AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (39) 5 Reasons (Songs) - [189 words] Almost Normal (Songs) This is about being afraid of youre feelings. [88 words] Anywhere With You (Songs) most of my lyrics have chords (guitar) - how i mostly write everything. this ones more upbeat.. i promise not all this stuff is soppy an slow lol. [78 words] Anywhere You Are Is Home (Songs) this is meant to be an up beat song that reflects upon how love is more than you think it is... at least i hope thats what it portrays. [167 words] At A Distance (Songs) - [140 words] Back To Home (Songs) This one is reasonably short. i like it that way.Let me know what you think. [65 words] Be With Me(Give In) (Songs) This one is fresh off the page, wrote it yesterday. i spose its quite a delicate song really. please feel free to drop me a line to let me know what u think. thanks. [144 words] Between The Lines (Songs) ok, this one is the cream of corny. but what can i say, its who i am.. oh yeh i said it, im corny! lol. anyway, on a more serious note,i wrote this when i was feeling particularly down an vulnerable.... [78 words] Brightest Light (Songs) i'm posting 2 new sets of lyrics on this occasion, this being one of them. I wrote these when i was like... 15/16. Brightest light is "supposed" to be a love song. [68 words] But I Do (Songs) - [210 words] Can Somebody Tell Me (Songs) This is short n sweet. Although the lyrics suggest ballad, its actually not.I'ts supposed to be quite boppy, well it is when I play [105 words] Can't Write Love Letters (Songs) - [95 words] Climbin' The Walls (Songs) - [179 words] Day Dream (Songs) Hey, I haven't posted anything in sooooo long. I think it's about time that I did. Lots of new material. Will get round to posting it soon. Please feel free to let me know what you think. [81 words] Don't Give Up On Me (Songs) - [213 words] Don't Wanna Know Why (Songs) - [107 words] Ever? (Songs) Ever is upbeat. its about soul mates...yes i know more mush.. but its what i write im sorry. :) [164 words] Fragile Heart (Songs) jus took a gander at how many lyrics ive posted.. looks like ive got far too much free time on my i promise i do work!! [70 words] Ghost (Songs) yes, cheesy as it may be, this is about a ghost with unfinished business with their partner. i have too much time on my hands what can i say? [156 words] Give It Time (Songs) - [96 words] I Stay,You Go (Songs) - [135 words] I'll Make It Good (Songs) - [145 words] It's You (Songs) - [83 words] Miracle (Songs) ok this baby is my pride and joy.First proper song i had ever written, which was roughly about 3/4yrs ago. so, granted it may be extra corny compared to most of the rest of my stuff, which i apologise... [70 words] N.O.O.N.E (Songs) Not finished. would just like to know what is thought of it. [69 words] Not For Two (Songs) This one, although the lyrics may be depressing is played more upbeat.hope ya like it.:) feedback is always appreciated. [111 words] Outta My Head (Songs) - [94 words] Paint By Numbers (Songs) Havent posted for a while, thought i'd drop another one in. hope u like. [178 words] Rainin' In My Heart (Songs) - [125 words] See What I See (Songs) - [103 words] So Easy (Songs) - [109 words] There Won't Be A Next Time (Songs) - [115 words] Two Seconds Too Late (Songs) i spose this one is not being quick enough when it comes to making a choice. would love feedback people :) [170 words] United We Stand (Songs) - [206 words] Waitin' So Long (Songs) unrequited love. [92 words] What You Do For Love (Songs) ...title is self explanitory really. This is posted in additon to Brightest light, which i wrote when i was 15/16. [142 words] Won't Let Me (Songs) - [88 words] You Either Want Me Or You Don't (Songs) - [109 words] 'nuther Lover (Songs) I'm sure everyone at some time has been in this position. [220 words]
No Me Without You Laura Lloyd
I cant
live a day without you
I wont
try to pretend I'm ok, when I'm not
so hard
trying not to think of you
trying so long ago I forgot...
pre chorus
... what day it is.. what time it is...
...when I last ate, or tryed to negociate with my feelings.
All I know is you
All I see is you're face
All I ever wanted is right in front of me
but I cant pick it out of place.
All I dreamed of is here
I've never been so near... only to see it slip away... toooo-day
There's no me without you.
you are
in my heart wherever I go
you wont
understand why I feel the way I do
without you're warm and tender glow
knowing all I need is you... but I
dont know .. what day it is... what time it is....
when I last drank... or my heart sank... but not tooo-day
All I know is you
All I see is you're face
All I ever wanted is right in front of me
but I cant pick it out of place.
All I dreamed of is here
I've never been so near... only to see it slip away... toooo-day
Theres no me without you.
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