The Sack Race by Colin Baker A short poem, written to mark the occasion of my youngest daughter's recent triumphs in her schoo... [207 words] Topsy Turvy by Colin Baker - [33 words] Imperialism Dear Boy, Imperialism by Colin Baker Limerick on the theme of the current Gulf conflict. [27 words] Oh La La ! by Colin Baker - [118 words] Yesterday by Colin Baker (Inspired by one of Brittany's recent tree-climbing experiences, she being our youngest daughter) [177 words] Unlocked Secrets by Dri - [179 words] My Three Mistakes by Katherine Smith - [183 words] The Answer To Your Love by Dri - [268 words] I Found Love, I Found You by Dri - [55 words] A Place To Hide Myself by Dri Mind. [131 words] .Just Let Me Be. by Carla Thomson - [221 words] Captain Courageous by David Daniels This poem is about my older brother who is a retired Captain of the NYC Correction Dept.This... [597 words] Exquisite Rose by Dri - [66 words] ..You.. by Danae Bonomini - [77 words] ...Remeber Me... by Danae Bonomini - [128 words] You Me by Danae Bonomini - [49 words] You Loved Me From The Start by Dri - [146 words] You Flew Your Love To Me by Dri - [174 words] Writing A Poem by Unmesh Mohitkar I am Unmesh ,a software professional. My motto of life is to live life fully. Happiness and mise... [98 words] Women Are Nippy Freaks by Tom Bomb Title sez it all, I dont mean every woman but the women in my life at least.. [136 words] Wighead by David Daniels I went bald at the age of 20 and it devastated me.Then I did a stupid thing and went out and bought a t... [543 words] Whispered Lies Among Soft Sighs by M Q Walters Just what it is... [101 words] When I Lay My Head Upon My Pillow by Dri - [184 words] What's Wrong With You? by Dri - [187 words] What Is Done Is Done by Bryan King A poem about how you can't change what you have already done. [70 words] Welcome To The Projects by Bryan King A poem about the hardships of the projects. [87 words] To --- Dream by Duke Sekhon - [124 words] Time To Think (About Time). by Buxton - [64 words] This Hidden Place by Silvia Maree Short lyrics about love. [245 words] Thief by Buxton - [127 words] The Time Machine by Iain Spittles Wishful thinking. [27 words] The Sparrow by M Q Walters Perhaps less about the sparrow and more about the caged bird. [69 words] The Scars You Made by Danae Bonomini This one isnt a rhyming poem n aint a very gewd 1 eitha...but it does meen alot to y... [83 words] The Round Dams by Patrick Collins A poem about concealed sadness and the reluctance to let it free. [171 words] The Longing Heart by Duke Sekhon - [248 words] The Game Of Life by David Daniels It took me a week to write this poem and I think it's one of my best.It's about the hardships ... [832 words] The First Time by Dri - [183 words] Surrounded By Love? Surrounded By Strangers? by Jaseyboi Sutters All these millions of people in our world..All the people around u... [99 words] Stupid Teenagers by Alice W-M - [41 words] Start Asking Questions by Yessayana Hartfield This poem is about relationships? [136 words] Second Thoughts by Dri - [237 words] Seasons Of My Past by Danae Bonomini - [73 words] Scream by Danae Bonomini - [148 words] Rolling Out Of Bed by Erin Washington This poem is about the everyday troubles of waking up and getting ready for school. [113 words] Reflections Of My Soul by Dri - [223 words] Question by Monique A poem to make you think. [113 words] Promises Once Broken by Rohan Corea This poem is about broken promises. [53 words] Private Thoughts by Dri A special dedication to a friend... [148 words] Pete by Heather Amos This is about my boyfriend who die jus before christmas and saying goodbye. [95 words] Our Love by Dri To my son. [392 words] My Question To You Would Be.. by Cerribah C Waters It's somthing short and true. [102 words] My Love Forever by Dri - [239 words] Muse From Above by Buxton A slap in the face for everything... [165 words] Mother Dear ! by Beroze Neville Amaria A mother is an epitome of love. She is someone who can feel, hear, see and be there for you e... [114 words] Memories Dear To Me by Danae Bonomini - [40 words] Lust Under A Crimson Moon by Richard L Minton - [175 words] L-O-V-E Thing by Charice L Boyd A young girl wondering about Love, wanting to know the real true meaning of Love. [151 words] Love Never Dies Of Natural Causes by Dri - [122 words] Love