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Genome Blues by Richard Evans do they know what they have done- [126 words]
Please Shine Your Light by Richard Evans a revelation- [110 words]
Somebody Like You by Alex Lawrence Love Song [85 words]
One Day To The Next by Cedric McClester One Day To The Next addresses the futility of a purposeless life. [344 words]
I Left Cause You Ain't Right
Isn’T It A Pity? by Cedric McClester isn't It A Pity is a social commentary folk song. [311 words]
Don’T Cha Know by Cedric McClester Don't Cha Know is about the proliferation of drugs, most specifically heroin. [325 words]
You Say You Love Me by Anon - [214 words]
You Said It Would Get Better In Time by Cedric McClester You Said It Would Get Better In Time, is a response to Leona Lewis' hit It... [363 words]
United We Stand by Laura Lloyd - [206 words]
Two Girls Together by Cedric McClester Two Girls Together was inspired by the alleged Lindsey Lohan/Samantha Ronson affair. It shou... [262 words]
Try To Hold On by Cedric McClester Try To Hold On is a spiritual song that encourages those in despair to try to hold on. [289 words]
This World Is Sweet by Alan Hooper If you love candy, you'll love this song! [91 words]
The Stimulus Song by Robert Drye A short poem or song relating to the current politcal landscape. [50 words]
The Reason That We’Re Here by Cedric McClester The Reason That We're Here suggests that humankind has one purpose in life and that ... [293 words]
Tear My Clothes Off Tonight by Richard Evans a new attitude- [108 words]
Special Seasonal by Antoni Loignon A song based on a woman, who is attached to a guy , in a club, who isn't really worth it ( wel... [373 words]
Sliding by Kurt Caulfield Song Lyrics [139 words]
Sins Of The Past by Cedric McClester Sins Of The Past addresses the issue of reparations for indigenous peoples and Americans of A... [238 words]
Shush! by Alan Hooper What every man truly feels about their girlfriend/wife [136 words]
Show Me A Hustler by Cedric McClester Show Me A Hustler is about the down side of street life. [241 words]
Not Another Chance by Alan Hooper What it feels like to be hurt by someone you love [114 words]
Mcsame by Cedric McClester John McSame is a political parody. [264 words]
Maisy by Alan Hooper The story of the high school sweetheart [117 words]
Luciferi Excelsi by Alexander Corsmeier Luciferi Excelsi by Dolls of Ink www.myspace.com/dollsofink [1 words]
Juicy Luicy by Alan Hooper Upbeat song about the dream girl [200 words]
I've Got My Hands Full With Me by Songwriter Songwryter Desiree Dawn Ive got my hands full with me When I get home I'll be alraight and we'll kiss ... [299 words]
It Wouldn’T Be Worth Nothing Without Your Love by Cedric McClester It Wouldn't Be Worth Nothing Without Your Love was inspired by R... [445 words]
I'm Your Enemy by Oksana Klym - [165 words]
I'm Over by Lee Branham About a guy who's been tempted so much in life, trying to keep to his Christian ways has been quite to... [472 words]
I Still by Devin Hill This is a song about the biggest crush I have ever had on someone. Because I had such an infatuation wi... [182 words]
Hill In D.C. by Larry Landsperger Lyrics to be sung loosely to the tune of "The Old Rugged Cross" [107 words]
Ghost by Laura Lloyd yes, cheesy as it may be, this is about a ghost with unfinished business with their partner. i have too m... [156 words]
Get Up Out Of This Town by Adam G Denson I wrote this song for a pop/rock singer. Hopefully, someone will consider it. [95 words]
Fall Upon Me by Stephanie M Fernandez - [203 words]
