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Do You Believe In What You Say You Do? by Cedric McClester Do You Believe is inspired by present conditions. [211 words]
Patience Is A Virtue People Say by Cedric McClester Patience Is A Virtue People Say is a contemporary gospel song. [323 words]
Why Won't You Trust Me by Kelsey Hering This is a song about love and trust [128 words]
What Makes Me? by Deepa Seshadri A song about a confused girl - asking herself whether she will lose her identity once she has ev... [190 words]
These Emotions by Deepa Seshadri When your troubled, your conscience can drive you crazy sometimes... these emotions... they just... [249 words]
The Miracle by Joe Desanto This song is about finally finding that one person who you feel has rescued you from the life you t... [148 words]
Tear Him Down by Kelsey Hering This song is about revenge and jealousy [123 words]
Supposed To Be by Deepa Seshadri A song about a girl, who is contemplating leaving her man for a new love. [251 words]
Ready For Your Help Now by Sean Libbey You need to truly surrender to get the help you ask for. In this song im saying im read... [250 words]
My Own Homicide by Joe Desanto This song was a hard one to write. Its about someone who is depressed and who feels they have n... [111 words]
Lost You by Jarrod Nelson - [139 words]
Living To Do by Sean Libbey Story about anytown US 2010. recession,forclosure ,lonlyness , fear. [192 words]
Its Our Birthday by Shidatoi Bonnywhitney - [98 words]
If He Hadn’T Done This For Me by Cedric McClester If He Hadn't Done This For Me is a contemporary gospel song. [257 words]
I Refuse by Tamer Qtaish A song I wrote a few months back! [148 words]
I Cry When I Sing That Song by Cedric McClester I Cry When I Sing That song was inspired by the rumors of a Bon Jovi romance with t... [238 words]
Get My Mind Off Of You by Joe Desanto This is about your mind just thinking of that one special person even if its someone you... [149 words]
Fully Alive by Joe Desanto This is a song I wrote about having that feeling when your with someone you care bout or someone yo... [132 words]
Fate Is Your Compass by Nick B - [278 words]
Falling (Receiver And Deceiver) by Tamer Qtaish Just a song I wrote a while ago. [145 words]
Dream Big; Live Large by Deepa Seshadri This song is about life, and that its too short. So make the most of it whilst you can. [136 words]
Don’T Keep Me Waiting Too Long by Deepa Seshadri Is a song about a girl who has found her mr. right - and is waiting for him to a... [235 words]
Convicted by Gary L Laymon Depiction of hardships and setbacks even with determined effort for change beyond prison walls. [186 words]
Closer To You by Deepa Seshadri This song is about a girl who is searching for the man of her dreams and is getting closer [172 words]
Another World by Richelle Phillips Truthful, comes from my heart and the first song i wrote. [180 words]
A Song For Everyone (This Song Is For You) by Nick B everybody has a song, but what about a song for everyone this is for... [274 words]
A Girl by Mary K Tierney This is based on a relationship I have. There if this guy who never seems to see me anymore. I wrote thi... [128 words]
...Someone New... by Aliyah Marie Head SONG Descripton: I wrote this song a little bit ago, and it basically explains that when a gu... [162 words]
You Never Know How It Feels To Be Me by Miss Fay It is a song about how someone will get hurt by others' words. But, she tr... [176 words]
Words Alone Cannot Convey by Cedric McClester Words Alone Cannot Convey is a contemporary gospel song that speaks for itself. [331 words]
Why Im Down by En Vee the writers life didnt go as planned and has turned to drugs [525 words]
Up There by Rose Marie Eckert A song with soul- trying to find yourself in this big old world, but giving up. You want to hide, and ... [166 words]
Time Lost Is Time Spent In Solitude by Hunter Lindsey a song i wrote for a girl i thought i loved [250 words]
This Is Crazy by Cedric McClester This Is Crazy is a love song of frustration. [316 words]
The Devil Did His Best by Cedric McClester The Devil Did His Best is a contemporary gospel song. [194 words]
Spring-Loaded by Rose Marie Eckert An old romance fizzles out... [217 words]
Self-Infliction Of A Cursed Affliction by Dennis Allen These lyrics I wrote in my senior year of high school. [153 words]
Satin Get Out My Way by Cedric McClester Satin Get Out My Way is a contemporary gospel song. [225 words]
Running Mirror by John Madeofhope A slightly sophisticated song text with a few pinches silantro, a political change and midday ho... [172 words]
Plea For Peace by Zhao Jiayi I have just finished watching a video about the Holocaust and felt very sad for the Jews, hence,... [112 words]
My Story (Who Knew) by Cedric McClester My Story (Who Knew) is a contemporary gospel song. [169 words]
My Daddy's Boots by Jason Sannar A touching tribute from a Son to his Father. [145 words]
