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Arriving by Peter Rivendell Just a poem about the way I`ve been feeling lately. [65 words]
The Embrace by R Bennett Okerstrom A newly born vampire's first taste. [90 words]
Holding On To Life by L A Winterburn One mans fight with suicide. [109 words]
The Netherworld by Stuart Eric Longridge The real world, before the smothering of education. [103 words]
Supa Computa by Stuart Eric Longridge A scary realistic tale. [140 words]
Gone by Peter Rivendell Being miserable is the new black. [197 words]
Winter Wind by Judith Goff Alone. [128 words]
Where? by Judith Goff Lost love [97 words]
Vamp by Judith Goff I know, more vampires, I just can't seem to help myself... and who said vampires have to be male? [158 words]
Vampire Wedding by David B Doc Byron Two vampires take their wedding vows. [129 words]
Trees by David B Doc Byron You figure it out! [145 words]
Time Again by P M ... [36 words]
The Traveller by L A Winterburn - [88 words]
The Plan by L A Winterburn One plan to wipe out humanity. [74 words]
The Memory Book by Judith Goff A real departure from my usual ... [155 words]
The Lovers by Sue (Sooz) Simpson - [124 words]
The Looking Glass by Judith Goff - [155 words]
The Hhmmm Efect by Sue (Sooz) Simpson - [783 words]
The Extraordinary Way by Leslie Clark A poem about how I plan onliving the rest of my life, with my beloved and our future chil... [106 words]
The Callous Heart by Judith Goff Those lying guys... I mean eyes ... [89 words]
Spontaneous Combustion by Judith Goff A little heat.... [72 words]
Rhythms Of Pi by Dark Matter This one's totally up to the reader's interpretation...I'd rather not say anything about it. I'm... [367 words]
Pity by Mia Angello Chris Isaak's, Graduation Day, is today for me. [32 words]
Onslaught Of Love by Judith Goff Secret yearnings ... [137 words]
Nothing Left by Judith Goff Love realized. [138 words]
Missing You by L A Winterburn - [21 words]
Insanity Part Un & Insanity Part Deux by Judith Goff I believe I've lost it .... [155 words]
In Your Dreams by R Bennett Okerstrom - [71 words]
Immortal Obsession by Judith Goff Immortal cravings. [94 words]
Heart Of Gold by Rowan Davies I reeled this off about the 'Plainfield Psycho' Ed Gein in preparation for my next story. Enjoy. [428 words]
Happenstance by Judith Goff A little silly, perhaps? [66 words]
Final Words by Rowan Davies Hung up? Me? Never. [110 words]
Edge Of Eternity by Judith Goff Loss and redemption. [189 words]
Don't by Judith Goff - [91 words]
Caves by David B Doc Byron A man ventures into an ancient cave filled with the ghosts of other wanderers. [101 words]
Bite by David B Doc Byron A poem of vampire lust. [97 words]
Birth Seed Of Death by Stuart Eric Longridge A very real possiblity. [103 words]
A Space by Dark Matter A lonely man, makes alive again the memory of a long lost love, in the time of his earthly decay... [141 words]
Charted by Mia Angello - [46 words]
Your Anger by Husky Could you guys tell me what you think, thanks. [49 words]
The Memorial by Dianne Lee Just a little poem about a memorial. [87 words]
The Hands Of Time by Dianne Lee Poem depicting life. [287 words]
The Bell Tower by Judith Goff Unrequited love ... [169 words]
Summer by Kirsten McManus - [372 words]
Something by Kirsten McManus - [39 words]
So Young by Pedro Alsama the man walks alone stories flows around the desert and again the rememberence of the treasure I keep... [65 words]
Singularity by Rachel Weisenfeld Short, sweet, to the point love poem. [42 words]
Shadow In Light by Pedro Alsama A wrong movement about the weather. [28 words]
Post Mortem by Judith Goff In Memory of Mark Whitney Davis 1960-2001 You left me here alone ... WHY? [68 words]
Pet Rock by Jeff Fazzalore I wrote this poem out of pure boredom. It was originally for an assignment at school, but I decided th... [25 words]
Old Age by Dianne Lee A little poem on how we dismiss the aged [90 words]
Not Quite Haiku by Judith Goff Just what it seems... [49 words]
My 'lil Pink Foo Foo by D Donely This is a poem I wrote for my foo foo, who sadly, passed away this past winter. Please, gi... [96 words]
Mummy by Dianne Lee Shows a child dealing with her mothers death. [116 words]
Lizardman by David B Doc Byron A poem about a legendary swamp dwelling beast. [128 words]
It's Time To Say Good-Bye by D Donely Yet another one of my poems -- it's about how relationships come to an end. [73 words]
It Hurts by D Donely This poem is written about my mother, and the pain she has caused me. Out of all I have written, this ... [125 words]
I Know by Amy Mondure Lioncourt It's just sometihng that I have noticed. That a lot of people have the same fear. [116 words]
High by Kirsten McManus - [52 words]
Her True Side by D Donely This is a poem about a girl who doesn't let the world see her emotions. She hides behind lies and... [59 words]
Eternal Curse by Judith Goff Vampires... again. [124 words]
Escape Route
Do You Feel Me? by Judith Goff - [84 words]
Bring Me Down by Nikki Haliway Another one I wrote when with my ex boyfriend, going through a bad time. [43 words]
Being Perfect by D Donely This poem is mostly about trying to be perfect; you'll just have to read it ur'self, & come to yo... [57 words]
Axle Grease Of Infanticide by Andrew French Experimental. [46 words]
Awaken The Giant by Diamond King About the December 7, 1941 attack by the Empire of Japan on the United States Naval station Pe... [327 words]
2 Different by Nikki Haliway I wrote this when I was with my now ex boyfriend. [70 words]
12.5.02 by Kirsten McManus - [57 words]