Don't Wanna Know Why by Laura Lloyd - [107 words]
Don't Give Up On Me by Laura Lloyd - [213 words]
Do I Matter (To You) by Mayara Oliveira - [256 words]
Crazy Is As Crazy Does by Cedric McClester Crazy Is As Crazy Does is inspired by several popular female singers that come to mind. ... [294 words]
Change Isn't Good by Alan Hooper A song about why change isn't always for the best [162 words]
Can't Write Love Letters by Laura Lloyd - [95 words]
Candy Man by Lee Branham Kinda follows along with Lil' Wayne's "Lollipop". It's my own version, technically what I'd write to ... [550 words]
Big Brother (2) by Nathan Moore This song is dedicated to my two little brothers Shane and Joshua! I Love You [209 words]
At A Distance by Laura Lloyd - [140 words]
A Serious Heart Condition by Cedric McClester A Serious Heart Condition is a love song. [279 words]
A Hungry Look by Oksana Klym - [156 words]
When The Rains Came Down Heavy by Cedric McClester When The Rains Came Down Heavy is a folk song. It's a reflection on the turmoil ... [367 words]
Yuppie Blues by Alexander Amelkin Blues [182 words]
Your Sudden Change Of Heart by Cedric McClester Your Sudden Change Of Heart is written from a female's perspective and speaks for i... [355 words]
When A Relationship Goes Bad by Cedric McClester When A Relationship Goes Bad speaks for itself. What you did to me Is really sumth... [262 words]
Today’S Politics by Cedric McClester Today's Politics is my personal commentary on todays politics. [248 words]
The Place Where Broken Hearts Meet by Cedric McClester The Place Where Broken Hearts Meet was written for blues singer Bobby Blue B... [200 words]
The First Time That You Broke My Heart by Cedric McClester The First Time That You Broke My Heart is written from a female Perspect... [295 words]
The Best Sex (That I Ever Had) by Cedric McClester - [268 words]
Thank You Jesus (Thank You) by Cedric McClester Thank You Jesus was inspired by the words R&B singer R. Kelly uttered upon being fo... [346 words]
Storm (Because Of You) by Nathan Moore A song about God being all-powerful and Satan...NOT! This song is featured on my fifth ... [220 words]
She Likes Her Highs by Cedric McClester See if you can guess who I'm talking about [333 words]
Saint And Sinner by Oksana Klym - [210 words]
Perfect Transgression by Oksana Klym - [212 words]
Nothing’S Sweeter Than… by Cedric McClester Nothing's Sweeter Than is a mid tempo R&B song. [232 words]
Nine Stories Down by Cedric McClester Nine Stories Down tells the story of the tragic death of a 20 year old Russian model. It's a... [316 words]
Nice Guys by Cedric McClester Nice Guys explains why nice guys finish last. [220 words]
Mimi Butterfly by Cedric McClester Mimi Butterfly is a popular singer who recently married a most unlikely choice. [242 words]
Merciful Lord by Nathan Moore A song contain just SOME of the names of Jesus Christ. Remember you can read all the web album @... [124 words]
Man Up by Cedric McClester Man Up is a song geared towards males about personal responsibility. [265 words]
Love Is So Shy by Antonio Casanova love song [484 words]
Just One Last Time by Cedric McClester Just One Last Time is an R&B song that speaks for itself. [381 words]
Is It The Heat Of The Moment? by Cedric McClester Is It The Heat Of The Moment is a social commentary song on the proliferation of ... [250 words]
Invited Into Your Heart by Cedric McClester You invited me into your heart I accepted your invitation But you were only playing a p... [267 words]
In It For A Buck by Cedric McClester In It For A Buck is a folk song about the real reason for the Iraq occupation. [347 words]
