AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (2) Larger Than Life Personalityforever Missed (Songs) This tribute song is dedicated to one of my favorite TV Personalities Christopher "Big Black" Boykin [307 words] [Writing Resource] Understand Find Where You Belong (Songs) Song to anyone who feels the worlds on their shoulders or dont belong [239 words] [Motivational]
Heart Of A Warriorcan't Break Me Shanice Casey
Verse 1: Time to let go/let go of all the hurt/
The pain/time to free myself/its weighing me down/
I've lost myself I'm trying to understand
I'm fighting hard to overcome my adversities/
Try to tear me down/throw your stones all you want/
I'll stand Up/I'll grow stronger/I'm Made of steel/
Nothing will stand in my way/not anymore/not anymore/
I won't shatter like glass/Cause I've got the heart
Of a warrior/Yeah/the heart of a warrior/you'll never
Break me/You'll never break me/give me everything
You got/take your best shot/
Chorus: I was once fragile now I've found who I am/
Judge me say what you want about me/it won't affect me/
I've overcome so much/I'm stronger/ Im empowered/
I'm taking a stand/I won't let words or misconceptions
Define who I am/No/My battle Scars are healed/
My hearts turned to stone/throw all your bricks/
All your stones/ they won't hurt/ wanna know why/
Cause I've got the heart of a warrior/heart of a
Warrior/you'll never break me/No not this time/ cause I've
Got the heart of a warrior/
Bridge I stand in the face of adversity
So can you/ Don't let what anyone says about you
Make you believe that's who you really are/you may
Be fragile/But your not broken/Don't hide your
Battle Scars/embrace them/use them as motivation/
You can cut me open/you may leave me to bleed/
Rip the skin off my bones/but that still won't break
Me/ I'm a fighter/ I'm stronger than ever/
Cause I've still got the heart of a warrior/Yeah/Oh/
The heart of a warrior/
Verse 2: Believe in yourself/put your all into
Everything you do/life's not always gonna be easy/
Your gonna have struggles/you may even wear your
Heart on your sleeve/That's okay/be confident
In who you are/know your place in this world/
Never give up/never shatter like glass/ show
Why nothing can break you/why you've still at the
End of the day still got the heart of a warrior/
Yes you've got the heart of a Warrior
Chorus 2x:
I was once fragile now I've found who I am/
Judge me say what you want about me/it won't affect me/
I've overcome so much/I'm stronger/ Im empowered/
I'm taking a stand/I won't let words or misconceptions
Define who I am/No/My battle Scars are healed/
My hearts turned to stone/throw all your bricks/
All your stones/ they won't hurt/ wanna know why/
Cause I've got the heart of a warrior/heart of a
Warrior/you'll never break me/No not this time/ cause I've
Got the heart of a warrior/
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