From A Distance by John Roberts Short love poem written to my wife Margaret, while I was serving overseas in the Armed For... [108 words] Love Connection by Dri - [238 words] Losing by Rae - [103 words] Likely by Rae - [62 words] Let Me Be Your Dream by Dri I wanted this one to become lyrics for a song. [250 words] January 9th by Laura Fleeger Please leave comments I need help in cutting out the fat in this one. Its about my uncles death. It... [297 words] Is He Worth The Pain? by Monique - [120 words] In Time by Rae A real enough place. [99 words] In Dragons Eyes by Chelsea C Nagy - [103 words] I'm Right Here by Rusty I have written this for a special person on this site, that I fear I am destined to love only fr... [102 words] Illusions Of Life by Dorothy Borden Poem. [90 words] Identity by Rae - [134 words] I Love You Because I Just Do by Dri - [181 words] I Found You, I Found Love by Dri - [189 words] How Do They Connect? by Laura Fleeger This poem describes my emotions between kindergaten and high school and my thoughts behind... [104 words] Hoping For A Resurrection by David Daniels Just a poem that came to me about relationships.It seems when I write about relations... [250 words] Holes In Pockets by Buxton Not what you think. [74 words] Hoeho by Josh Anderson The night in all of it's dark beauty, and a certain creature that dwells within. Purposely slow paced poe... [88 words] Her Depressed Life by Danae Bonomini I write this poem at school in history...its a bout a girls life, and no one really cares bu... [77 words] - Hasnt Got One Yet by Amy Anderson I was guna make this a song buh I just left it as a poem... I gess its about not bein able ... [46 words] Friendship Gone Sour by Duke Sekhon - [142 words] Forgetting For The Beach by Laura Fleeger A different poem. We had to write a list poem for Creative writing class, her it is. [66 words] Forbidden Fruit by Dri - [296 words] For Kevin by Amy M Marks Dedicated to my dearly departed friend who lost himself in heroin addiction. [90 words] Feast Of Love Face In The Mirror by Dri - [80 words] Everynight by Monique Just a poem. [85 words] Endless Flight by Dri - [117 words] D.O.P.E by Jaseyboi Sutters The trials and Turbulance of being a modern day weed smoker. [88 words] Doesn't Matter by M Q Walters -Written for Darrell...who never once felt the sting of tears that slid down my face. For the on... [117 words] Depth by Patrick Collins A poem about trying to find out who you are and what you place in the world is, an eternal struggle that ... [145 words] Confessions Of The Heart by Kayla Meadows I'm a hopeless romantic and watching Shakespeare in Love happened to inspire my lonely... [82 words] Chatroom Blues by Monique About a girl who's boyfriend enters a chatroom but ignores her completely. [101 words] As Long As We Are Together by Dri - [142 words] Around The Corner by Dri - [147 words] And I Still Believed... by Dri - [201 words] Am I Right? Or Am I Wrong? by Dri - [107 words] All I Wanted2 by Kristen Gail Diana Ritthaler It's about a boy who I loved very much, and he didn't even notice me. [49 words] A Witch by Duke Sekhon - [102 words] A Time To Fall In Love by Dri - [46 words] A Place Around The Corner by Dri - [172 words] A Man's Point Of View On Women by Laura Fleeger This is my point of view on what I think a man views a woman, for the most part. [106 words] A Hope Without Hope by Duke Sekhon - [124 words] 3 Little Words by Dri - [167 words] Go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 [113 ] 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
Feast Of Love
- [146 words]
My name is Adriana, and though I have a nickname, an American friend has told me I have a beautiful name, and uses only my full name. I am a woman, a dreamer who has a passion for life, and loves writing, and I must say, that I breathe words in and out. I started writing in 2003, as I was internally urged on to do so. Poetry is a natural outcome of my life, and I felt that I was guided or maybe even destined to write, a feeling that took over and could not be stopped. I love writing all types of poems and am glad when emails arrive from other people on the web, telling me that I put into words exactly the way they feel. Helping people is a nice way to forget about one's own personal problems and keep on going. Another reason that I have