descartes. His views really did spring something up in me...so... [146 words]
Take Heart by Erasmus Flynt - [108 words]
Silence ... But What Do You Care? by Hayley Burdett - [82 words]
Rain Poem by Hayley Burdett - [27 words]
Rain Dance by Hayley Burdett - [43 words]
Princess Of Sorrow by Hayley Burdett - [62 words]
Portrait Of A Friend by Hayley Burdett - [25 words]
Please, Stay! by Dri Cook Love is free. In case you want someone to stay and you fail, let the bird go. If it's meant to be... [126 words]
Picasso by Hayley Burdett - [79 words]
Passing By by Hayley Burdett - [30 words]
On The Other Side Of The Mirror by Hayley Burdett - [46 words]
Om by William 'joe' Stover Tapping the well of ceativity that exists within us all. [31 words]
Object by Lucy Midnight I wrote this piece on the way home on the bus. I'd also like to dedicate it 3 guys in my life that treat... [49 words]
Night Changes by Hayley Burdett - [31 words]
My Shoes by G N Take a walk in my shoes if you dare. [63 words]
Musician's Ode To Love by Hayley Burdett - [39 words]
Missy's Confessions (Part Three: September's Tragedy) by Hayley Burdett - [101 words]
Men In White by Inchara It is for the Traffic Police. [123 words]
Memory Of Melancholy by Hayley Burdett - [66 words]
Me, You And A Rainy Day by G N I love the rain. This was written one rainy morning and it was a perfect day. [141 words]
Margo's Truth by Rocky Rhodes Tht truth lies within. [325 words]
Lust For A Dead Memory by Hayley Burdett - [86 words]
Love Or Hate by Lucy Midnight - [112 words]
Love Letter, Just Trash It by Hayley Burdett - [51 words]
Independence by Inchara It is a Sonnet dedicated to Independence Day celebrated on 15th aug in India. [76 words]
I'm Your Friend by Dri Cook To the ones in need of peace, a little hope and comfort. To the ones who are self-sufficient an... [274 words]
Huntress by Hayley Burdett - [65 words]
Hit And Miss by Tim D Ryan I really have no influences for my writing other than music. Being a fan and creator of it and mak... [117 words]
Heartless Love by Dri Cook To someone I call "Mom". [321 words]
Go Shed The Veil by Duke Sekhon - [41 words]
Ghostly Figures
Get Lost: Told Poetically (Part Two: September's Tragedy) by Hayley Burdett - [129 words]
Forever Blue by Mungo Faust - [283 words]
First Month Hesetation by Hayley Burdett - [71 words]
Exploration by Hayley Burdett - [35 words]
Enter At Your Own Risk by Mungo Faust - [190 words]
Dusty Blonde by Hayley Burdett - [34 words]
Doomed To Be Free And Fanciful by Rae - [75 words]
Divinity by Sasu ? [65 words]
Divine Acceptance by Dri Cook I'm not mad at God! I'm not mad at a person either! Despite the disappointments, should we st... [185 words]
Deep Anguish by Inchara Its about what you desire from your loved one. [146 words]
Death Of Happy Sunday by Hayley Burdett - [81 words]
Daisy Chains by Hayley Burdett - [95 words]
Confessing The State by Yufli ' A poem about the state of our home. [130 words]
Coming Of Fall by Hayley Burdett - [92 words]
Cold Hearted Love by Hayley Burdett - [49 words]
Butterfly, Could I Borrow Your Wings? by Dri Cook The caterpillar must develop itself into a person each one of us is suppo... [130 words]
Black Hole by Hayley Burdett - [50 words]
Beach Memoir Of Unrequited Love by Hayley Burdett - [47 words]
Beach Love Found In Cafeteria by Hayley Burdett - [101 words]
As The Stars Streak By by Patrick Collins I A poem that is in my new book "BPD: Danger Rising". I figured I would post it by itsel... [64 words]
Artist by Hayley Burdett - [58 words]
Apology On Answering Machine (Part One: September's Tragedy) by Hayley Burdett - [118 words]
A Word by Stickysweet - [55 words]
A Sequence Of Events That Although Accidental Seems To Have Been Planned Or Arranged. by Vyacheslav Yampolsky - [3 words]

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Ghostly Figures
[89 words]
P J Francis
Just an aspiring horror writer from the UK
[August 2004]
A Marriage Made In Heaven (Short Stories) A tale of revenge. [936 words] [Horror]
A Perfect Crime (Short Stories) One womans vengenance as a perfect crime. [1,048 words] [Horror]
Emotion (Poetry) - [39 words]
Gold (Short Stories) Lost hopes... [243 words] [Horror]
Hunters Moon (Short Stories) A creature is hunted. [1,768 words] [Horror]
Insignificance (Poetry) Life's meanings and hardships. [71 words]
Life's Essence (Short Stories) - [123 words]
Miranda And Her Doll (Short Stories) A sweet little girl...or is she? [1,187 words] [Horror]
Ode To A Tramp (Poetry) We forget about people that we don't see. [220 words]
The Daemonae-The First (Novels) This is a part of a dark fantasy/horror that I am writing. [4,721 words]
The Dog (Short Stories) - [258 words]
The Eye (Short Stories) - [138 words]
The Holly Tree (Short Stories) A dark fantasy tale. [1,399 words] [Horror]
The Tower (Short Stories) A man wrestles with his actions. [226 words] [Thriller]
The White Room (Short Stories) - [892 words] [Horror]
Ghostly Figures
P J Francis

I see them in the dead of night
ghostly figures,
their allure so bright.
Often they call me,
tempting and teasing
saying that only they can set me free.
Who am I to tell them no?
the ghostly figures,
that in numbers grow.
"Come join us in our unholy unity"
they beg and beseech,
Are they surely divine purity?
I allow them in,
the ghostly figures,
to freely join them in their sin.
Their simple bequeath
is easy to accept,
as I bare my neck for their razor teeth.



"Well done... Repetition wasn't over used and suited the poem well. Tad bit creepy... Looking forward to reading your other submition." -- ryan seveud.


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© 2004 P J Francis
August 2004

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