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Denial by R Bennett Okerstrom Forbidden love [191 words]
The Sound Of A Tear by M Q Walters - [76 words]
Heather Dream 4,836 by Branson Storm Another tease from the ghost of my soulmate. [131 words]
Whatever Happened To All The Good Ideas? by Roberto J Moreno It's about society's lack of integrity. [245 words]
Three Wishes by Ralph R Martinez a poem about getting back together with an ex [100 words]
The Sky Above by Ralph R Martinez A poem I wrote for a friend, but never gave it to her... bummer. I should have. [85 words]
Sickness Of The Young, Poems by Mila Strictzer A collection of Poems. [2,758 words]
Nostalgia by K P William Cheng - [126 words]
My Angel Online Friendship by Ralph R Martinez This poem I wrote for a girl I met via the net she loved it! She'll always be specia... [153 words]
Love Joy Agony And Hatred by K P William Cheng - [214 words]
Lady Liberty Looks On by David Soriano A collection of poems. [1501 words]
Hunter For Her Feel by Roberto J Moreno Its about envisioning rather than seeing. [110 words]
Hello, Am I Your Son? by Roberto J Moreno It was a rainy day. [181 words]
Growing by Hope - [124 words]
Drive by Wolfa A poem. Yes. Yes it is. [88 words]
Witch's Broom by David Soriano A nature poem dealing with outer space and galaxies. [53 words]
Who You Gonna Call? by David Soriano A poem about seances. [104 words]
What Is Life? by David Soriano What is....life? [126 words]
Unreachable by Clarmila Orpeza A basic human quandary -- Why do we want the one we can't have? [99 words]
Through The Valley by Branson Storm A walk through the valley of darkness. [891 words]
Three Dimensional Vision by David Soriano A poem on thoughtfulness. [53 words]
Things I'd Like To Say by David Soriano A poem for a man of few words. [47 words]
The Tired And Poor by David Soriano Cheap Labor. [108 words]
The Second Effort by David Soriano The 1970 Kansas City Chiefs- up and over! [56 words]
The Land Of Green by David Soriano A humourous poem about an Irish Farmer's day in the field. [130 words]
The Irish Healer by David Soriano A poem based on an Irish legend about a healer. [73 words]
The Eye Of Evil by David Soriano A brief poem about the evil eye. [45 words]
Teleportation by David Soriano A poem about ghosts. [49 words]
Surf's Up by David Soriano Unusual poem about surfing. [81 words]
Study Guides And Solution Manuals by David Soriano A poem about academia and psychology. [33 words]
Spiritual Hunger by David Soriano A poem about spiritual differences. [97 words]
Slugfest And Sureshot by David Soriano A poem about a pinball machine. [82 words]
Sense Of Self-Worth by David Soriano A poem about one's self. [67 words]
Security Blanket by David Soriano A poem about the Shroud. [58 words]
Science And Religion by David Soriano A poem about... science and religion. [73 words]
Runaway by Jennifer Mendez - [119 words]
Restless Departed by David Soriano A soul not wishing to leave very expensive property. [70 words]
Receptor Sites by David Soriano A poem about consciousness elevation. [60 words]
Rapture by David Soriano A mysterious poem .... [110 words]
Placidness by David Soriano A poem about thoughtfulness. [78 words]
Pasteur by David Soriano A poem in honor of Louis Pasteur. [52 words]
Panspermia by David Soriano A poem about origins of life. [52 words]
Outrun The River by Sue (Sooz) Simpson The snow was melting fast and he owed it to himself and his seld of dogs to make it to safety. [145 words]
Odor- Eaters Needed by David Soriano A poem about shoes. [52 words]
Neanderthal Expressions by David Soriano A thoughtful poem on creativity and needs of self-expression. [60 words]
Moving On by Elizabeth Jessica Allen This is a collection of verse that portrays my feelings towards journeys that had to be made by me. [940 words]
Morlock Clones by David Soriano A poem based on the author's interpretation of the "Time Machine" by H.G. Wells. [67 words]
Mixed Emotions by David Soriano A humourous poem about a... piggy bank. [104 words]
Meloncholy Madness by David Soriano A poem about alchemy. [81 words]
Megalithic Ruins by David Soriano A poem about Stonehenge. [55 words]
Masks by M Q Walters - [144 words]