been writing is to improve my English. As English is not my native language, writing in English is another way to be even closer to this beautiful language. It has always come so naturally to me, that I can consider it a gift from Heaven. I was born and raised in Brazil. In marriage, I spent some time in the USA with an American citizen. Sadly though, it did not work out, and I returned to my native land, Brazil. Memories of the time I lived there are nice, and one day I hope I am able to go back to that beautiful country to visit and enjoy all the good things it has to offer. Teaching is what I do as an occupation and have a love for it, while writing is not only my love, but a hobby and a friend as well. As life's trials come I realize just how blessed I am in God and that He is everything to me. My children are grown and are young adults now. One is currently living in Italy and works as an Architect, and the other is a psychologist and lives here, in São José dos Campos. Soon, I will be a grandmother and will continue writing poetry and enlighten people's lives with my gift. My ultimate dream is to have one of my original poems used as lyrics in a song, and then hear it on many radio stations. [May 2008]
3 Little Words (Poetry) - [167 words] [Romance] A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed (Poetry) A very special dedication to a special friend that I don't even know if he is still alive or not. [191 words] A Place Around The Corner (Poetry) - [172 words] [Mind] A Place To Hide Myself (Poetry) Mind. [131 words] A Thorn In My Heart (Poetry) - [31 words] A Time To Fall In Love (Poetry) - [46 words] Am I Right? Or Am I Wrong? (Poetry) - [107 words] [Mind] And I Believed (Poetry) - [201 words] And I Still Believed... (Poetry) - [201 words] [Motivational] Angels Of God (Poetry) Divine creatures always there for us.(ed). [207 words] Another Chance (Poetry) - [184 words] Around The Corner (Poetry) - [147 words] [Romance] As Long As We Are Together (Poetry) - [142 words] [Romance] At Peace (Poetry) - [26 words] [Mind] Battle Of Fear (Poetry) When enemies are members of our own family. [124 words] Beautiful Land (Poetry) A new beginning.....just trying to register my experiences of living in a foreign country, the USA. [108 words] Blue Moon, Why Do You Still Feel So Blue? (Poetry) A tribute to one of my favorite songs - a love poem. [123 words] [Romance] Brazil, You Are The Best (Poetry) A tribute to my homeland, my Brazil. I dedicate this poem to my dear friend Roberto, in CA. [188 words] Can I Ever Know You? (Poetry) "In a happy marriage there is a continuous dense magnetic sense of communication". [142 words] [Relationships] Caress My Soul (Poetry) - [120 words] [Romance] Come (Poetry) Pseudo romance or not, you're still the one, oh, the only one I have always loved. [100 words] Dance With Me (Poetry) - [151 words] Dark Clouds In My Heart (Poetry) A big transition in my life. Trying to overcome the cultural shock of living in another country and another culture that are far different from mine. Just venting. [159 words] Desire Of My Heart (Poetry) - [191 words] [Romance] Devoted Love (Poetry) - [155 words] Don't Steal What's Mine (Poetry) Nobody has the right to interfere in our choices. [99 words] Driming Of You (Poetry) Playing with my name which is pronounced Dree. Just being silly myself. [84 words] Endless Flight (Poetry) - [117 words] [Mind] Endless Love (Poetry) Eternal love.... [190 words] [Romance] Enigmas To Ponder (Poetry) I wrote this one from a male's perspective. [127 words] [Mind] Entwined Hearts (Poetry) - [89 words] Exquisite Rose (Poetry) - [66 words] [Mind] Face In The Mirror (Poetry) - [80 words] Faceless Friend (Poetry) Dedication - to each one of you. [98 words] Finding Myself (Poetry) I'd love to put this one into lyrics for a song. [159 words] Floating Feather (Poetry) - [84 words] Follow Your Dreams (Poetry) - [119 words] [Motivational] For My Niece With Love (Poetry) - [281 words] [Relationships] Forbidden Fruit (Poetry) - [296 words] [Romance] Friend Without A Face (Poetry) A dedication to my fellow poets [115 words] From Head To Toes (Poetry) That's the way I love you, baby! [94 words] [Erotic] Gravestone (Poetry) A cute love poem. [155 words] [Romance] Harbor Of Dreams (Poetry) - [77 words] [Romance] He (Poetry) - [56 words] Heaven In Your