About Haps Shady Martin
*About Haps*
The two of us , my brother and I , took , haps to be photographed and having settled the cost,
& when i entre the studio,,,
And in the showy place they put haps in
an embroidered chair, reading all for the pics. in
stretch that foot a little hold your heads ba'
thus,the sweat tongued photograph fussing about ba'
Near the sari, border drawn over her head
he arranged prettily flowers and books on bed
letting light nd shad'ow play up'n her face
he pulled this way, the curt'in ,roof verse
stealing behin'd the cam, draped in black
he adjust'd the focous nd fixed palt'e blac'
not yet uncover'ing the len's said to her
this silver touge photo'raph, we hardely new her
you appear exact what u re
went sliding from unreal present raight the past
she liver her life, that's ll no one care
widowed young, dependent in her in law's home
haps lived with her boared of four
thankle'ss drudgery claiming all her day's
nothing outside that cramped & squailid
she had them ll sensing impending doom,
and as a memorial to our love boom,
we took her for one final photo'raph
unheeded by husband,son;s,law's da'
all the world, poor neglected haps
sat, waiting for the pic, as the sugaray
stranger ask her to smile, turn'ing to remar'k, how hap's smiled
saw two ripe tear's there frozen in her eye's
And in the showy place they put haps in
an embroidered chair, reading all for the pics. in
stretch that foot a little hold your heads ba'
thus,the sweat tongued photograph fussing about ba'