I am an INDIAN citizen. I ,at an age of 12, started to write this kind of songs which will be able to motivate our young generation to do something new for our next generations. I am now 19 year old. I always try to think about the betterment of our society. [December 2013]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (3) Oh! That Poor Girl (Songs) THIS SONG IS BASED ON A TRUE INCIDENT OF A TEENAGE GIRL.HOPE THIS SONG WILL BE A LITTLE EFFORT TO CONSOLE HER FAMILY. [329 words] [Teenage] Save Those Lost Children (Songs) I have written this song to convey a massage to all my friends. My massage, to all my loving people to help those homeless have-nots. Please do something for those lost little gallant stars. We cant a... [133 words] [Motivational] The Patience (Songs) This is a song which tells the story of a wifeless lonely man.He waits for a long time till the whole city starts to sleep.Because he wants all the people in that city to remain silent during the swee... [158 words] [Romance]
Gale Sandipan Paul
Another day passes by you see,
We work so hard to earn money,
But crushing nature under our feet,
Can't you see?..yeah..
A long travel to my home you see,
A long line of cars infront of me,
But they are all polluting the air,
Can't you see?..yeah..
So i call my mother nature, look at those amature,
And give us a gale..
That's you damn answer to us all.
Give us a gale..yeahh..
Give us a gale..yeahh..
A long protest is going on you see,
Climate change global warming plant more tree,
With some placards and posters in their fist,
Can't you see?..yeah..
More hurricanes cyclones and typhoons you see,
And there is draught and flood and bloody policy,
People are dying and crying everyday,
Can't you see?..yeah..
So i call my mother nature, look at those amature,
And give us a gale..
That's you damn answer to us all.
Give us a gale..yeahh..
Give us a gale..yeahh..
No matter what they say,
Bombarding Plastic and decay,
Chaos and hunger everyday everyday,
No politics no lecture and no summit,
We want only firm decision and no rubbish,
Now its our promise to make a clean earth,
For our children..our children..our children..
So i call my mother nature, look at those amature,
And give us a gale..
That's you damn answer to us all.
Give us a gale..yeahh..
Give us a gale..yeahh..
So i call my mother nature, look at those amature,
And give us a gale..
That's you damn answer to us all.
Give us a gale..yeahh..
Give us a gale..yeahh..
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