I Lit A Candle by Cedric McClester I Lit A Candle is a song of grief at the passing of a loved one. [352 words]
I Can’T Believe… by Cedric McClester I Can't Believe is a song about cheating on a lover. [342 words]
Honky Tonk Romp by Bne Kelso song about the girl i love. [82 words]
He Broke It Off by Cedric McClester He Broke It Off was written from a female perspective and deals with a romantic breakup. [412 words]
Hangin' On by Oksana Klym - [159 words]
Get Your Attention by Cedric McClester Get Your Attention is written from a female perspective and it directs guys how to properly [245 words]
Fear (Gives Rise To Fever) by Oksana Klym - [140 words]
Everyday by Bne Kelso girl on drugs dies. personal song. [164 words]
Emotionally Speaking by Cedric McClester Emotionally Speaking should have an Alanis Morrisette feel. [356 words]
Burn by Richard Evans she lit a deadly spark- [162 words]
Best Friend (Betrayal) by Cedric McClester Best Friend is a song of betrayal written from a female's perspective. [287 words]
Are You Listening To Me? by Cedric McClester Are You Listening To Me is a folk song along the line of Bob Dylan. [258 words]
Angel Vs. Devil by Nathan Moore This is a song about being tempted by the Devil and the Angel winning. [113 words]
Am I Really A Playa (Or Just A Whore)? by Cedric McClester This song should be mid or up-tempo and was inspired by a comment allege... [243 words]

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I Left Cause You Ain't Right
hot and cold-
[124 words]
Richard Evans
I write for it is the light at the end of my tunnel-
[February 2025]
A Farewell To Lovely (Poetry) the page strikes back [84 words] [Fable]
A Key For A Maiden (Poetry) good to see you again- [50 words]
A Little Blue (Songs) love can be like a roulette wheel- [96 words]
A Man Ain't A Noun (Songs) words of wisdom- [121 words]
A Sense Of Christmas (Poetry) the voice of crooners- [58 words] [Biography]
A Shoulder To Cry On (Songs) one of the many sides of love- [102 words] [Relationships]
Acquisition Of A Fresh Perspective (Poetry) a guy's perspective- [61 words] [Relationships]
Al Stone And The .22 Caliber Meltdown (Poetry) adolescence- [157 words] [Thriller]
All I Wanna' Do Is You (Songs) I propose a toast to the one I love most- [87 words]
All You Need Is A Melody (Songs) open your heart and your ears- [106 words]
Alma (Poetry) love and hate- [23 words] [Spiritual]
Alongside Salvation (Poetry) I am a seed- [87 words] [Spiritual]
Althea (Songs) your dream came by today- [62 words]
And Now The Twilight (Poetry) mother and child- [359 words]
Angel Behind Lonely Eyes (Songs) love in an unusual place- [122 words] [Romance]
Angels Of Sunset (Poetry) Los Angeles Hollywood [37 words] [Mind]
Applause (Poetry) a performance [22 words]
August Eleventh (Poetry) into the abyss- [48 words] [Biography]
Awakenings (Poetry) present and past- [78 words]
Baby Love (Poetry) Me and T, again- [54 words] [Romance]
Bald Head Woman (Songs) blues- [137 words]
Beat Me (Songs) the chance of a lifetime- [319 words] [Motivational]
Because Of Love (Songs) let your actions speak- [108 words]
Been Down So Long (Songs) when these blues hit ya' boy- [96 words]
Behind Lonely Eyes (Songs) love in an unusual place- [86 words]
Birmingham And Beyond (Poetry) mightier than the sword- [119 words] [History]
Bliss (Poetry) for the better [15 words] [Romance]
Bookshelf (Poetry) travel- [67 words] [Travel]
Burn (Songs) she lit a deadly spark- [162 words]
Bust (Poetry) the end of innocence- [86 words] [Biography]