Love Of Winter by David Soriano Winter-my time of year. [57 words]
Linguistic Tongues by David Soriano A poem about weirdness based on a true story. [90 words]
Life's Work by Elizabeth Jessica Allen This is a collection of poetry which look at different aspects of past relationships. [1,013 words]
Leaving On by Branson Storm Words to family and friends prior to departing for a life of solitude. [208 words]
Inward And Outward by David Soriano A thoughtful poem on fellow man and life elsewhere in the universe. [66 words]
Intellectual Kelvinism by David Soriano A poem focusing on academic snobbery. [111 words]
Inner Demons by Alberto Pupo How insecurity kills... [65 words]
In Retrospect by David Soriano A poem describing appreciation. [122 words]
If I Had You by Jennifer Ramirez This poem needs no description, simply stated, I wrote this for my Husband Coy, because he's every... [166 words]
His Winged Sphinx by David Soriano An intepretation of the set and setting for H.G Wells when he wrote the "Time Machine". [165 words]
H.G. Wells by David Soriano A poem about writer H.G. Wells and his life. [120 words]
Hearts Clock by Ashley Negrete - [67 words]
Halloween by David Soriano A tale written for a Halloween night. [76 words]
Find Eternal Rest by David Soriano Restless spirits. [148 words]
Face Down In The Street by David Soriano A poem about sensitivity toward our fellow man. [90 words]
Emotions Of The Heart by Wantana Tierney - [121 words]
Dreams Of Transmutation by David Soriano A poem about alchemy. [144 words]
Competition by David Soriano Only the strong survive. [82 words]
Civil War News by David Soriano A poem based on American Civil War trading cards from ca. 1961. [56 words]
Chronicles Of Irish Tradition by David Soriano A poem saluting the excellence of Irish literary tradition. [69 words]
Calamus Revival by David Soriano A thoughtful poem on reflection. [79 words]
Boomerang by David Soriano A poem about the boomerang sport. [60 words]
Bogs, Swamps, Lagoons And Marshes by David Soriano A poem about..wetlands. [75 words]
Bloomin Annoying by Josh And Nicole Fish 'n' Frog It's a surprise. [107 words]
Bleaching Green by Andrew French Depicts the struggle of dealing with the addictions in everyday life. [83 words]
Ants by Kurt Kitasaki A short poem about a terrifying entity. [12 words]
American Revolution by David Soriano A poem about the 1960s era. [100 words]
Altered State by David Soriano A poem about being in a coma. [37 words]
8 by Clarmila Orpeza Wanting and needing. [48 words]
Young Love by Ralph R Martinez A short story/poem about a young couple in love. [370 words]
Without Her by Ralph R Martinez A poem about a couple who has been 2gether 4ever,and the wife ends up leaving this world. Now the h... [149 words]
What Is It? by Preston Miles Metz This is a rhythmic pentameter with a recognizable scheme. I wrote it recently, as my current inter... [134 words]
Underneath The Stairs by Mike Schiller This poem was written in a few seconds. A girl emailed me with a description of a photo s... [215 words]
Tantalize The Senses by Stephanie Siegfred From a chocolate lover's delight to the heartbreak of adoption... [373 words]
Sophie by Eloise H Anson - [153 words]
Someday by Christy Mack Disappointments in life... one of my more mature poems. [113 words]
So, Are We Famous Yet? by Fyona Doyle Latz - [129 words]
Ship Of Fools by M Q Walters - [72 words]
Self-Refusal by Vianne-Marie Fortier This is a poem I wrote about myself. I was in one of those writer's block moods when I hate myself... [40 words]
Politicians by Kurt Kitasaki A mild attack against politicians. [18 words]
My Mind Filled. by Ralph R Martinez A poem I wrote for a friend of mine. [136 words]
Memberwhen by Sue (Sooz) Simpson Memberwhen that mystical word of long ago memories. [189 words]
Marbles by Onederose Don't fight what distracts. [55 words]
Long Walk Back To Jurassica by Sue (Sooz) Simpson Evolution and progress or three million steps backwards? [323 words]
Lightning by Kurt Kitasaki A short poem on the violent force of nature. [13 words]
Jason (I Still Need You) by Christy Mack The love of my life. [121 words]
