Engineer, Businessman. Father,Husband, Friend, Lover. Hobbies; Piano, writing, photography. [August 2000]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (9) After Love (Poetry) Sharing a bed with someone that no longer loves you. [121 words] Epitaph (Poetry) Why are we here and who will remember? [164 words] First Time (Poetry) First Lovemaking [41 words] Free At Last (Poetry) The agony of divorce or separation. There are no easy answers. Nothing is black and white. [80 words] I May Not Be (Poetry) Examination of Perception of Existence. [140 words] In A Cardboard Box (Poetry) Memories stored away but not discarded. [111 words] New York 91101 (Poetry) Aftermath of World Trade Towers Attack. [106 words] The War Within (Poetry) The emotional struggle of deciding to abort and its aftermath. [156 words] Tomorrows (Poetry) After the World Trade Towers attack. [162 words]
Begin Again Arthur Henry Isaacson
After 60 years of living I find I am returned To the youth of my beginnings Learn the lessons yet unlearned
Embarking once again On a life that was a dream Following my instincts though Never did I deem
The things I had in mind then Could ever quite come true New urgency inside me Brings understanding into view
I must follow my true feelings Use my passion if I must Begin again as me, In myself to have more trust
Let the spirit lives within me Have his freedom give him flight Use his voice to be a beacon Give to others his insight
There is knowledge deep inside me That is desperate to be free I have no understanding Of how it came to be
But somehow I must use it Be all that I can be Where ever it does take me I know it is the key
To doors I have not found yet Or myriad mysteries As basic as a sunrise Or a tall and stately tree
This second life I’m living Brings me understanding new I am blessed with capability There are things that I can do
It’s not my place to question Just be used to set it free Whether form is words or music I can help others to see
All the beauty in the world Or emotions buried deep If I touch another soul My purpose I can keep
To make a contribution Make the world a better place Encourage joyful laughter Put a smile on someone’s face
Foster understanding Leave love living in my place Be a road that others follow From the darkness to a space
Where hope is more than dreams And life a joy becoming Where love is breath of life Bringing changes that are stunning
From within I am transformed To another I’ve not met My dreams are being realized Though I haven’t dreamed them yet
I am a light in darkness Though myself I cannot see What I do is plain in purpose Touching souls to set them free
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