Les Miserables by Rose Marie Eckert one of my very best, and most twisted songs. not for the faint of heart :) [176 words]
Imperfections Of U by Nick B - [69 words]
I Know My Words by Spencer A Morin This is a story i hop you like, it is for little kids. [23 words]
Hit It Party by Khairil Azizi Rosli A song I create on my own. Its almost same as Lady GaGa "Poker Face" but still its not fully compl... [244 words]
Fool Fool Fool
Fame Is Fleeting by Cedric McClester The lyrics for Flame Is Fleeting were inspired by an interview given by singer/songwriter Susa... [298 words]
Do You Believe In God? by Cedric McClester Do You Believe In God? is a contemporary gospel song that poses a fundamental question. [240 words]
Cutting Me by Rose Marie Eckert Overly emotional, I pour my heart out <3 [112 words]
Break Down by Lee Gemma Waldron - [52 words]
Beautiful Life by Jennifer Joan I wrote this with my best friend, its dedicated to a friend of ours who died of cancer. [240 words]
Beautiful Liar by Sean Libbey Just a liar and no much eles [107 words]
A Hum Drum Life by Cedric McClester A Hum Drum Life is a country song. [210 words]
You’Re An Epiphany by Cedric McClester You're An Epiphany was inspired by gospel singer Marvin Sapp, who revealed in an interview t... [224 words]
Will U by Calley McGinley Will you wait for me Will you be mine will you make it fine when everythings coming back down down down ... [86 words]
Waste My Time By Arun Jeetoo by Arun Jeetoo It's about a girl who liked this guy but he kept on cheating on her and then she s... [384 words]
The Last Beginning by Mustahsin Chowdhury - [104 words]
Salvation (Stop Stealing My Titles!!! :P) by Tootiexfrootie inspired by blue october's "she's my ride home" and shawn colvin's "s... [226 words]
Right Here In My Heart by Sean Libbey This is to be sung like a gut wrenching blues/soul song. This James brown doing it's a m... [173 words]
Psycho by Sean Libbey Were all just a bit crazy arn't we? [272 words]
Petty Gossip by Cedric McClester Petty Gossip is what the Pope's priest casually called allegations of child molestation in the Cat... [367 words]
Money...It's Of This World by Sean Libbey It's all about money , nuff said [172 words]
Live Your Life Out Loud by Spencer A Morin About living it up. Do what you want to so you can look back and say ' I did that '. [7 words]
Learn To Love Yourself by Deepa Seshadri Life has its ups and downs, and the only person who has to live with all of it, is you. ... [198 words]
It’S Clear You Were No Gentleman by Cedric McClester It's Clear You Were No Gentleman was written from a female's perspective. [210 words]
It Can Only Be The First Time Once by Norman Allan Crew A song of hopes and dreams and reality [245 words]
Im Really Done by Sean Libbey more of a 50's style rocker about alwsy going back for more [167 words]
Im Holding On by Elvis D Goins a song I wrote after a break up with my sons mother, its a segiment [72 words]
I Wish I Knew by Spencer A Morin A soft and loving song about a curious girl. [61 words]
I Was Born... by Emma MacDonald The song is quite lyrical and can be sung in any form, (rock, pop, folk, ect.), but I think it go... [117 words]
How Many Ways Are There To Say I’M Sorry? by Cedric McClester How Many Ways Are There To Say I'm Sorry? was inspired by Kevin Feder... [250 words]
How Could I Know? by Spencer A Morin A song about what we wonder. Many times in our lives., [33 words]
Here I Go Again by Sean Libbey Some one who is afraid to let themself love or get hurt again, but cant help it [216 words]
Grateful For His Sacrifice by Cedric McClester Grateful For His Sacrifice is a contemporary gospel song. [257 words]
Going Off To Vegas by Sean Libbey Song about older and younger love, not petti stuff but a 40 somthing guy who loves to see ev... [226 words]
For What You’Ve Done And Do by Cedric McClester For What You've Done And Do is a contemporary gospel song. [302 words]
Everything Gonna Be Alright by Lamar Cole - [105 words]
Enough by Nick Black wasn't i fly enough? didn't i buy enough? didn't i try enough? or did i cry too much? really can you bla... [92 words]
Dear Princess by A Guy The letter to the princess I am missing. Because tonight,I'm just a frog prince without his princ... [158 words]
Daisy Chain Song by Brittney R - [110 words]
Can We Be? by Sean Libbey Just a simle love song There over each other but there is so mcuh more to keep them together [134 words]
Bring by S L I Posiedon The divide that is not between us; that is what makes us [49 words]
American Culture by Ramon Castillo Ramon Music Lyrics, Song Lyrics, Lyrics [2,505 words]
A Song In The Summer Time by Nick B This is a song about a guy who can't stop thinking about this girl he use to date, ev... [86 words]
A Minute With The Buddha by Neil D First Generation Inspired to write this on a beautiful April day after watching a documentary on PBS ab... [158 words]
360 By Melodi by Galloway The song is called "360" I chose art because it was the closest thing to music, by the way. This ... [210 words]

