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Be My Valentine
Footprints In The Sand: A Poem For Jeremiah by Jeffrey Pillow Today I feel as though one-third of me has died. I lost one of my b... [945 words]
Kindness Is Strength by Green Emerald Dedicated to Dear Shilpa [162 words]
A Visit To The Planetarium by Colin Baker - [31 words]
A First Class Service by Colin Baker - [15 words]
Pray To Be Connected by Amarjit Bhambra Feel the Power of Beinging connected. [103 words]
Be Kind by Amarjit Bhambra - [61 words]
...First Kiss... by Luis Felipe Moura A poem which tries to describe what a boy felt when kissing his girlfriend for the first time. [86 words]
Would You, Could You, Will You, Can You? by Tamsin Butler Just a depressing poem written for valentines day. [182 words]
Wisconin by French - [29 words]
Why Are You? by Andrews - [128 words]
When The Day Began by Lewis Tedesco A poem about how people and situations change as quickly as the sun rises and sets. [276 words]
Valentine's Pah! by Princess Tam Tam The funnier side of Valentines, I appologise for the rude language :) [101 words]
Tongue Twister by Narinder Bhambra A little tongue twister [14 words]
Time Is Flying by Iam Noone Time is flying [98 words]
The Whole by Andrews - [40 words]
The Love Game by Andrews - [67 words]
The Life by Andrews - [40 words]
The Lecture by Michael Potter Thoughts on listening to the enlightened. [64 words]
The Girl On The Bicycle by Kate Kerrison Freewheeling down a hill on a bright winters day [77 words]
The Future by Alyssa B - [149 words]
The France You Never Got To See by Randall Barfield How many people wanted to see France and never got a chance to? [67 words]
The Dove Of Peace by Andrews - [98 words]
The Classic Of You by Andrews - [67 words]
The Chinese Medicine Shop by Colin Baker - [43 words]
The Belief by Andrews - [51 words]
Teacups And Time by Liilia Morrison A troubled, cold soul finally finds warmth [151 words]
Steal The World by Amy Preston For that complicated " someone " and the best way I could show how I feel. [30 words]
Snow Falls by Kate Kerrison Snow gently falls on the sleeping village [77 words]
She's A Fake by Iam Noone A girl who feels no one understands her. [89 words]
Selections Of Poetry by Michael Perry Selections of Poetry I have written. Also check out song lyrics I have written as well. [402 words]
Resurrection by Wanderer Bass Suicidal rebirth through love. [87 words]
Outside by Steve Drost A haiku about winter [12 words]
One Night Can Change It All by Alyssa B Read it...and comment! [482 words]
Nine Eleven by Steve Drost Something that occurred to me after September 11, 2001. [94 words]
Nature Is Harmed by McNamar - [45 words]
My Hero My Firend by Kalyn Smith About my grandpa who passed away in 2000 [73 words]
M.O.T.H. by Sappho Luv This was a small piece I did while I was trying to toy with the idea of being straight, as in lifestyl... [230 words]
Mio Figlio by Alberto Pupo To my son [76 words]
Making A Promise by Amarjit Bhambra How do you keep a Promise? [75 words]
Let It Be The End by Andrews - [72 words]
Last Night I Dreamed I Met An Angel by Anslem B Gentle A dream of something real?? [136 words]
Jc Of The Kitchen by Alberto Pupo A description of the prophet of the lake [104 words]
If I Could Chat With You Again by Randall Barfield - [66 words]
I Wish by Andrews - [215 words]
I Will Remember Not To Forget by Jayme Lynne Gloria This is how I feel each day and no drugs, therapy nor new religion can mend this ... [307 words]
I Remember Love by Kate Kerrison The joy of remembering having loved and been loved [46 words]
I Dont Love You Anymore by Shame On-You - [84 words]
Hang Ups by Tamsin Butler Everyone has hang ups about themselves. [190 words]
Grab Your Own by Jonah Lepcha Famous Computer Geek Proves It To Be True: You Really Can Make Money With eBay, Adsense, and Clic... [23 words]
For My Niece With Love by Dri - [281 words]
Drinking And Driving by Alyssa B It's supposed to be like a mini commercial for parents to teach their kids about drunk dri... [128 words]
Dream. Friend? by Andreas Hedning I hope my words enchant you as much as my little dreamer did [124 words]
Don’T Be Anything But You by Andrews - [76 words]
Dead Wedding by Brian Boyer Doc - [45 words]
Covered by Julia O'neill Poem about anguish of letting go of insecurities when falling in love. [252 words]
Could It Be A Dream? by Andreas Hedning Where will you be going? Who will you meet? What will you see? [97 words]
Corporate Orgy by Rapadamus Corporate Orgy describes what the war in Iraq is really about in my opinion. Like assholes, eve... [149 words]
Catch by Iam Noone A poem about a girls hope to be with the man shes always dreamt of. [138 words]
Bombing Rhinos by French Soma - [25 words]
Bhambra by Narinder Bhambra Living in sin is painful. [85 words]
Bad Things by Kalyn Smith - [29 words]
Are You? by Andrews - [19 words]
A Quiet Journey by Jayme Lynne Gloria This is an old poem I wrote (sept. 11, 2006) for the "greatest love of my life" while he was aw... [141 words]
A Question With No Answere by Jack Primer I pose a question that I think can not be answered. [15 words]