Call From My Angel (Poetry) Trina- [47 words] [Romance]
Can You Hear Me (Poetry) conversing with Charlie- [16 words] [Mind]
Can't Understand Why (Songs) a fork in the road- [115 words]
Catch Them Dice (Poetry) loan me five dollars- [111 words] [Fable]
Change Me (Songs) I love how you make me feel- [95 words] [Romance]
Coda (Poetry) sacrifice- [8 words] [Humor]
Common Threads (Poetry) loss of humanity [70 words]
Confessions (Poetry) death bed- [42 words] [Spiritual]
Cryin' Over You (Songs) blues- [111 words] [Romance]
Divinity 6 (Poetry) Christmas [40 words] [Self-Help]
Do You Have Time For Love (Songs) look before you leap- [114 words]
Don't Forget About Me (Songs) is my love more to you than a memory- [131 words]
Don't Forget To Breath (Poetry) a simple truth [63 words] [Relationships]
Doodlebug (Poetry) light of my life- [100 words] [Spiritual]
Down This Road (Poetry) a simple yearning- [40 words] [Romance]
Election Reflection (Poetry) Poetry [71 words]
Eligibility Factor (Poetry) the human spirit [138 words] [Spiritual]
Envy (Poetry) lesson on the wall- [72 words] [Motivational]
Essence (Poetry) intertwined like shoestrings- [35 words] [Romance]
Eternal Muse (Poetry) rhythms of life- [83 words] [Spiritual]
Everytime We Make Love (Songs) it's better than the last time- [98 words] [Romance]
Fadin' Away (Songs) here I go again- [77 words] [Romance]
Fame (Poetry) a lot to say- [47 words] [Mind]
Far Into The Night (Poetry) boyhood dreams- [45 words] [Fable]
Feel Or Die (Poetry) a golden oppurtunity- [29 words]
Feel So Right (Songs) don't wanna' ruckus girl- [118 words] [Romance]
Foregiveness (Poetry) mother can play- [97 words] [Biography]
Fourteen Hundred Miles (Songs) I saw your face in the road- [108 words] [Relationships]
Fruit Cake (Poetry) Aunt Zone- [45 words] [Biography]
Genome Blues (Songs) do they know what they have done- [126 words]
Greeting Card (Poetry) you are what you read- [164 words]
He Caught Me High (Poetry) father and son- [133 words] [Horror]
Heavenly (Poetry) Where I'm from- [23 words] [Mind]
Here And Now (Poetry) blessings- [32 words] [Motivational]
Hopefully (Poetry) instead I reach for a sacrifice- [37 words] [Romance]
I Can Play The Blues (Songs) I checked out what they do- [91 words]
I Can't Get Started (Songs) the bottom line what's beneath your skin- [129 words]
I Did Wrong For You Baby (Songs) I promise you you're gonna' bleed- [146 words] [Drama]
I Go In Love (Songs) damn you look great- [100 words]
I Reserve The Right To Be Me (Poetry) a revelation of character- [126 words] [Spiritual]
I Think I'm Gonna' Change (Poetry) reinvention [25 words] [Mind]
I Want You To Stay (Songs) it's been a year since I fell for those eyes- [66 words] [Romance]
I'll Be Here When You Get Through (Poetry) love, love, love [111 words] [Relationships]
I'm Givin' Ninety (Songs) you're givin' ten- [125 words] [Relationships]
I'm Gonna' Hold On (Songs) Those who give can never die- [93 words]
In Between (Songs) time and space they seperate- [107 words]
In Error Of Judgement (Poetry) racial relations [89 words] [Spiritual]
In Search Of The Pejorative (Poetry) Larry Elder is a piece of shit- [97 words] [Mind]
In The Game For The Fame (Songs) This song speaks of the challenges faced by anyone in the public eye. [93 words]
Infinity 7 (Poetry) a never ending story- [40 words] [History]
Intimate (Songs) I wouldn't mind spending time with you- [122 words]
Itinerant Blues (Poetry) America- [42 words] [History]
Itty Bitty Pretty Brown Eyes (Songs) Leaving the nest! [112 words]
Jealous Kind (Songs) dancin' on a killin' floor- [84 words] [Relationships]
