AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (19) Big Problem (Songs) Biggest problem in a relationship [224 words] [Relationships] Coffee And Cigarettes (Songs) [233 words] [Drama] Don't Stop (Believing) (Songs) It's a dedication to those who lost their self esteem within their breakdown. [178 words] [Psychology] Falling Into The Blue (Songs) An Encouraging Song [207 words] [Motivational] Help Me Forget (Songs) Potential Break up song :/ [192 words] [Teenage] I Ain't No Good Girl (Songs) Being you and just you :) [289 words] [Biography] I Am Not The Problem (Songs) Discoveries :) [259 words] [Relationships] I Talk To My Reflection (Songs) Your Own Pep Talk to Yourself [255 words] [Motivational] If It's Not Our Call (Songs) Lyrics for couples in one of those 'Complicated Relationships' [179 words] [Relationships] It's Time To Go (Songs) Song about a suicidal girl [146 words] [Psychology] I've Tried My Best (Songs) The Ultimate Bipolar Song :) Stay Strong! [189 words] [Motivational] Lightening's Gonna Strike Again (Songs) One sided Hope in a relationship that can no longer proceed. [135 words] [Relationships] Long Story Short (Songs) A mother telling her daughter/son about his/her father for the first time. [172 words] [Teenage] Marry For Money (Songs) Every girl's hidden wish ;) [285 words] [Motivational] To Be Okay (Songs) This song is about being treated wrong and suffering because your partner doesn't give a sh*t. [114 words] [Psychology] Twisted Professions (Songs) Star Crossed Lovers! [199 words] [Romance] What It Takes (Songs) - [185 words] [Drama] Wont Hold It Against You (Songs) . . . . . [280 words] [Relationships] Your Wake Up Call (Songs) A song for all the dumb guys, for leaving the perfect girl behind. [207 words] [Relationships]
Anxious Love Illy Hameed
(Verse one)
We all live in, in a strange world
Where we lose ourselves in love
It takes me into a place where I
Forget my worst and sorrows
It took you years to come again
It took me a while to move on
You are the wind that sways away
But I am the healer of your pain
But if I go, will you be same?
Or will you come back for more
It seems I can’t be without you either
Will loosing you be hard enough?
It’ll be my turn, once and for all
I change it all; I’ll love you even if you don’t anymore
I’ll be the same, I won’t hesitate
You’ll miss me soon and we’ll share, our pain
We’ll heal our love again,
Once it’s done our wounds be gone, far away
(Verse Two)
Lately I've been curious enough
I've waited for this too long
It seems, you are my every hope
A hope to me and my soul
Something’s can’t be said too easily
You’re someone I’ll always fall for
You are the wind that won’t stay for long
I’m the pure side of your love
But if I go, will you be same?
Or will you come back for more
It seems your path is way too different
Will you be the mistake I make?
It’ll be my turn, once and for all
I change it all; I’ll love you even if you won’t anymore
I’ll be the same, I won’t hesitate
You’ll miss me soon and we’ll share, our pain
We’ll heal our love again,
Once it’s done our wounds be gone, far away
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