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Genome Blues by Richard Evans do they know what they have done- [126 words]
Please Shine Your Light by Richard Evans a revelation- [110 words]
Somebody Like You by Alex Lawrence Love Song [85 words]
One Day To The Next by Cedric McClester One Day To The Next addresses the futility of a purposeless life. [344 words]
I Left Cause You Ain't Right by Richard Evans hot and cold- [124 words]
Isn’T It A Pity? by Cedric McClester isn't It A Pity is a social commentary folk song. [311 words]
Don’T Cha Know by Cedric McClester Don't Cha Know is about the proliferation of drugs, most specifically heroin. [325 words]
You Say You Love Me by Anon - [214 words]
You Said It Would Get Better In Time by Cedric McClester You Said It Would Get Better In Time, is a response to Leona Lewis' hit It... [363 words]
United We Stand by Laura Lloyd - [206 words]
Two Girls Together by Cedric McClester Two Girls Together was inspired by the alleged Lindsey Lohan/Samantha Ronson affair. It shou... [262 words]
Try To Hold On by Cedric McClester Try To Hold On is a spiritual song that encourages those in despair to try to hold on. [289 words]
This World Is Sweet by Alan Hooper If you love candy, you'll love this song! [91 words]
The Stimulus Song by Robert Drye A short poem or song relating to the current politcal landscape. [50 words]
The Reason That We’Re Here by Cedric McClester The Reason That We're Here suggests that humankind has one purpose in life and that ... [293 words]
Tear My Clothes Off Tonight by Richard Evans a new attitude- [108 words]
Special Seasonal by Antoni Loignon A song based on a woman, who is attached to a guy , in a club, who isn't really worth it ( wel... [373 words]
Sliding by Kurt Caulfield Song Lyrics [139 words]
Sins Of The Past by Cedric McClester Sins Of The Past addresses the issue of reparations for indigenous peoples and Americans of A... [238 words]
Shush! by Alan Hooper What every man truly feels about their girlfriend/wife [136 words]
Show Me A Hustler by Cedric McClester Show Me A Hustler is about the down side of street life. [241 words]
Not Another Chance by Alan Hooper What it feels like to be hurt by someone you love [114 words]
Mcsame by Cedric McClester John McSame is a political parody. [264 words]
Maisy by Alan Hooper The story of the high school sweetheart [117 words]
Luciferi Excelsi by Alexander Corsmeier Luciferi Excelsi by Dolls of Ink www.myspace.com/dollsofink [1 words]
Juicy Luicy by Alan Hooper Upbeat song about the dream girl [200 words]
I've Got My Hands Full With Me by Songwriter Songwryter Desiree Dawn Ive got my hands full with me When I get home I'll be alraight and we'll kiss ... [299 words]
It Wouldn’T Be Worth Nothing Without Your Love by Cedric McClester It Wouldn't Be Worth Nothing Without Your Love was inspired by R... [445 words]
I'm Your Enemy by Oksana Klym - [165 words]
I'm Over by Lee Branham About a guy who's been tempted so much in life, trying to keep to his Christian ways has been quite to... [472 words]
I Still by Devin Hill This is a song about the biggest crush I have ever had on someone. Because I had such an infatuation wi... [182 words]
Hill In D.C. by Larry Landsperger Lyrics to be sung loosely to the tune of "The Old Rugged Cross" [107 words]
Ghost by Laura Lloyd yes, cheesy as it may be, this is about a ghost with unfinished business with their partner. i have too m... [156 words]
Get Up Out Of This Town by Adam G Denson I wrote this song for a pop/rock singer. Hopefully, someone will consider it. [95 words]
Fall Upon Me by Stephanie M Fernandez - [203 words]
Don't Wanna Know Why by Laura Lloyd - [107 words]
Don't Give Up On Me by Laura Lloyd - [213 words]
Do I Matter (To You) by Mayara Oliveira - [256 words]
Crazy Is As Crazy Does by Cedric McClester Crazy Is As Crazy Does is inspired by several popular female singers that come to mind. ... [294 words]
Change Isn't Good by Alan Hooper A song about why change isn't always for the best [162 words]
Can't Write Love Letters by Laura Lloyd - [95 words]
Candy Man
Big Brother (2) by Nathan Moore This song is dedicated to my two little brothers Shane and Joshua! I Love You [209 words]
At A Distance by Laura Lloyd - [140 words]
A Serious Heart Condition by Cedric McClester A Serious Heart Condition is a love song. [279 words]
A Hungry Look by Oksana Klym - [156 words]
When The Rains Came Down Heavy by Cedric McClester When The Rains Came Down Heavy is a folk song. It's a reflection on the turmoil ... [367 words]
Yuppie Blues by Alexander Amelkin Blues [182 words]
Your Sudden Change Of Heart by Cedric McClester Your Sudden Change Of Heart is written from a female's perspective and speaks for i... [355 words]
