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God Has A Plan (For Every Woman Or Man) by Cedric McClester GOD HAS A PLAN (FOR EVEEY WOMAN OR MAN) was inspired by something actor... [151 words]
Younger Now by Chuk H MacDonald Happy Birthday To Me, hmmmmmm. All I know, is at this moment, I am younger now than I will ever be ... [203 words]
Timeless Days by Chuk H MacDonald Things are changing so fast. Kids live in the digital world. They can relate to video games but n... [186 words]
Love On Layaway by Chuk H MacDonald Baby, I'm not going to wait for you forever. Make up your mind! You won't be sorry! [192 words]
All Over Me by Chuk H MacDonald I just wish you were all over me because I'm sure all over you.....NOT!!!!! [201 words]
It’S All About Jesus Christ by Cedric McClester It's All About Jesus Christ is a contemporary gospel song. [251 words]
My New Love by Devin McDermott - [137 words]
Your Purpose Is... by Cedric McClester Your Purpose Is... is another song in The Legend of Nia Umoja musical catalog. [222 words]
Your Obsession Is Killing Me by I Love You Baby Song About Obsessed Friends And How Its Killing uss. THE TITLE SAYS IT ALL! [722 words]
Worlds by Clooney - [22 words]
We're Not Here by Sean Dimech A song which is based on people who get somewhere thanks to other people and who are scared to m... [130 words]
Ways Of People by Clooney - [66 words]
Violet by Rik Framan a princess who became insane because her sister married with her beloved guy who promised her "Love" [88 words]
The Internet by Katie L Sheldrick it is a love song about what i went through [239 words]
The Girl I Met In Bahia by Cedric McClester The Girl I Met In Bahia was inspired by my memories of Bahia. [197 words]
So Tired by Sean Libbey it's been a bad few years for us all and it's never easy to tell someone how bad it's gotten [261 words]
Sixteen And Pregnant by Cedric McClester Sixteen And Pregnant is inspired by the television series of the same name. [229 words]
Planet Earth by Clooney - [177 words]
Our Fire Upon A Poker by Clooney - [376 words]
No More World by Sean Dimech Lyrics for a song which judges the way the human race thinks and works. [199 words]
My Name Is Jewel by Cedric McClester My Name Is Jewel was inspired by a blog folk/country singer Jewel wrote recently. It was writ... [228 words]
Its Over (Im Done) by Sarahjayne Lennon - [235 words]
It Shouldnt by Brianna Lashae Williams - [150 words]
I'm Just Being Who I Am by Cedric McClester I'm Just Being Who I Am is a song that was written in singer Ricky Martin's voice, on t... [230 words]
I Thought You Knew by Cedric McClester I Thought You Knew is a song that was inspired by the Chris Brown/Rihanna mess. It is writt... [277 words]
I Rule by Clooney - [20 words]
Heartless Bastard by Cedric McClester Heartless Bastard was inspired by the antics of radio commentator Rush Limbaugh. [209 words]
He Made The Scar by Rik Framan a girl who's in love with a younger boy [105 words]
Grateful by Cedric McClester Grateful is self-explanatory. [186 words]
Dried Orange Peels by Isabell - [183 words]
Dont Care About You No More by Sean Libbey a beak up gone bad...thats all that needs to be said [209 words]
Did You Forget About Us? by Cedric McClester Did You Forget About Us? is an open letter to the President. [164 words]
Controversial by Cedric McClester Controversial is inspired by the new Erykah Badu video where she strips naked. [254 words]
Consequence, They Don’T Care by Cedric McClester Consequences, They Don't Care is a social commentary song. [245 words]
Blood On The Floor by Cedric McClester Blood On The Floor was inspired by a true incident, and is a lament over that incident. [301 words]
America's by Cedric McClester America is a social commentary song. [254 words]
All About People by Jasmined Neal long [120 words]
A Strange Kinda Ecstasy by Cedric McClester A STRANGE KINDA ECSTASY IS A LOVE BALLAD/ [166 words]
160r by Clooney - [113 words]
…Like You Were Dirt by Cedric McClester ...Like You Were Dirt is about domestic abuse. [277 words]
Written Dream by Matthew Barrenger these lyrics were created for my music class as a project but i wanted to take my work further, i... [296 words]
Why Do You Let It Bind You? by Cedric McClester Why Do You Let It Bind You is a contemporary gospel song that suggests salvation ex... [253 words]
What Is Meant To Happen by Cedric McClester What Is Meant To Happen are lyrics from the soon to be completed musical play, The Lege... [169 words]