Imprisoned Heart by Preston Miles Metz This poem was inspired and written when I was a teenager in love, naive and still innocent. D... [83 words]
I'll Be There by Ralph R Martinez A poem about a friend who offers. His love to a friend during a time of need. [87 words]
Friend Of Mine by Ralph R Martinez This is a poem that i had written for a friend of mine. She loved it! [134 words]
Empty Nest by Vianne-Marie Fortier This is about a bunch of siblings who leave home for college and have to tell their mother that this... [94 words]
Dreams Of A Librarian by Lisa Petro This is included in an anthology of poetry to be published in October, 2002 entitled Lett... [81 words]
Cobweb, A Collection by Ben Rymer A collection of verse. Many of them are simple sketches of scenes of nature with a couple ... [846 words]
Captive Of Earth by Sendria Crandall - [110 words]
Call It As You Will by Onederose Here's to the strength in US. [85 words]
Backwoods Beast by Preston Miles Metz This is a humorous poem written when I was a youngster. It is part of a cherished collection. ... [80 words]
Awkward by Vianne-Marie Fortier This is just a spur of the moment poem. Inspiration comes from "So much for the Afterglow" by Everclear... [43 words]
A Journey Throughout by Alberto Pupo A journey... [73 words]
A Day With Dog, Poetry, And Prose by Preston Miles Metz This is a blank verse, thoughts and reflections during a spring day. [298 words]
Dark Oblivion by Jessie Finn There are no words to describe the hidden message of this poem, just read it and you will know wh... [129 words]
Your Unique Picasso by Fyona Doyle Latz - [124 words]
Where To Go by Jennifer Mendez - [69 words]
Voices Inside by Jessie Finn A haunting poem about the conflict of ones mind. [80 words]
Travel In Darkness by Alberto Pupo The road of a weary traveler... [73 words]
Tongues, A Collection by Durlabh Singh A collection of verse: Tongues, Green Green, Hunters Of Sea. [210 words]
The World Through Your Head by Roberto J Moreno Late night random thoughts. [179 words]
The Scream by Bollimuntha Venkata Ramana Rao - [89 words]
The Replacement... by Alberto Pupo Substituting one for the other... [57 words]
Straying From The Path by Wolfa A Poem, once more. Ahh, my memories of a certain delightful time in high school... and ... [471 words]
Satan Wears A Dress by Ryan Watts - [40 words]
Realizations by Alberto Pupo To realize... [64 words]
Never Again by Eloise H Anson I'm terrible at poetry, but, hey, I tried! [111 words]
Love And Friendship by Juned Ahsan - [165 words]
Last Goodbye by Jennifer Mendez - [162 words]
Jesus Fucked A Camel And Now We All Have Gonorrhoea by Ryan Watts - [190 words]
Flicker by Michelle Worswick - [18 words]
Emotion Pool by Alberto Pupo A pool of emotions brewed into one. [42 words]
Dead by Drevan - [66 words]
A Lack

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A Lack
the confusion created when I miss her...
[58 words]
Alberto Pupo
[December 2000]
21 Steps Till (Poetry) 21 steps till something occurs... [62 words]
A Game Of Lies (Poetry) Play the game to amuse yourself.... [63 words]
A Journey Throughout (Poetry) A journey... [73 words]
A Path Now Divided (Poetry) Just when everything seemed certain... [59 words]
A Question Of Timing (Poetry) To time everything perfectly to time things right, or to forge forward. [74 words]
A Simple Concept.... (Poetry) A quirky little poem with a dash of humor, about.... [61 words]
After The Storm (Poetry) Dedicated to a love that has been tested by past phantoms but still goes on stronger than ever. [78 words]
Again Struckdown! (Poetry) About frustrations from a not so distant past.... [67 words]
Aimless (Poetry) For the first time understanding what its truly like to lose the love, of one you truly loved. [53 words]
Ambiguous Art (Poetry) Delve deeper to find meaning perhaps... [83 words]
An Ode To The One True Love. (Poetry) This is dedicated to the one I love and will always love, and I hope she will get the chance to read this one day. [128 words]
And So It Goes....... (Poetry) going........ [56 words]
Antidote To Love (Poetry) Is this the cure? [85 words]
Anwser To You (Poetry) Anwser? [48 words]
Awaiting A Call. (Poetry) Desperation at its finest... [71 words]
