The Old Unga Blues by Nathaniel A Miller A parody of the "Old Yellowstain Blues." from the Caine Mutiny Film... (Starring Fred MacMur... [95 words] Lego Man by Chuk H MacDonald Doomed to failure. She thinks she can change her guy to suite her perception of what a man should be a... [226 words] Can You Smell The Rain by Brion' O Neil Friends on a dessert trip in the heat of August, during the monsoon season. [276 words] In The Midst Of It All by Brion' O Neil - [284 words] After All Those Years by Brion' O Neil For once ...a part of my real story. [225 words] The Shame's On You by Brion' O Neil "country" boy done wrong, by his gal leavin'. [299 words] A Recipe Of Pretend by Brion' O Neil A parting couple prepares their last meal. [237 words] Her Empty Chair Beside Me (Revised) by Brion' O Neil All that she has left, is her empty chair. [303 words] A Human Life Too Short by Stuart Eric Longridge A family story. [201 words] Clickin' Up Our Heels by Brion' O Neil Come on in to my fantasy's free. [184 words] Mothers And Daughters by Dri Cook Not always mothers and daughters are what they should be. Co-written by Brian O'Neil and ... [230 words] Whispers In The Dark by Brion' O Neil this desert war we are in. [204 words] These Broken Wings by Brion' O Neil I've found an angel with broken wings, and I love her. [239 words] Zoffany(The Master Of Stage Coaches) by Amarjit Bhambra - [89 words] What Are You Thinking by Shelley J Alongi A man I know whose primary means of communication is sign language encountered a sad even... [163 words] Warm Pillow by Brion' O Neil It's the only thing I have left of hers. [241 words] Wanna Man A Lot by Amarjit Bhambra Might sound nice if there is music to it. I hope somebody would like it. [79 words] The Right To Twinkle by Brion' O Neil The life of Marilyn, then and now. [232 words] The Dawn Is You by Brion' O Neil The most that it can be in anytime. [231 words] Sweet Daydreams And Candy Hearts by Brion' O Neil A sweet fantacy retreat. [170 words] Shadow As My Friend by Brion' O Neil Death row inmate plays ball with his shadow (his only friend); waiting for the final call. [251 words] Runaway Wheels' 'a Turning by Brion' O Neil He's dropping out of society and riding the rail. [173 words] Run Away Tears by Nw Johnson Iwrote this for Tiffany floyd and the rest of her family and the family of Brandon McPherson. R.... [150 words] Raise The Curtain by Brion' O Neil Young aspiring actress trying to make it when everyone says she won't...familiar? [213 words] One Potato Two by Brion' O Neil Black book's about to be tossed out! [202 words] Once, Twice, Sold by Brion' O Neil An auction for ladies only. [197 words] My Love For You Michelle by Robert E Tadlock My heartfelt expressions in a song. For my wife of 15 yrs. [247 words] Mr. Me,Me,Do by Amarjit Bhambra A little jolly son, for babys and toddlors. [69 words] Lavender Field by Brion' O Neil Man returns home searching for his childhood dreams and his first love. [241 words] I've Only Got One Question For You by Shelley J Alongi Daring to ask "the question" and not really knowing the answer...but hoping!... [190 words] I've Gambled On Love by Brion' O Neil Love is like an old west poker game. [231 words] I Hate Making Titles 2 by Rae Song. [128 words] Call This Hearth Home by Shelley J Alongi A peaceful respite from the pain of a scarred heart. [187 words] All Night Cafe by Brion' O Neil You never know where you will find your love! [254 words] It's Passin' Me By by Brion' O Neil a view of the city [235 words] Your Want To Look At My Machine Girl by Amarjit Bhambra A song for all guys and girls, regarding their well respected machines - c... [132 words] The War Of Gods Serpent Princes by Stuart Eric Longridge Its wake up time. [246 words] The Portrait On The Poster by Narinder Bhambra A song. [103 words] The Hero by Narinder Bhambra A song. [110 words] Showed The Door by Narinder Bhambra A song. [103 words] Ringing Of War by Rae Just a song... [204 words] Emotions Hurt by Amarjit Bhambra It made me cry as I wrote this sad song, of the day my mother died - did it make anybody else cry... [104 words] Complex by Narinder Bhambra A song. [102 words] One Look Back by Rachel Wnuk - [174 words] Meaning Of Life by Karina Lizet Perez - [187 words] No Matter At All by David B Doc Byron Two college classmates have trouble with their relationship. [202 words] Boys Dont Cry Something To Loose by Tom King A song that I was working on with my guitarist back in july, and I finally found the lyrics.... [124 words] I'm Not The One by Tom King Wrote realy quick while band was in the studio. [83 words] Devil Screams by Rae I don't like it. maybe you will. or maybe i'll just delete it tomorrow. [130 words] Your Name In The Wind by Shelley J Alongi This is a song about someone's absolute passion for flight. [198 words] You Are Too Good by Cass Don't doubt my love. [131 words] The Lights Gone by Karina Lizet Perez This song is dedicated to someone I really loved...not saying names. [154 words] She Made Me Call Her by Cass About the woman who broke my family up. [109 words] Problems In And Out Of My Head by Karina Lizet Perez A song on how daily life problems can harm you and others. [169 words] Pilot's Song by Shelley J Alongi I wrote this for the pilot who takes me flying because it's such an amazing experience that I had ... [135 words] Pain In Departure by Cass Forced to leave each other. [137 words] My Own War Zone by Karina Lizet Perez WAR SUCKS!!! IT REALLY SUCKS!!! [178 words] My Father by Alyssa Arteaga This is half song half story. Its