Were You Ever? by Cedric McClester Were You Ever was inspired by the atmospherics that surrounded the Kenny Chesney song Down The R... [324 words]
They’Re Tryna Super Size Me To Death by Cedric McClester They're Tryna Super-size Me To Death was inspired by the movie Crazy Heart... [399 words]
They’Re Patriots… by Cedric McClester They're Patriots... is a lament for our young who are tasked with fighting our wars of aggres... [225 words]
The News Ain’T Any Better by Cedric McClester The News Ain't Any Better was inspired by the political firestorm surrounding New Yor... [285 words]
The Dream I Always Wanted To Become True by Bradley (Brad) K Hall I wrote this song inspired by my current girlfriend. I use life situat... [171 words]
Swag Like Me by Avias Seay - [461 words]
Sticky Situation by Chuk H MacDonald She hopes that her mom and dad like her Mr. Right but then finds out that her sister likes him... [289 words]
Standing On The Verge by Cedric McClester Standing On The Verge is a song about choices. It was inspired by Celebrity Fit Club. [216 words]
Sick And Tired Of This Game by Cedric McClester This was inspired by a critique to the Melonie Fiona song It Kills Me. [295 words]
Shape Of My Heart by Don Victoria Love Song [114 words]
Our Reality by Cedric McClester Our Reality is about a complicate love situation. The lyrics tell the story. [234 words]
Our Apocalypse by Vincent Haney - [213 words]
Mayhem Mafia My Boo by Mayhem Mafia mayhem mafia my boo the future is now 2010 [296 words]
Luckson by Sean Libbey This song is based on a poem writen by a boy named Luckson orphaned after the quake in Haiti. his poem ... [117 words]
Loosing My Emotions by Sean Libbey some days it just doesn't seem worth while, we put on a mask and hope know one notices. it'... [210 words]
Keep Waiting For Me by Chad Naquin a song about suicide, and holding on during the thoughts of it [215 words]
Jumpin' Jacks by Cedric McClester Jumpin' Jacks is a song that touts a guy's sexual prowess. [320 words]
Johns Revelation by Sean Libbey Ahh old time religion. This sond is inspired but the old country/gospel songs. This Stones Pro... [125 words]
I’Ve Learned That Lesson by Cedric McClester I've Learned That Lesson is a contemporary gospel song. [188 words]
I Will Never Be Your Clown by Cedric McClester I Will Never Be Your Clown was inspired by the late great singer Nina Simone, who on... [244 words]
I Love You More Than Rainbows by Cedric McClester I Love You More Than Rainbows was inspired by something I heard in passing. [215 words]
I Got Conversation Too by Cedric McClester I Got Conversation Too is the anti-braggadocio song. [271 words]
I Believe In Second Chances by Cedric McClester I Believe In Second Chances is inspired by R&B singer Chris Brown's current predica... [216 words]
Home Of The Brave? by Cedric McClester Home Of The Brave is a song that speaks for itself. [351 words]
Good, Good Girl by Cedric McClester Good, Good Girl speaks for itself. [323 words]
Footprints In Ashes by Spring Sophie Thaniella It's a description of what you feel when you are unexpectidely left by someone you did care... [273 words]
F'd Up Little Fox by Sean Libbey Just a horny little dity about bing with some one who is way to hot for you [230 words]
End Up That Way by Donovan Barner People don't want to end up like people on the street, placed into poverty, and other unfortuna... [108 words]
Dreams May Came by Sean Libbey When its bad you have to just hold on and look for the light [208 words]
Cupid, Help Me by Vivian Bui This song is about a guy that fell in love with a girl. this guy suffered through pain and is as... [316 words]
And They Told Us It Be Easy by Sean Libbey Just my feelings about Afganastan and Iraq and how we thought everybody loved us an... [190 words]

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short long.
[82 words]
Jasmined Neal
[April 2010]
All About People (Songs) long [120 words]
Jasmined Neal

i'am as sneaky as a snake and
and as quiet like a crane
i turn around i jump up i jump down look all
around an disappear

i'am as fast as a cheetah and
as strong as lion
turn around look all around jump up jump down
and i banish forever

magic dragon

i'am a magic dragon i don't listen too you at
all i don't like you at either for all i care
you might not like me either




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© 2010 Jasmined Neal
March 2010

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