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I Haven't Got The Heart by Chuk H MacDonald Everybody has at least one truth that is just too painful to face. Mine is that you are... [251 words]
Kasa by Scotty Cleary asasa [1 words]
Khjhjhj by Scotty Cleary ... [1 words]
Help Me Back To The Ground by Amarjit Bhambra Imagine singing this one on top of a mountain. [111 words]
Love On The Other Side by Amarjit Bhambra A song about a woman who died young and her husband is kind of forgotton her and married... [161 words]
Deeper In Life by Steph Kidd Like all my other songs...this one is depressing. [106 words]
All I Need by Desi Williams Depression, wanting love but not finding it, better things to come. Think Evanescence, Linkin Park,... [168 words]
You Helped Me Through by Breanna N Porrett A sad song...about a girl who finally finds out about herself. [134 words]
What's Real?! by Josh Anderson What's real in this world are the fallen, people who have something not quite right, from the hom... [512 words]
We're Only
Wasting Away by Marissa Gelardo When you read these lyrics, think of the bands: Linkin Park, Disturbed, Flaw or AFI. Hope you enjo... [89 words]
U Came Crashing Down by Steph Kidd Its a rock song...like all my other songs...uh... think of goo goo dolls/john mayer/simple... [135 words]
The Way You Make Me Feel by Matteo Hodak Well, this song I suppose is a about a lad who meets a girl and hes to shy to make a m... [251 words]
The Warrior Of Love And Passion by Amarjit Bhambra - [139 words]
The Long Goodbye by Matteo Hodak This song is about a guy who has tried everything possible to be the best boyfriend but his gi... [246 words]
The Long And Winding Journey by Matteo Hodak Well this about a guy who has gone through his ups and downs with his girlfriend a... [230 words]
Surreal Awakening by Desi Williams My first song on here, but definitely not my first song. Think Travis, Simple Plan. Please ... [86 words]
Shoebox Of Memories by Steph Kidd I wrote this about a month ago...i just never showed it to anybody...i found it in my noteb... [124 words]
Reality Hits Hard by Steph Kidd Its like...goo goo dolls/john mayer/avril lavigne...one of my friends...megan l...wrote a poe... [109 words]
Never Thought by Breanna N Porrett Its a fast energetic song thats kind of sad but its got a really cool vibe to it. [110 words]
My Demon by Marissa Gelardo When you read this...think of the bands Dimmu Borgir, Disturbed, or Linkin Park. [88 words]
Like Sugar And Cream by Amarjit Bhambra A little love song. [96 words]
Like A New Disease by Josh Anderson Rock / Rap. Rock singer in normal write, emcee in '[ ]' square brackets. This is for all the... [392 words]
Kristis Song by Brett M Swainston Song 4 my gf my greatest inspiration. [149 words]
It's Not My Imagination (I Did Belong To You) by Dri The words of another song. [162 words]
If You Wanna Dance by Breanna N Porrett Fast,energetic, makes you wanna get up and dance. [80 words]
I Miss You By The Day by Kutibah Chihabi - [157 words]
Honey by Rosales - [203 words]
Forever In Your Heart by Matteo Hodak This song is about a lad who is afraid to know if his girlfriend will know how much he lo... [196 words]
Epiphany by Brian C Lebron This one has got a real nice tapping style that coincides with the rythym as your strumming the chords... [90 words]
Don't Leave Me On My Own by Marissa Gelardo It's a love song! [146 words]
Done With Me by Steph Kidd Rock...kinda like...taking back sunday and goo goo dolls mixed...just give me some reviews on it. ... [123 words]
Dinner by Josh Anderson - [780 words]
Bring You Down by Brian C Lebron Sometimes distance can test relationships in ways that if survived can only make us stronger in ... [89 words]
Autumn Breeze by Jeremy Ray Dunlap A nocturnal haunting tale of unrequieted love. [139 words]
A Million And One Tries by Melissa A Trahan I am a 12 year old from Canada. I wrote this about 3 months ago. I do it to piano music... [204 words]
It's Hard To Move A Mountain by Brion' O Neil This is Life... [328 words]
Unplug Me by Josh Anderson More lyrics. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Seether. Hope it is an enjoy... [393 words]
The Darkness (Song) by Josh Anderson Yet another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Ramstein / Se... [422 words]
Smudge by Josh Anderson Lyrics. Think Cold Play, Evanescence, Avril Lavigne, Limp Bizkit (Like Behind Blue Eyes), Rammstein (slo... [201 words]
Pushing Away by Josh Anderson Yet another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Seether. Hope it is ... [1,041 words]
Puppet Smile by Josh Anderson Yet another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Seether. Hope it is ... [407 words]
No Compile by Josh Anderson Yet another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park's rap and r&b style songs / the prodigy / ben... [612 words]
Just One More Kiss by Dri The words of a song. [130 words]
I Blame Myself by Josh Anderson Yet another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Seether. Hope it i... [557 words]
Hide And Go Freak by Josh Anderson Lyrics. Think Korn, Nine Inch Nails, SlipKnot, Stone Sour, Limp Bizkit. (Course Language, as ... [347 words]
Hard To Love by Josh Anderson Lyrics for song. Read for yourself. Hope it is a pleasurable read. [360 words]
Habits Are Hard To Break by Nash About the girlfriend that I couldn't make happy, and that almost led me to doing some ... [204 words]
Get Away From Me by Josh Anderson Yet another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Seether. Especia... [319 words]
Escape Esc by Josh Anderson Another song. When u read it, think of Linkin Park / Evanescence / KoRn / Seether. Hope it is an enj... [258 words]
Cupid by Josh Anderson Lyrics. Think Seether, Korn, Nine Inch Nails, Maybe even Nickel Back or Creed. [454 words]
Caught In The Moment by Josh Anderson Love / Relationship song, The song is supposed to be vocal and acoustic, in a very mellow ... [270 words]
Because I Cry by Josh Anderson Lyrics. Think Korn, Nine Inch Nails, SlipKnot, Stone Sour, Limp Bizkit. This one means a lot to m... [476 words]
A Fine Line by Brian C Lebron - [60 words]
The Pact Ii by Jim E Bell Poem / song about love loss [190 words]
Our Wish For Us by Jim E Bell song poem about love pain and wanting [209 words]
Our Trip by Jim E Bell Poem / Song [96 words]
Looking For Water (In Joshua Tree) by Don Everett Pearce Impressions of a desert town in a sort of talking-blues form. To hear this ... [160 words]
Forever (Author: James Fitzgerald) by James C Fitzgerald - [109 words]
Be This Way by Jannah Akira - [109 words]
Backseat by Don Everett Pearce Late-night soliloquy from the back of a cab. A Manhattan lullaby. To hear this song: www.doneverettpe... [195 words]
The Pillow by Donna Leigh Dennison Lonely nights of being a trucker's wife. [114 words]
Tell Me Why My Heart Hurts by Donna Leigh Dennison Just another hurting song....please people, before you critique me too bad, please h... [116 words]
My Heart Can Never Mend by Donna Leigh Dennison This is just about the hard feelings of hurting and believing the other side cannot und... [152 words]
Baby Please Don't Go by Donna Leigh Dennison A girl leaving.....tired of being hurt...holding her head up high like a woman should....a... [171 words]

