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Irreconcilable Differences (Part 2) by Cedric McClester These lyrics were inspired by the impending divorce of Khloe Kadashian and ... [239 words]
You're My Angel by Heidi-Jane Perriam - [124 words]
You'd Rather... by Cedric McClester You'd Rather... was inspired by the late Ricky Nelson's Garden Party. [244 words]
Wrong Send by Thei Everafter this is a Filipino Song [193 words]
Up In The Club by Kay Doucoure this is just a rap/song i wrote yself...i just need feedback because i want to be a singer/rappe... [162 words]
Too Easy To Try; Too Hard To Fail. by Joshua L Thompson My girlfriend dumped me, I had a long struggle to get her in the first place... [80 words]
That Good Good Lovin’ by Cedric McClester That Good Good Lovin' was inspired by comments from a hip hop radio station. Shout out t... [329 words]
See What Mother Nature’S Done by Cedric McClester See What Mother Nature's Done is a lament for Haiti. [161 words]
Robocop- Mayday Feat Toby And Dami Krane by Mayday [525 words]
Reflections Pt.1 by Kreo - [77 words]
Nor Anything We Wished We Did… by Cedric McClester Nor Anything We Wished We Did... is based on a true story. The circumstances hav... [244 words]
Never Ending Love by Devin McDermott - [316 words]
More Like You
Imagine That (Just For A Minute) by Cedric McClester Image That poses an unemotional question about the foundation of Christianity. [147 words]
He'd Still Be Amazin' by Cedric McClester He'd Still Be Amazin' is a contemporary gospel song lyric. [278 words]
Faith Without Works by Cedric McClester Faith Without Works encourages us to be what we profess. It's a contemporary gospel song. [213 words]
Carrier Catastrophic by Soulfiend - [100 words]
Can I Count On You? by Cedric McClester Can I Count On You? should be a ballad. [222 words]
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Adero by Barrener Knit-Onto Song i wrote before i moved that i found in some old boxes in my basement [164 words]
We Can’T Let ‘Em by Cedric McClester We Can't Let "Em is a political commentary song. [200 words]
You’Re Not Perfect by Cedric McClester You're Not Perfect was inspired by the Bishop Eddie Long scandal. [164 words]
You Deserve To Be Free by Cedric McClester You Deserve To Be Free was inspired by the Tyler Perry interview on the Oprah Winfrey Sh... [175 words]
Why Should We Call It Home? by Cedric McClester Why Should We Call It Home? is a political commentary song. [249 words]
Werewolf Guardian by Jessica Kennedy a symbolic outlook on my take of the world. [254 words]
U.S. Vs Them by Joseph Albrecht I've created this to express my thoughts in a creative way, rather than just bombarding people wit... [148 words]
Trickster Is The Owl by Jessica Kennedy about the work of spiritual entities [168 words]
Long Ago Back In The Day by Cedric McClester Long Ago Back In The Day should be a folk rock song. [239 words]
It’S Alright To Rock The Boat by Cedric McClester It's Alright To Rock The Boat was inspired by all of those whom find themselves o... [213 words]
In The Air by Christian C Braniff one of my favourite songs that i have written [170 words]
Ice Green Desert by Kgee Way This is one of the most funniest songs I've written since its based on having a CANKER SORE. y... [310 words]
I Was On My Way by Cedric McClester I Was On My Way is a contemporary gospel song. [165 words]
I Enjoy The Sin by Cedric McClester I Enjoy The Sin was inspired by a New York Times article on a punk rock group. [152 words]
Hopeless by Sophie Kowalsky - [105 words]
Half-Past Doom by Kgee Way Half past doom is a song about a girl who broke my heart. [351 words]
Everyone Deserves A Second Chance By Samuel Curry, 11 by Sam Curry I wrote this song its to someone who I loved but directly... [216 words]
Emptiness by Antigonaki - [88 words]
Don’T Return This Message To The Sender by Cedric McClester Don't Return This Message To The Sender was inspired by the insensitive... [229 words]
Don’T Blame Him by Cedric McClester Don't Blame Him was inspired by an ethically challenged Congressman from New York. [179 words]
Cry Wolf by Kgee Way Cry Wolf is a dark song about telling a girl you aren't scared of her anymore. She's supposed to be sc... [272 words]
Congruency by Kgee Way Congruency is about trying to tell the girl you love that you can be together. [254 words]
Aristocracy by Kgee Way A song I wrote about remembering a girl. [383 words]
Are You With Me by John Sherack - [241 words]
About A Girl(Blaze. Baby) by Kgee Way This one's a light hearted song. It's about a girl. [205 words]
Abbott River by Kgee Way This song is about memories of a girl you can't get rid of. [272 words]
A Song To That Special Someone by Keegan James Paterson A love song that I wrote whilst thinking of a girl I love. [265 words]
A Painful Thought by Cedric McClester A Painful Thought should be a ballad. It was inspired by a scene from a cable show called Th... [119 words]