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Escape Route
Probably a good one to read or remember listening to some chill out dance music at a club.
[46 words]
Tim Baker
My name is Tim Baker and I'am 21 years old. I live in Adelaide Australia, but soon I leave for Europe. I have been developing my writing/art since high school and hope to acheive something with my work. At the moment I'am trying to write a novel amongst other things as well as my "text art". My reason for writing is to provoke extension of thought and have an impact. So please either love or hate my work, just don't sit on the fence.
[October 2002]
Blurring Fiction With Reality (1) (Novels) This is the first chapter of a novel I'am working on. One of my poems posted on this site is included and not everything is set out the way it eventually will be. Its about Seth, a twenty something wh... [1,826 words] [Drama]
Blurring Fiction With Reality (2) (Novels) This is the second chapter to my attempt at a novel. I'm not too happy with any of it but like I said, its still early days. [3,264 words] [Drama]
Blurring Fiction With Reality (3) (Novels) The third chapter of my novel in progress and possibly the last I will post for a while. Things are starting to move along but I'm trying not to give away too much too soon and as later chapter's prog... [3,884 words] [Drama]
Countless Nights (Poetry) About my nights of induced contemplation. [64 words]
Daytime Insomnia (Poetry) This piece is about the sheer drudgery of a day in an unfulfilling occupation when all the body wants is just to stop. [34 words]
Disclaimer (Poetry) Someday I want to paint these on a huge scale in plain black and white. The meaning behind it all is left to the beholder. [113 words] [Art]
E (Poetry) - [54 words]
Gem (Poetry) About a girl [148 words]
Pub Paranoia (Poetry) I actually wrote this in a pub while I was waiting for a friend of mine to finish his shift. Not quite one of my best. [111 words]
-The End- (Poetry) About a breakup. [147 words]
-Untitled- (Poetry) This piece is largely about myself and my inconsistent and disjointed thoughts. It was written at a time when I was experiencing a mild depressive stage. [187 words] [Drama]
Escape Route
Tim Baker

Step into the world of tranquil nonchalance,
Perpetual ocean flow,
150 frames per second,
Let yourself un-hinged
and float to the ceiling,
What do you see?
Waves of weightless elegance,
Hold my hand,
Follow close... through the tunnel of colour,
Time, gravity, motion
Are all non-entities here,
Make a wish,
Anything is possible,
In the world of tranquil nonchalance.


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© 2002 Tim Baker
December 2002

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