Arms (Poetry) - [77 words] Her Turn (Poetry) What the world sees in us does not necessarily mean that they see what's right. [207 words] Hold Me In Your Arms (Poetry) - [232 words] [Romance] Home You Are Always Sweet (Poetry) - [157 words] Hometown Memories (Poetry) - [200 words] Honeymoon Cruise (Poetry) It was not meant to be humorous until my cheeky muse pops us... [415 words] [Humor] Hymn Of Praise (Poetry) Being thankful. [161 words] I Find Peace In You (Poetry) - [60 words] I Found Love, I Found You (Poetry) - [55 words] [Romance] I Found You, I Found Love (Poetry) - [189 words] [Romance] I Love The Way You Love Me (Poetry) - [127 words] I Love You Because I Just Do (Poetry) - [181 words] [Romance] I Love You So Much... (Poetry) - [41 words] [Romance] I Love You With All My Heart (Poetry) - [131 words] [Romance] I Still Am (Poetry) I like to think that I am still the same person I used to be before I came to the US. It was based on my previous poem I AM. [51 words] I Still Love You So... (Poetry) A strange type of love, but it is still love, isn't it?:-) [193 words] I Want (Poetry) Focus on gladness not simply on euphoria. [55 words] I Wish I Were... (Poetry) For a friend of mine, a poet too, who lives in the UK. [179 words] If I Could... (Poetry) - [155 words] If It Weren't For That Beer (Poetry) a silly one as a dedication to Leah and her boyfriend. [81 words] [Mystical] In The Still Of The Night (Poetry) When I find peace, when to wait is never a waste. [75 words] Inner Journey (Poetry) A journey to the very deep of myself. [206 words] Intimacy Of Love (Poetry) dreaming... [154 words] Is It Enough? (Poetry) Love is priceless. [79 words] Is It Fate Or What? (Poetry) - [76 words] Is That All You Think About?:-) (Poetry) - [115 words] [Humor] It Had To Be You (Poetry) Romance me, baby, romance me... [301 words] It Takes Courage (Poetry) It takes courage to live a decent life. [287 words] It Takes Two (Poetry) - [163 words] It Was All In Vain (Poetry) To live life in a sentimental "coma" state, may be devastating. [107 words] It's Not My Imagination (I Did Belong To You) (Songs) The words of another song. [162 words] [Romance] Just An Ordinary Day (Poetry) - [127 words] Just Dri (Poetry) We can delete a name but we can never delete someone from our hearts. We can only try to resolve this someone. New ME, just Dri. [88 words] Just One More Kiss (Songs) The words of a song. [130 words] Kiss Me One More Kiss (Poetry) Back to my country, I decided to repost an old one ..... [126 words] Knock And I Will Open The Door (Poetry) - [131 words] Let Me Be Your Dream (Poetry) I wanted this one to become lyrics for a song. [250 words] Let's Fall In Love (Poetry) "fly me to the moon, be my knight throughout the night" [52 words] Let's Go Home (Genres) A tale. My first one. [320 words] Let's Go To Bed (Poetry) A husband to his wife says: "Let's go to bed". When love is to commit for a life time. [115 words] [Relationships] Life Is A Many Splendored Thing (Poetry) That's about it.... [128 words] Love Connection (Poetry) - [238 words] [Romance] Love Me, Baby (Poetry) - [106 words] Love Me Like No Other (Poetry) - [154 words] [Romance] Love Never Dies Of Natural Causes (Poetry) - [122 words] [Motivational] Love Of My Life (Poetry) Special dedication. [254 words] Moments Of Intimacy (Poetry) - [72 words] My Baby Is Having A Baby (Poetry) the anticipation of becoming a grandma. To Lucy. [184 words] My First Love (Poetry) - [114 words] My Garden (Poetry) We all should have a place like this......a place of our own. [279 words] My Life With You (Poetry) - [91 words] My Lips (Poetry) - [41 words] [Romance] My Love Forever (Poetry) - [239 words] [Romance] My Perfect Love (Poetry) "Where have you been, my love?" - [294 words] [Romance] My Place (Poetry) Inner peace. [33 words] My Reason (Poetry) - [101 words] My Romance (Poetry) - [43 words] Night Stalker (Poetry) A little dark voyerism. [69 words] One Day At A Time (Poetry) Reflections on my new life in the USA. Starting all over again is not always easy but not entirely impossible. [123 words] Our Dream For Love (Poetry) - [97 words] Our Love (Poetry) To my son. [392 words] Private Thoughts (Poetry) A special dedication to a friend... [148 words] Reflections Of My Soul (Poetry) - [223 words] [Mind] Relationshits (Poetry) Sometimes relationships can