Forced To Pray Irishguy Samurai
Scared to ask, forced to pray,
relieved if i made it, through the day,
without a fist, abuse, smack in the face,
being carefull not to put a foot in the wrong place,
i'm talking about the teachers here, not the other students.
Synge Street christian brothers school in 1980,
have you ever experienced a form of pure hatred,
venom in their eyes, have it in their faces,
how can you hit a 10 year old child? YOUR DISGRACEFULL,
forcing us to pray, everyday, BE FAITHFULL!
the great name our school has, you fucking athiest!
dont look down, dont act the fool,
or you will feel the sting of pain,
end up in a large bloody pool.
You were trusted to educate us, keep us safe.
but all you did was fucking hate us, make us pray.
locked in sheds, hit in the head,
But i was the lucky one, didnt end up dead.
running home, you tell your parents,
they just thought, well you must deserve it.
Scared of a system, that protected pedophiles,
murdered children, killed to protect lies,
ruined my childhood, fucked up countless others.
you made me think this was normal behaviour,
indoctronated me, ended up with disorders,
turned away from education, for years after,
but luckily found my love of understanding computers,
now i have teachers that care that we are learning,
teaching us skills that are practical for earning,
money and respect in our chosen areas of work,
it came back to bite you though, brought to court.
even heard of past pupils, murdering teachers,
dogged all thier life, by your fucking evil.
as for my religion? well, you can rest,
you turned me off religion, i AM now an athiest.