I'm 19 and I currently a student at a local college. I'm pursuing a degree in biology. Despite my affinity for the sciences, I've had a passion for writer. I've been told I'm extremely talented, I still have yet to find the beauty that other people do in my writing... Give something a read and tell me what you think. [July 2003]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (36) Angel (Poetry) A poem about a breakup and heartache caused because a guy felt he was not good enough for his girlfriend. [327 words] [Relationships] Church (Poetry) A poem about the differences of the people you see in church each day. [241 words] Death Of A Grandmother (Poetry) I recently lost my grandmother and wrote a poem in her honor... [359 words] Distance In Our Hearts (Poetry) How it feels when you are seperated from someone you really care about. [75 words] [Romance] English Class (Poetry) My english teacher told us to look out of the window today. This is what I saw, outside the window and inside the room. [74 words] Find Your Voice (Poetry) A poem about venting the frustrations about not being able to find your voice. [70 words] Firefly (Poetry) Its a poem about a guy in his childhood and wanders out to a place he's visited once before. [147 words] Forgiveness (Poetry) Someone who has committed the ultimate act of hatred against another human being asks for forgiveness. [137 words] [Spiritual] Fretful Night (Poetry) Just a lonely night's thoughts. [249 words] Infatuation (Poetry) This is a poem about how much you can love someone and how it can makes you feel. [162 words] Janeska's Story (Short Stories) A story of the Holocaust told through a victim's eyes. [5,942 words] [Drama] King Arthur (Poetry) There is a story often told by the natives in Dover, England. This is a retelling of that story. In which, a man stumbles upon King Arthur as he waits to purge England of Mordred. [1,512 words] [Adventure] Kite (Poetry) Does anyone know who truly calls us when they say our name? This is a perfect example. [96 words] Love Questions (Poetry) Just a poem question some of the aspect of love. [23 words] [Romance] Mother (Poetry) A poem about how a mother looks at her child before it is born. [175 words] Of Dreams And Memories (Poetry) A dialogue between two people who have very different thoughts about their love. Note that the parentheses are a different speaker. If anyone has any idea on how to make that a little easier to read p... [289 words] Passerby (Poetry) A poem about passing by a girl I went to high school with and the feelings of how she didn't know me at all. [133 words] Psalm (Poetry) Just a poem written about someone who is being hurt by God. [87 words] [Spiritual] Rain (2) (Poetry) Just a poem about what it feels like to stand in a rainstorm. [168 words] Reflection (2) (Poetry) Thoughts on what it feels for some people to look in a mirror... [278 words] Romeo And Juliet (Poetry) Love is unexplainable especially when it happens between two people who truly deserve it. [155 words] Shooting Star (Poetry) A poem about a traveler who ponders their life while looking at the stars. [119 words] Simple Simon (Poetry) Looking back and realizing how much we took our childhood for granted. [48 words] [Motivational] Simple Thoughts (Poetry) What happens when two people don't share the same view of life? [149 words] Simple Thoughts In Extraordinary Lives (Poetry) What happens when the dreams of one partner is not shared by the other? [149 words] Snow Falling (Short Stories) A poem about a young girl whose father is sent to war. it talks about how she feels when he is gone. [580 words] Tell Me (Poetry) The poem of a girl who is speaking to her friend. She asks her friend how she can tell the man she is with that she doesn't love him. [122 words] [Romance] The Encounter (Poetry) It's a 3 work movement based on a guy who meets a girl at a party and falls in love with her. But he stupidly makes love to another girl from the same party and is hurt when he can't have the love of ... [1,629 words] [Relationships] The Flower (Poetry) The death of a flower equated with the death of a love. [96 words] [Romance] The Letter Of Elijiah (Short Stories) This is a story about a girl who finds a lost book of the Bible and attempts to find Jesus. [3,101 words] [Adventure] The Princess And The Peasant (Poetry) A poem from the eyes of a peasant about how he has fallen in love with a princess. [76 words] To Normandy (Poetry) This is a poem to immortalize the D-Day seize at Normandy. [1,173 words] [Action] Twenty-Eight (Poetry) I wrote this poem for my parents' 28th wedding anniversary which was a few weeks ago. I admire their marriage and I tried to capture some of it in here. It made both my parents cry... definitely not o... [114 words] [Relationships] Waiting (2) (Poetry) Just a poem about waiting for someone. [113 words] Why (2) (Poetry) Some thoughts I always have when the snow falls. [152 words] Willow Tree (Poetry) Why does the Willow Tree weep? My interpretation... [182 words]
Build Them Up Ashley Burdett
Build them up
From where nothing once lay.
From hollow timber and planked wood
Build them up
All night
Fasten nails and beams together
With expert craftsmanship
So that you may build the gallows
From which I will hang tomorrow.
Knock your hammer louder
So that I may hear its mournful music
Echo throughout the prison
Of my own creation.
Whistle your work tune more vibrantly
So that it may resound in these solid walls
And my hollow soul.
Sing your fatherland’s song
So that I may be reminded
Of my own heritage
And the ancestors whom I rush to meet
As I prepare to leave my wife and children.
Do not be still this night
For with your stillness
I know that the gallows are ready,
For me.
The noose hangs ready,
For me.
And so will my body
Come to sway, silently, in the wind.
"Wow someone posted whom can write. I'm not used to this kind of thing. Ohhh girl you can write. On a side note, you have a typo in your info, "... I've had a passion for writer." Anywho, i'll be reading more of your stuff, it tickles fancy in the most wonderful way. Your words are worth a 1000 pictures. " -- ryan severud.
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