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Fool Fool Fool
I had an experance with someone who was reivewing my songs.They tore them up ,with no costructive critizem at all.Yea so my spelling sucks.big deal. He was one of those no it alls.I can handle critisim but if u can make me beeter keep ur mouth shout
[187 words]
Sean Libbey
[February 2010]
And They Told Us It Be Easy (Songs) Just my feelings about Afganastan and Iraq and how we thought everybody loved us and how easy it would be [190 words]
Ass's And Elephants (Songs) This is a song about Washington and the BS that both sides play [382 words]
Beautiful Liar (Songs) Just a liar and no much eles [107 words]
Can We Be? (Songs) Just a simle love song There over each other but there is so mcuh more to keep them together [134 words]
Dont Care About You No More (Songs) a beak up gone bad...thats all that needs to be said [209 words]
Dreams May Came (Songs) When its bad you have to just hold on and look for the light [208 words]
F'd Up Little Fox (Songs) Just a horny little dity about bing with some one who is way to hot for you [230 words]
Gin And Tonic (Songs) Dirty little song about sex [106 words]
Going Off To Vegas (Songs) Song about older and younger love, not petti stuff but a 40 somthing guy who loves to see everyone react when he brings his younger pice around [226 words]
Here I Go Again (Songs) Some one who is afraid to let themself love or get hurt again, but cant help it [216 words]
Im Really Done (Songs) more of a 50's style rocker about alwsy going back for more [167 words]
In The Free And Clear (Songs) Love is hard ,even harder when you lock everone out [207 words]
Johns Revelation (Songs) Ahh old time religion. This sond is inspired but the old country/gospel songs. This Stones Prodical son. [125 words]
Living To Do (Songs) Story about anytown US 2010. recession,forclosure ,lonlyness , fear. [192 words]
Loosing My Emotions (Songs) some days it just doesn't seem worth while, we put on a mask and hope know one notices. it's all we can do [210 words]
Luckson (Songs) This song is based on a poem writen by a boy named Luckson orphaned after the quake in Haiti. his poem was read on NPR radio and it hit hmoe how sad this disaster was. [117 words]
Money...It's Of This World (Songs) It's all about money , nuff said [172 words]
No Guts No Glory For A Country Boy (Songs) A country song about what guys do. From love to fightinting and of cores drinking. [154 words]
Oh..Just Walk Away (Songs) This song is about love and the how bad we can be treated by the people we love [140 words]
Psycho (Songs) Were all just a bit crazy arn't we? [272 words]
Ready For Your Help Now (Songs) You need to truly surrender to get the help you ask for. In this song im saying im ready [250 words]
Right Here In My Heart (Songs) This is to be sung like a gut wrenching blues/soul song. This James brown doing it's a mans world. Think of the pain we have all felt from love and then let it all come out in this song [173 words]
Slants And Rants (Songs) Prime time Fox ,MSNBC & CNN..all that needst to be said. This is fast rocker.spit the words out as fast as you can [128 words]
So Tired (Songs) it's been a bad few years for us all and it's never easy to tell someone how bad it's gotten [261 words]
Typical American Family (Songs) All the trivialities of life and how most of it is not that important [230 words]
Fool Fool Fool
Sean Libbey

If I am me
Then who are you
Who says you get to choose?

You’re just a fool-----
Fool, fool fool
Just a fool------------

You like to ware
Your bright colored robes
But you don’t know everybody knows

You’re just a fool-----
Fool, fool fool
Just a fool------------

Standing at the front of the line…with your hand out
Trying to tell every one …u know what’s its all about
But you’re really just a fool---, fool fool, fool

You got an answer
For everything
But nothing u say really rings (ah true)

You’re just a fool-----
Fool, fool fool
Just a fool------------

Looking down
On everyone
Do you have any idea how far you’ve gone

You’re just a fool-----
Fool, fool fool
Just a fool------------

Standing on your tower…with your finger out
Making your judgments…like you know what it’s all about
But you’re really just a fool---, fool fool, fool

Are you really such
A lonely fool
You really don’t have anything better to do?

You’re just a fool-----
Fool, fool fool
Just a fool------------

We see you
For what you really are
Desperately seeking to be the star

You’re just a fool-----
Fool, fool fool
Just a fool------------

Standing at the front of the line…with your hand out
Trying to tell every one …u know what’s its all about
But you’re really just a fool---, fool fool, fool


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© 2010 Sean Libbey
May 2010

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