be like that. Sorry for the title but I could not resist. [144 words] [Relationships] Rest Assured (Poetry) - [64 words] Romance Me (Poetry) - [151 words] Sail Away With Me! (Poetry) - [190 words] [Romance] Sea Of Misery (Poetry) - [85 words] [Mind] Second Thoughts (Poetry) - [237 words] [Romance] She'll Make It Thru (Songs) - [278 words] Sleepless (Poetry) - [107 words] Slow Dance Of Love (Poetry) - [107 words] [Erotic] Stormy Weather (Poetry) - [200 words] Sweet Abandon Of Love (Poetry) - [200 words] Sweet Intimacy Of Love (Poetry) - [251 words] [Romance] Sweet Nostalgia (Poetry) I just know you're going to be fine. [182 words] [Romance] Taste Me (Poetry) An ode to the tongue. [63 words] The Answer To Your Love (Poetry) - [268 words] [Romance] The Envelope (Poetry) An unexpected surprise.... [109 words] The First Time (Poetry) - [183 words] [Romance] The Lighthouse (Poetry) I wish I were like you, my cute light house... [146 words] The Love I Need (Poetry) - [236 words] The Phone Call (Poetry) Dim and distant. [62 words] [Romance] The Rose (Poetry) Rose, you're a miracle, always so sweet, always so strong. Know that you're born to shine. [51 words] [Mind] The Sanest Thing On Earth (Poetry) Why don't you help me to increase the list? [87 words] The Show Is Over (Poetry) When I feel homesick I sit here and I type away. It`s been so hard to adjust in another culture (USA)... just venting. [47 words] This Is My Love For You (Poetry) This is for when I meet day, hopefully! [239 words] Three Coins In A Fountain (Poetry) A tribute to the beautiful land of my ancestors... [152 words] [Romance] Through The Looking Glass (Poetry) - [22 words] [Mind] To You I Give, For You I Would (Poetry) - [195 words] True Love Never Dies (Poetry) - [70 words] Unborn Lament (Poetry) this could just be a poem about that person who knows they could be something better but circumstances have kept them away from making goals or having dreams [90 words] Unfairness (Poetry) - [148 words] Unlock My Heart (Poetry) - [71 words] [Romance] Unlocked Secrets (Poetry) - [179 words] [Romance] - Wanted - (Poetry) Just being silly myself. [95 words] [Humor] What's Wrong With You? (Poetry) - [187 words] When I Lay My Head Upon My Pillow (Poetry) - [184 words] [Romance] Where Does Your Heart Dwell? (Poetry) A love poem. [122 words] While She Dances (Poetry) - [143 words] Why To Regret? (Poetry) - [216 words] Wings Of My Soul (Poetry) - [168 words] [Motivational] With You I Feel Complete (Poetry) Another one that I wanted to become lyrics for a song. [140 words] Wonderful Dream (Poetry) Dreams come true. [161 words] Words Of Devotion (Poetry) - [104 words] X-Ray My Heart (Poetry) - [150 words] You Flew Your Love To Me (Poetry) - [174 words] [Romance] You Loved Me From The Start (Poetry) - [146 words] [Romance] You're My Addiction (Poetry) - [103 words] [Romance] You're My Dream (Poetry) And will always be. [89 words] [Romance] You're Not Alone (Poetry) We never know how far a kind word can go, do we? [148 words] You're The Sunshine Of My Life (Poetry) When moon and sun walk hand in hand. [159 words] [Romance] You've Got Male:-) (Poetry) Just being silly myself. A satire to a darling movie. [268 words]
Feast Of Love Dri
Fantasies that dance and
float around within my mind
they are eager to become reality
lust and love walking hand in hand
every time I think of you...
I have to fight them in order
for them to not consume me
I can't help feel my heart melting
and my body burning for you
just the thought of touching my tongue to yours
you are the passions that drive my desires
you elicit feelings in me
that I've never experienced before
enjoy me, baby
connect your soul to mine
let the Angels from up above come
and applaud the love we share
let's celebrate this union we so enjoy...
what I feel goes beyond any words that I can say
this feast of love I want to last forever
my beast has finally become a prince
to be your darling is a dream come true
to dance this dance of love
under the stars with you
would be pure bliss and to make it last
is my ultimate desire
"pure sensuality...there are some very good lines in this one "You elicit feelings in me!" That's a wonderful line...the use of the word elicit has some many possibilities. Good job." -- e. rocco caldwell.
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© 2005 Dri
May 2005