Before Me... (Poetry) Yes before me... [82 words]
Beg (Poetry) Plead [68 words]
Beyond Earthly Despair (Poetry) Simply beyond... [51 words]
Blinded (Poetry) Cannot see.... [57 words]
Code Red (Poetry) An alert to all [91 words]
Crimson Reverie (Poetry) - [48 words]
Danger... (Poetry) Is there something dangerous in passion? [102 words]
Dark Winter (Poetry) For it can truly be dark. [73 words]
Delusions Of Grandeur (Poetry) There is nothing more ridiculous than a self deluded individual.... [70 words]
Descending (Poetry) Prepare for the fall... [65 words]
Desires Fulfilled (Short Stories) Desires burn deep within the human mind sometimes to have them fulfilled can be lethal. [516 words] [Suspense]
Destiny Of Fools (Poetry) Are we fools destined for something, or is destiny for fools. [90 words]
Embrace Again (Poetry) Strange rantings... [87 words]
Emergence Of The Optimist (Poetry) Emerging from the ashes of the Pessimist. [160 words]
Emerging From Shadows (Poetry) The unexpected can often be disturbing. [101 words]
Emotion Pool (Poetry) A pool of emotions brewed into one. [42 words]
Emptiness Of Living. (Poetry) A life so hollow.... [56 words]
Essence Of Death (Poetry) Life... Death... [69 words]
Eyes Deceive (Poetry) All is illusory everything is deceptionary... [65 words]
Games We Play (Poetry) The games are played. [54 words]
Half An Epiphany (Poetry) To understand to an extent. [54 words]
Imprisoned (Poetry) Locked deep within... [52 words]
Infinite Ocean (Poetry) Oceans of infinity... [63 words]
Inner Demons (Poetry) How insecurity kills... [65 words]
Innocence Lost (Poetry) A loss. [93 words]
Into The Night (Poetry) from the darkness return.... [70 words]
Is This To Difficult To See? (Poetry) The truth about everything and what I feel for her, is it really that difficult for her to see.... [73 words]
Isolated (Poetry) Living in isolation. [42 words]
Jc Of The Kitchen (Poetry) A description of the prophet of the lake [104 words]
Journey Into Nothing (Poetry) Why the past means nothing yet is a plague to the mind... [80 words]
Keeper Of My Heart (Poetry) For my one true love I'm so glad Ifound yher andeven though we are physically seperated by distance we willbe together forever soon enough. [68 words]
La Epica (Poetry) Whatever it is, it has become [168 words]
Live It Up (Poetry) Indulgence is the theme of today. [66 words]
Logical Step... (Poetry) The next step.... [58 words]
Lost In A Thought (Poetry) Deep within the mind in the darkest of corners... [63 words]
Melancholia Darkness (Poetry) As the title implies [69 words]
Memories Of Destiny (Poetry) Remember.... [73 words]
Memories Of Her (Poetry) Only a memory. [102 words]
Mind Of The Betrayer (Poetry) So easily are we all deceived.... [118 words]
Mio Figlio (Poetry) To my son [76 words]
Missing In Action (Poetry) Longing.... [38 words]
Mistress Time.... (Poetry) Generous on the surface but deep down so terribly cruel.... [52 words]
Morbidity (Poetry) All that is Morbid. [56 words]
More Experimental Poems (Poetry) Yet again another experiment. [263 words]
Musings (Poetry) To simply Muse. [84 words]
Nocturnal Godess (Poetry) Love is much to strong... [66 words]
Oceans Of Deception (Poetry) Sailing through treacherous waters.... [62 words]
Ode To Love Bleeding (Poetry) How to find the cure for love... [57 words]
Ode To The False One... (Poetry) A short little invective against one who has caused her such great pain. [74 words]
On The Brink (Poetry) To die just a little every day. [55 words]
Pandemonium! (Poetry) Total chaos is afoot... [76 words]
Passion Reborn (Poetry) A flow of thoughts an outpouring of emotion, dedicated to a grow currently making a difference in my life. [105 words]
Pleasures! (Poetry) Simply Pleasure.... [50 words]
Poem To No One (Poetry) Because this is for that somebdy who is nobody... [89 words]
Pools... (Poetry) For love is predestined... [78 words]
Quagmire In Thought (Poetry) To decide or not to decide to forge ahead or not to, what will she do? [80 words]
Questioning... (Poetry) All must and will be questioned.. [89 words]
Realizations (Poetry) To realize... [64 words]
Reflection (Poetry) To reflect upon... [80 words]