Jennifer (Poetry) I write for it is the light at the end of my tunnel- [37 words] [Relationships]
Juju (Poetry) middle child- [102 words] [Relationships]
Karyngton (Poetry) acrostic Karyngton- [57 words] [Relationships]
Keep Your Daddy At Home (Songs) simple and to the point- [137 words]
Knees And Elbows (Songs) - [100 words] [Romance]
Let Us Pray (Poetry) a revelation of character- [53 words] [Spiritual]
Let 'em Know Ya' Been Here (Songs) The shield of love- [111 words]
Light In The Dark (Poetry) a switch to flip- [139 words] [Romance]
Like A Rock Star (Songs) wisdom [114 words] [Fable]
Look What You Gave Me (Songs) may the chain never be broken- [99 words]
Lost In Your Arms (Poetry) for better or worse- [117 words] [Spiritual]
Love Is Like A Rose (Songs) it's beautiful when it blooms- [91 words] [Romance]
Love Walked In The Room (Songs) Gershwinistic- [97 words]
Me And Miss Lilly (Poetry) sonnet [108 words] [Art]
Me And The Blues (Songs) sittin' and sippin' [137 words] [Romance]
Miss Hunter's Tree (Poetry) as the world turns- [109 words] [Fable]
Movin' On (Lament) (Songs) what I'm 'bout to say won't take long- [93 words]
My Mind Wants Peace (Songs) is there an answer should I try love- [217 words]
My Momma Make Me Mad (Poetry) now, now- [64 words] [Fable]
My Name Is Baby (Songs) what goes on here stays here- [122 words]
Native Son (Songs) The closer to home the more it hurts- [83 words]
No End In Sight (Songs) me and my baby- [118 words]
Nuthin' For Christmas (Songs) yuletide tidings- [83 words]
On The Day Duck Died (Poetry) rest in peace- [411 words] [Relationships]
On The Real (Poetry) black in America- [24 words]
Panties On The Floor (Songs) stop trippin' girl- [101 words] [Erotic]
Party Over Here (Poetry) love in the 2013- [98 words]
Paycheck (Poetry) hey you [75 words]
Peace Within (Poetry) a nightmare [222 words] [Mind]
Pennsylvania Avenue (Poetry) Poetry [51 words]
Please Shine Your Light (Songs) a revelation- [110 words]
Plot (Poetry) write is right- [100 words]
Poetics (Poetry) sometimes we must bleed- [21 words]
Pour Me Some Country (Songs) country funk- [135 words]
Precious Precious (Poetry) take care of business when you're young- [74 words] [Motivational]
Prick (Poetry) the devil will bury you for free- [61 words] [Drama]
Priority (Songs) folk rock- [220 words]
Profile In Beauty (Poetry) missed opportunity- [96 words]
Rage Of Innocence (Poetry) poet? [49 words] [Literary Fiction]
Redhaired Radio (Poetry) national pastime- [22 words] [Motivational]
Rejoice (Songs) the lord he heard my plea- [63 words] [Spiritual]
Requiem For Joey (Poetry) yes he is busy- [82 words]
Return To A Muse (Poetry) two ships passing in the night [89 words] [Romance]
Roe V. Wade (Poetry) Abortion [59 words]
September's Song (Poetry) how I love the fall- [50 words] [Nature]
Shake (Poetry) real shit- [75 words] [Biography]
Shall We Dance (Poetry) for better or worse- [49 words] [Romance]
She Moved Upstairs (Poetry) to a sweet little lady- [137 words] [Relationships]
Shindy With Pops (Poetry) poetry [16 words] [Relationships]
Shyy (Poetry) angst- [47 words] [Biography]
Side By Side (Songs) we vowed to love to love unitl we die- [129 words]
Sixteen Days (Poetry) Jimi and Janis- [85 words] [Spiritual]
So In Effect (Songs) complex is in the house- [125 words]
Solitaire (Alma's Blues) (Songs) you preach from your tableau- [136 words] [Spiritual]
Something For Your Heartache (Songs) this time I want to be more than friends- [167 words]
Spirits Within (Poetry) cause and effect- [57 words]
Stone (Poetry) lust fires away- [96 words] [Erotic]