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We're Only
This is about a sixteen year old lad who has the fancy for the girl who he is going out with, but all she wants is a good time.
[248 words]
Matteo Hodak
[March 2005]
Forever In Your Heart (Songs) This song is about a lad who is afraid to know if his girlfriend will know how much he loves her if he were to die or to leave suddenly. [196 words]
The Long And Winding Journey (Songs) Well this about a guy who has gone through his ups and downs with his girlfriend and now hes breaking up with her and its now just another story on the long and winding journey. [230 words]
The Long Goodbye (Songs) This song is about a guy who has tried everything possible to be the best boyfriend but his girlfriend isnt interested in showing any sort of affection and in the end all it is, is the long goodbye. [246 words]
The Way You Make Me Feel (Songs) Well, this song I suppose is a about a lad who meets a girl and hes to shy to make a move on her, and everytime he is near or thinks of her, he gets a strange feeling and theres a bit more, but you sh... [251 words]
We're Only
Matteo Hodak

I thought I may have been lucky
But all it was, was just a fling to her
How could I fall for such a girl
Who I knew wasn't rite for me

It was all just a bit of fun to her
But I had feelings for her which she didn't know
And my mistake of trying to open her eyes
Made my gentle heart fall

I may only be sixteen
But it does not mean
That I have the brain the size of a bean
And that is why I had to let you go

We're only Sweet Sixteen
we're only waiting for that kiss
We're only wanting that right person to come
We're only searching for true love
we're only going to be dissappointed
In the end

I remember it like it was yesterday
On a lovely Summer day
I thought you we're serious about spending the day together
But in the end all you wanted was a bit of fun

It was a special day for me
Coz I was with the one that I love
And it meant alot to me
But is now just history to you

I may only be sixteen
But it does not mean
That I have the brain the size of a bean
And that is why I had to let you go

We're only Sweet Sixteen
we're only waiting for that kiss
We're only wanting that right person to come
We're only searching for true love
we're only going to be dissappointed
In the end

So if we we're any slower at saying our goodbyes
My heart may have broke even more
But atleast then you could have seen
The damage your capable of causing.........




"Everyone searches for that one true love, and this song mainly just says that there aint such thing as a true love when your young and im sure he will make a song similar to this when he gets older " -- Annett, Sydney, Australia.
"'After being in relationship with Wilson for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that don't believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I meant a spell caster called Dr Zuma zuk and I email him, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: spiritualherbalisthealing@gmail.com or call him +2349055637784 you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS'" -- Jessica, Texas, Texas, USA.


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© 2005 Matteo Hodak
March 2005

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