about Trunks and Vegeta's relationship between father and son(NOT S... [376 words] Me & My Brother by Jerry Velazquez This song is for anybody that has a brother who u love!! [318 words] Love Sucks Sometimes by Jerry Velazquez This is for my homies who've had their heart broken!! R.I.P Jose A. Ocano R.I.P Miguel R.I... [227 words] Live Life Rock N Roll by Karina Lizet Perez THIS ONE IS FOR MY BAND!!! Luv You GUYS! [222 words] Its Prey by Cass Everyone would just be feeling normal in the day but when night come, things began to change. [116 words] I Broke His Wings by Cass God sent me an angel but I broke his wings. [92 words] Confrontation by Nw Johnson Fight song (profanity) [137 words] Between Death And Life by Karina Lizet Perez This one is about how people should think before they commit suicide cause they think it... [264 words] When Are You Really Real?? by Buxton A poem about a wonderful girl that I am thinking about right now..... but for the wr... [262 words] The Wish by David B Doc Byron - [128 words] Schism by Rae I posted this before, but it disappeared somehow... it's a song kind of like "not my god" which I wrote ... [269 words] Running Out Of Air by Collins A song based on my upcoming movie. It centers around a woman caught by herself while trying ... [584 words] Hate by Javi Ca-Bad-As It's a song with an opinion about the U.S government and how they screw up as much as Homer Sipmson does w... [139 words] Future by Javi Ca-Bad-As Have u ever wondered what the future holds in store for you? [184 words] All All All Alone by Alyssa Arteaga One day her father left her and her mother all alone. Now he's back. [194 words] A Stupid Joke by Alyssa Arteaga This song just came to me when I was watching. "The Wedding Singer" [176 words] -What Your Not- by Karina Lizet Perez It's a song dedicated to someone I know but I don't really want to say their name or anything c... [215 words] -Stuck On An Island- by Karina Lizet Perez Its a song talking about how sometimes people lose faith in their dreams including people ... [222 words] -Rocking- by Karina Lizet Perez It's a weird song I know but hey its a song telling everyone that im 100 percent sure i'll make it bi... [148 words] -Feel Like Letting Go- by Karina Lizet Perez It's a song that is telling how some people just dont care anymore and can't live in a w... [193 words] -Don't Worry- by Karina Lizet Perez A song for a very good friend, John! [124 words] -Crazy- by Karina Lizet Perez It talks about how someone feels when everyone around them is just against them and they feel like they... [210 words] Voice Of My Thoughts by Karina Lizet Perez - [142 words] Ruined by Karina Lizet Perez How someone could confuse your mind a play with your life... [214 words] Our Style by Karina Lizet Perez Dis right here is a rhyme done by my boy SPIDA over at da BAHAMAS!! LUV YA!...I just added one or two... [274 words] - Lost And Confused - by Karina Lizet Perez It's a song that can show what a teenager like me mostly always is think about and why mo... [177 words] Losing You by Karina Lizet Perez A song how it feels to lose sumone or sumones trust. [132 words] Lightning Struck by Phantomic Well....this is an awesome song. I mean, it's good. It's a good song. A nice good metal kickin... [211 words] Fallen Rose by Karina Lizet Perez Who I am is represented by a rose. [168 words] Fallen Friends by Phantomic I'm tired of all this rapping and hip-hopping going on! You people need to learn what real music... [190 words] Bad Dreams by Karina Lizet Perez Sumthing saying what I feel toward a person who just plays games... [89 words] -You Don't Care- by Karina Lizet Perez Its a song on how guys suck! LOL [158 words] Would You? by Cass I dunno how the other girls feel... as a girl, sometimes I would wonder if it's true when the guy sa... [110 words] The Ancient Gods Of Religion by Stuart Eric Longridge Sing along to this dangerous song. [237 words] She Hates Me by Cass Sometimes you thought she is the perfect friend yet one day she betrays you... [84 words] Not Today by Stuart Eric Longridge So dont tell me im wasting my life. [196 words] Father Sun Spots by Stuart Eric Longridge A conversation betweeen earth and the sun. [192 words] Call Me When Your Mind Is Clear by Stuart Eric Longridge Call me spaced out call me mad. [169 words] Go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 [80 ] 81 82 83 84
Boys Dont Cry
Just a song I wrote one time when I was battling with my pride. [77 words]
Nw Johnson
13, creative. Lives in Kansas City [August 2003]
Confrontation (Songs) Fight song (profanity) [137 words] Run Away Tears (Songs) Iwrote this for Tiffany floyd and the rest of her family and the family of Brandon McPherson. R.I.P. Darren and Brandon .... we all miss you. [150 words] South Side Story (Novels) This book is about a boy named terry whos mother and stepfather are addicts, he lives with hes 12 year old brtother. Hes just trying to survive in a world of gangs, violence, car boosting, and drugs. ... [2,641 words] [Drama]
Boys Dont Cry Nw Johnson
"boys don't cry" sitting here waiting to die everyone says boys dont cry but i say u cry or just bottle up inside Chorus: everyone says boys dont cry just for their pride Fuck your pride I giave it away when I gave into you Boys dont cry they just bottle up inside boys dont cry they just sit and wait to die! Every little thing u say hold with me day to day tear at me rip me apart find that little piece of shit you call a heart Chorus X2
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© 2003 Nw Johnson
December 2003