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More Like You

"More Like You" was written for my Dad as his 65th birthday present and Father's Day. Raising a child (in my case, his first) could not have been easy. I am continually learning this fact all-to-well, since becoming a father myself. Looking at my own children, I see so clearly how my father gave everything he had for his children. He sacrificed nothing in raising us to be well-rounded, loving children. In everything I do and say with my own family, I see and hear my Dad's influence in all of my actions and words. I think that the song's lyrics clearly describe how I feel about my father. As the closing line says, "They say I'm more like you .. I hope my children see it, too, so they'll grow up to be More Like You."

[184 words]
Paul Debrino
Personal Bio:

Paul DeBrino never took any lessons - playing or singing - but, in his early 20's, discovered that he could do both.
He never claimed to possess American Idol talent but still enjoyed writing and performing whenever the opportunity presented itself.
He mostly writes Contemporary Christian and love songs/ballads, even though he has an extensive variety of genres on his personal Zune MP3 player.
His lifelong dream is to have a major artist professionally arrange, perform and record his material on their own CD (while gladly accepting royalties ~ smile).
Regardless, Paul hopes at least one of his songs finds a home in your heart.

All of his music is available at www.thesixtyone.com/PaulieD

[October 2010]
More Like You
Paul Debrino

"More Like You"
Words and Music (c)2000 Paul DeBrino
Written and dedicated to my dad
More at http://www.thesixtyone.com/PaulieD

Verse I: Things were kinda shaky
At seventeen years old
You were trying to make a man out of a child
You spoke your words of wisdom
All throughout the years
But it's only now I truly understand
You did the best you could with what you had

Chorus: Dad, are you proud of who I am ?
Dad, you are the man I am !!
You did much more than father me
You've always been my friend
And I thank you for being my dad

Verse II: I must have drove you crazy
With all the things I did
I was just a boy trying to find my way
But you always stood right by me
Following my dreams
Now all I am is because of you
‘Cause, through everything, I did just what you'd do
And so I say

(repeat chorus)

Bridge: When I finally found my way
What they said, I saw was true
And even though I've wondered far away
It hasn't changed their view

Chorus Variation / Ending:

I am more like you
They say I'm more like you
I hope my children see it, too
So they'll grow up to be
More Like You



"Beautiful, heartfelt song about a boy's transition to a man and a father, all the while realizing how much his own father was a part of him today. This is a GREAT poem for Father's Day!" -- Danielle.
"Amazing song ... and it's online for listening at www.thesixtyone.com/PaulieD" -- Samantha.
"I LOVE this song about a boy's love for his father and how the boy grew up to be just like his dad. I found the song online and free to listen at www.thesixtyone.com/paulied#/s/grn4WlYMj0H/ " -- Lovely.


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© 2000 Paul Debrino
October 2010

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