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Be My Valentine
For My Darling Husband
[123 words]
Green Emerald
[April 2012]
Boys Vs Girls! (Poetry) Who's more important? Aren't we supposed to be equal? [106 words]
Christmas (Poetry) A Simple Christmas. [189 words]
Cold Days (Poetry) - [144 words]
Empty Threats (Poetry) About a unwanted relative. [116 words]
Faith In Life (Poetry) The key to never give up on life is to have FAITH! [151 words]
First & Last Love (Poetry) Love [201 words]
For You We Will Stay (Poetry) A poem by a mother to her son, letting him know she is only sticking around for his sake [62 words]
Forever Friends (Poetry) - [160 words]
Happy Day (Poetry) - [204 words]
Hate The One You Love (Poetry) - [177 words]
Honour (Poetry) Recently there have been a lot of stories on the News regarding honour killings, it made me think, so I thought to write a poem on it, I hope you like it. [113 words]
How Did I Get So Lucky (Poetry) One of my favourite...for the one I love and will cherish forever. [138 words]
I Will Try To Take The Pain Away (Poetry) For my husband who suffers from severe pains in his stomach [51 words]
Innocence Of A Child (Poetry) - [110 words]
Jealousy (Poetry) Jealousy...A Woman's best friend. [236 words]
Kindness Is Strength (Poetry) Dedicated to Dear Shilpa [162 words]
Leaving You Behind... (Poetry) How a mother's heart breaks when leaving her baby behind to go and earn ends meat..it's a cruel world without money. [194 words]
Lost In Time (Poetry) - [273 words]
Loving Me Loving You (Poetry) Loving me Loving You Is this the best you can do [136 words]
Merry Christmas (Poetry) Seasons Greetings [47 words]
Mum You Are Always Right (Poetry) This poem is dedicated to my wise and wonderful Mother. Who is always right. [268 words]
My Faith In God Is Unconditional (Poetry) - [271 words]
My First Christmas Without You (Poetry) Bad memories follow like shadows [272 words]
My Great Grand-Dad (Poetry) - [245 words]
My Husband (Poetry) - [64 words]
My Mysterious Dad (Poetry) My Dad is the quietest man you could ever meet. You never know what his thinking. He has a hard time showing compassion, but we all know it's there somewhere...we just have to find it ourselves. [221 words]
My Son (Poetry) Beautiful memories of when I had my first born [197 words]
Never Ending Desires (Poetry) Pay Day!Goes faster than it comes!We're never satisified by what we have, we're always too busy thinking about what we haven't got. [182 words]
Power Of Love (Poetry) - [193 words]
Red Bride (Poetry) - [127 words]
Sisters For Life (Poetry) I love my sisters! They are my best friends and worst enemies at the best and worst of times! Life is a living soap operah, having them in my life. [91 words]
Stuck In The Middle (Poetry) About a man who is torn between two women [96 words]
Sunny Days With My Son (Poetry) - [173 words]
Sweet Memories (Poetry) Memories are what we Have. Dreams are what we live for [198 words]
Thank You Great Britain (Poetry) - [200 words]
The Art Of Smiling (Poetry) - [86 words]
Trust......Never To Be Broken (Poetry) - [221 words]
Two Of God's Great Kingdoms (Poetry) The World We Live In & Heaven Where We Hope To Live In One Day [246 words]
What Am I Here For? (Poetry) I'm here your here but we're in the middle of Nowhere [121 words]
What I Couldn't Live Without (Poetry) - [135 words]
What If It Was Me (Poetry) Grateful for what I have [169 words]
What Will She Be Like? (Poetry) All married women will like this one..something you can all relate to [211 words]
Wonderful World (Poetry) - [154 words]
Wondrous God (Poetry) Thanks to the success of this poem I can now call myself a poet. This has now made me a semi-finalist in the International Open Poetry Contest. This poem is also now published in a book titled "Immort... [142 words]
Working 2 Duties (Poetry) Working 2 duties...1 at home and 1 at work. [201 words]
You Will Never Be The King (Poetry) Please feel free to comment. This is about someone I'm unfortunatly related to. [221 words]
Be My Valentine
Green Emerald

Being your Valentine is a lovely gift
From your face my eyes won’t shift
So far we have celebrated three Valentines Days together
And now I look forward to more days with you forever and ever

I always say to you
It doesn’t matter what you do
On Valentines Day
As long as you are with the one you love

With you I can be shy or bold
I don’t expect diamonds or gold
A bunch of red roses would do
And maybe you can throw in a “I love You”

You never have yet let me down
Always treated me like a Queen wearing a crown
You are the Kohi Noor diamond sparkling bright
Without you I’m not a pretty sight

For you make me ME
And I make you YOU
That is why we are together
Through and through



"Such a beautiful heartfelt poem. It doesn't matter if they buy you gifts as long as they make you feel like the only one that matters, I am so jealous that you have someone that insires you so. Was a joy to read!" -- Tamsin Butler.
"Thank you for taking the time out to read my poem Tamsin. Your right, material things don't express one's love for someone, it's in the kind things they do and say for the one they love. That is why I wrote this poem for my husband who is kind and gentle. He never misses a gift on Valentines, my Birthday or Xmas. We both know the love is there even if he did or didn't buy me anything. You will find that someone one day & when you do I hope he treats you like a Queen, like I get treated everyday. Thank you" -- Green Emerald.


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© 2007 Green Emerald
April 2012

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