Strange Change (Songs) I used to be a player 'til I met this girl- [135 words]
Style (Songs) choose not to be like anyone- [101 words]
Such A Pretty Bow (Poetry) A night to remember- [106 words]
Sugar Daddy Blues (Songs) keep yo' daddy at home- [132 words] [Romance]
Sweet To Me (Give Me Plenty Of Lovin) (Songs) pour a little syrup on me- [99 words] [Romance]
Take It Off (Songs) life is no fun when you're alone- [76 words] [Motivational]
Tear My Clothes Off Tonight (Songs) a new attitude- [108 words] [Self-Help]
The Aftermath Of O (Poetry) divorce' [99 words] [Biography]
The Ballad Of Ricky Muse (Poetry) poetry anyone? [57 words] [Biography]
The Beauty Inside Us All (Songs) the lesson learned- [180 words]
The Best Thing I Ever Had (Songs) A love of the highest order! [133 words]
The Immortal Light Of Being (Poetry) choose your weapons- [207 words] [Drama]
The Lark (Poetry) a bird for words to fly on- [50 words] [Fable]
The Last Time I Was A Fool (Songs) blues- [104 words]
The Last Will And Testament Of Jacques Larue (Poetry) looking back [72 words] [Spiritual]
The Martyr (Poetry) weep when there are no more- [55 words] [Fable]
The Specter (Poetry) blues for Trayvon- [68 words]
The System (Charlie's Song) (Songs) irony sweet irony [221 words] [Crime]
The Wake (Poetry) for daddy- [60 words] [Spiritual]
The Way You Touch (Songs) the way it should be- [122 words] [Romance]
There Are No Losers Here Today (Songs) the big picture- [98 words]
There Goes A Woman (Songs) A song about every woman a man ever loved- [112 words]
These Sacks (Poetry) wit and wisdom- [75 words] [Fable]
Today I Stopped Cryin' Over You (Songs) love can be cruel- [88 words]
Toy Soldier Blues (Short Stories) coming of age [929 words] [Drama]
Trip (Poetry) 1976 - the night I fell in love [41 words] [Biography]
True Blues (Poetry) Freedom- [20 words] [Motivational]
Two Bars Of Candy (Poetry) food for thought- [91 words]
Two Percent Freak (Screenplays) the other ninety eight's a gentlman- [1,521 words] [Comedy]
Two Percent Freak (Song) (Songs) the other ninety eight's a lady- [171 words] [Erotic]
Untitled 01 (Screenplays) challenge your fears- [2,188 words] [Mystery]
Vexation In The Garden (Poetry) global warming- [114 words] [Nature]
Waiting (Milestones) (Poetry) a life not lived- [267 words]
What About America (Songs) a call to arms- [82 words]
Who (Poetry) forbidden fruit- [26 words] [Erotic]
Why You Why Me (Poetry) the child stares and wonders- [138 words] [Biography]
Wild Tuna (Poetry) empathy should be our cry- [108 words] [Spiritual]
With All My Love (Songs) I wish you felt the same- [98 words]
Your Body's In Motion (Songs) a universal language- [112 words] [Romance]
You're Always A Winner To Me (Songs) you always try hard someday you'll go far- [105 words]
Yummy's Theme (Poetry) ya' betta' run son- [329 words]
I Left Cause You Ain't Right
Richard Evans

it took me a year
to get over you
now you're at my door
feelin' sad and blue
you don't understand
why I had leave
but I think you know why

I left 'cause you ain't right
I grew tired of sleeping
with tears in my eyes
love ain't a game to play
it's a way of life
I left 'cause you ain't right

I still recall
how the phone would ring
then off you'd go
without sayin' a thing
hours would pass
and when you'd return
I'd see her in your eyes

(repeat chorus)

I was hot
you were cold
I was high
you were low
you were breakin' my heart
you don't deserve me no more

(repeat chorus)

(repeat chorus)




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© 2008 Richard Evans
January 2009

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