Regretting Mistakes.. (Short Stories) a weird tale of a deranged little mind... [1,044 words]
Restless. (Poetry) Indeed. [56 words]
Returning To That Place (Poetry) Reawakening the Pessimist within. [50 words]
Rhyming With You (Poetry) To rhyme somehow. [33 words]
Salvation In Death (Short Stories) Things are never what they seem... [493 words] [Suspense]
Saturnine (Poetry) Depressing, yet enlightening... [90 words]
Searching For Sleep (Short Stories) Sometimes one cannot find the remedy or solution to the situtation... [536 words] [Suspense]
Secret Place (Poetry) Into the secrecy of nothing. [38 words]
Security Matters (Poetry) The words to ignite [100 words]
Settings (Poetry) To set the stage. [70 words]
Should Have Would Have, Could Have Been (Short Stories) A story of regrets and mistakes.... [638 words]
Slave To The Imaginary (Poetry) Delving into irrational thought. [166 words]
So Now A Crescendo (Poetry) An end.... [55 words]
Sound And Sacrafice (Poetry) to the victor goes.. the spoils [87 words]
Speaking Of Which (Poetry) To speak. [96 words]
Spectre Of A Distant Past (Poetry) A memory of a girl who has faded.... [64 words]
Spellbound (Poetry) To a special someone who has left me simply spellbound. [56 words]
Stranded (Poetry) On this lonesome rock floating away.... [81 words]
Struggle (Poetry) To struggle. [84 words]
Struggles Within (Poetry) A battle against oneself... [53 words]
Suddenly Numb (Poetry) The unfortunate nature of relationships.... [46 words]
Taken (Poetry) To be taken. [46 words]
Taste.... (Poetry) A yearning to break free, and taste passion. [59 words]
That Saturday Night (Short Stories) A story of inner struggle and disbelief [766 words] [Thriller]
The Adulturess (Poetry) Dedicated to all the one's out there. [74 words]
The Experiment... (Poetry) A compilation of experimental type poetry... [224 words]
The Fall (Poetry) What goes up must... [64 words]
The Fruitless Search (Poetry) Love, a most ridiculous notion. [84 words]
The Grazing (Poetry) Grazing. [81 words]
The Mirror Image (Poetry) a redux now corrected [134 words]
The Mirror's Image (Poetry) Do you like what you see? [129 words]
The Replacement... (Poetry) Substituting one for the other... [57 words]
The Song Continues... (Poetry) We sing a most depressive little tune don't we? [58 words]
The Song Of A Goddess! (Poetry) To a Goddess which stirs my heart.... [82 words]
The X- Factor (Poetry) You may not know who you are.. [71 words]
To Diana Empress Of The Heart... (Poetry) Dedicated to the one I loved... Perhaps I still do love. [112 words]
To Enlighten (Poetry) A most noble quest to stroke the ego. [95 words]
To My Muse (Poetry) An ode to her. [118 words]
Tones (Poetry) A tone of misery and despair. [59 words]
Traces (Poetry) A fading trace... [56 words]
Tragic Truth (Poetry) Because the truth stings, reality is harsh. [76 words]
Travel In Darkness (Poetry) The road of a weary traveler... [73 words]
Truth About Love (Poetry) A harsh reality. [67 words]
Unconciously Wanting (Poetry) Wanting unconciously to reveal.. [108 words]
Washing Away The Pain (Poetry) Dedicated to a girl who has recently come into my life and has already made such a difference. [70 words]
Watcher (Poetry) Watching.... [42 words]
Watching Madness. (Poetry) Gazing into that which defies sanity.... [48 words]
Welcome To A New Tomorrow (Poetry) Love the grandest of delusions... [111 words]
Where Does It Go? (Poetry) Indeed where to? [71 words]
Why You Never Loved Me... (Poetry) The minimal doubt that existed, that was magnified by the way things went.. [105 words]
Words Written (Poetry) Read the words written... [55 words]
A Lack
Alberto Pupo

Sulking. feeling cast aside.
Love has overtaken me once more.
Yearning to be right by her side.
A feeling stronger than ever before.

Bound byt he constraints of time and space
Trapped behind four walls.
Anxious to simply look at her face
Before the ever expected fall.

Constantly trying to feeL at ease.
Forget about any dark possibilities.
Trying to find a moment's peace.
Beyond the pale of destructibility.


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© 2002 Alberto Pupo
June 2002

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