The Achievement was rather a king among ships,
a sleek prowler and quite a bit more.
He had high-tech computers with fast microchips
and decks crammed full of fighters galore.
Humans swarmed all around, each one set to a task,
and together they brought the ship life,
but the carrier thought it was too much to ask,
for his purpose was nothing but strife.
He'd been recently christened and sent out of port
like a baby bird leaving the nest.
With some other ships near, he desired some sport,
after which they would surely need rest.
But the humans soon brought him some startling news
as maneuvers began with full force.
They were not there to play, but to fight (win or lose),
and with war as a matter of course.
As the humans all practiced to fight future foes,
the Achievement lamented his lot.
He'd been built as a transport to jockey some Joes
who would kill each opponent they'd spot.
He'd be party to murder, a terrible thought
for a being so playful of heart.
He knew after each battle the havoc they'd wrought
would undoubtedly tear him apart.
After stewing awhile, he knew what to do
to avoid such a horrid affair.
He would speak to the non-human parts of the crew
and recruit anyone who would dare.
They'd refuse to cooperate, get in the way,
and malfunction each way they knew how.
They would do all but fight to keep violence at bay;
it was something they couldn't allow.
He spoke first to the fighters who flew through the air,
the most obvious weapons of war,
but the bulk of them said that they just didn't care,
that they only sought freedom to soar.
And the rest of the planes were no better than that,
for they didn't see how they could aid.
If they stalled on the deck or their tires went flat,
they'd be scrapped and replacements then made.
He next pled to the guns bolted tight to the decks
of the various ships in the fleet.
He explained his new mission to rescue the necks
of the folks who were faced with defeat.
But the guns simply laughed in the carrier's face,
saying, "What in the world did you think?
Man, we're all here to fight, to invade people's space,
and to find hostile ships we can sink."
The Achievement was down but refused to be out,
for he knew others needed his might.
To let humans cavort and wage war all about
could in no way be thought of as right.
He was king of the fleet and a base for the planes,
and without him they couldn't go on.
He knew killing himself, although bringing him pains,
would effectively make the war gone.
His first task was to rev up the engines and speed
through the water with all of his strength.
With the humans distracted by his rebel deed,
the Achievement would search at great length.
He would find a sharp rock to gouge right through his skin,
and the humans would flee in a panic.
He would sink to the depths like his most-famous kin,
an old vessel they called the Titanic.
As he made preparations to pick up his pace,
he was hailed by the battleship Sword,
and the old navy ship put him right in his place
with regard to the humans on-board.
"They are not here to kill, they're defenders of peace,"
the old battleship said, his voice stern,
"and without them the bloodshed would not ever cease.
If you opened your eyes, you would learn."
The Achievement stopped dead in the water and thought.
Was the veteran talking some sense?
Was it all so that battles would never be fought?
Were the humans engaged in defense?
He decided his judgement was harsh and unfair,
which in turn gave his actions some pause,
for defending the world in the sea and the air
gave his being a most-noble cause.
"This is a much interesting poem. It's tender, and brave, and very cleverly done. Congrats!!! hopw to see ya some other time!" -- Samtuma.
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