When A Relationship Goes Bad by Cedric McClester When A Relationship Goes Bad speaks for itself. What you did to me Is really sumth... [262 words]
Today’S Politics by Cedric McClester Today's Politics is my personal commentary on todays politics. [248 words]
The Place Where Broken Hearts Meet by Cedric McClester The Place Where Broken Hearts Meet was written for blues singer Bobby Blue B... [200 words]
The First Time That You Broke My Heart by Cedric McClester The First Time That You Broke My Heart is written from a female Perspect... [295 words]
The Best Sex (That I Ever Had) by Cedric McClester - [268 words]
Thank You Jesus (Thank You) by Cedric McClester Thank You Jesus was inspired by the words R&B singer R. Kelly uttered upon being fo... [346 words]
Storm (Because Of You) by Nathan Moore A song about God being all-powerful and Satan...NOT! This song is featured on my fifth ... [220 words]
She Likes Her Highs by Cedric McClester See if you can guess who I'm talking about [333 words]
Saint And Sinner by Oksana Klym - [210 words]
Perfect Transgression by Oksana Klym - [212 words]
Nothing’S Sweeter Than… by Cedric McClester Nothing's Sweeter Than is a mid tempo R&B song. [232 words]
Nine Stories Down by Cedric McClester Nine Stories Down tells the story of the tragic death of a 20 year old Russian model. It's a... [316 words]
Nice Guys by Cedric McClester Nice Guys explains why nice guys finish last. [220 words]
Mimi Butterfly by Cedric McClester Mimi Butterfly is a popular singer who recently married a most unlikely choice. [242 words]
Merciful Lord by Nathan Moore A song contain just SOME of the names of Jesus Christ. Remember you can read all the web album @... [124 words]
Man Up by Cedric McClester Man Up is a song geared towards males about personal responsibility. [265 words]
Love Is So Shy by Antonio Casanova love song [484 words]
Just One Last Time by Cedric McClester Just One Last Time is an R&B song that speaks for itself. [381 words]
Is It The Heat Of The Moment? by Cedric McClester Is It The Heat Of The Moment is a social commentary song on the proliferation of ... [250 words]
Invited Into Your Heart by Cedric McClester You invited me into your heart I accepted your invitation But you were only playing a p... [267 words]
In It For A Buck by Cedric McClester In It For A Buck is a folk song about the real reason for the Iraq occupation. [347 words]
I Lit A Candle by Cedric McClester I Lit A Candle is a song of grief at the passing of a loved one. [352 words]
I Can’T Believe… by Cedric McClester I Can't Believe is a song about cheating on a lover. [342 words]
Honky Tonk Romp by Bne Kelso song about the girl i love. [82 words]
He Broke It Off by Cedric McClester He Broke It Off was written from a female perspective and deals with a romantic breakup. [412 words]
Hangin' On by Oksana Klym - [159 words]
Get Your Attention by Cedric McClester Get Your Attention is written from a female perspective and it directs guys how to properly [245 words]
Fear (Gives Rise To Fever) by Oksana Klym - [140 words]
Everyday by Bne Kelso girl on drugs dies. personal song. [164 words]
Emotionally Speaking by Cedric McClester Emotionally Speaking should have an Alanis Morrisette feel. [356 words]
Burn by Richard Evans she lit a deadly spark- [162 words]
Best Friend (Betrayal) by Cedric McClester Best Friend is a song of betrayal written from a female's perspective. [287 words]
Are You Listening To Me? by Cedric McClester Are You Listening To Me is a folk song along the line of Bob Dylan. [258 words]
Angel Vs. Devil by Nathan Moore This is a song about being tempted by the Devil and the Angel winning. [113 words]
Am I Really A Playa (Or Just A Whore)? by Cedric McClester This song should be mid or up-tempo and was inspired by a comment allege... [243 words]

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Candy Man
Kinda follows along with Lil' Wayne's "Lollipop". It's my own version, technically what I'd write to the beat of "Lollipop". Trust that this is a real treat! lol
[550 words]
Lee Branham
[February 2008]
Black-Sheep Syndrome (Songs) A rock song I wrote to explain my feelings about a girl I met my freshman year...it explains it all in the song. Really Good song! [614 words]
Blank Of Mind (Tony Yayo Diss) (Songs) A song I wrote to explain my feelings about G-Unit member, Tony Yayo. [486 words] [Writing Resource]
Differen't From The Rest (Songs) A song I wrote about a guy who isn't sure if his relationship is for real with the girl he's with. Past experiences have shown him to be heart-broken within every relationship...kinda based on me! [398 words]
Fat Joe's Pissed! (50 Cent Diss) (Songs) A song I wrote to show that I'm on Joe's side rather than 50's for a whole lot of reasons...sort of a reply to G-Unit's "I'm Leaving (Fat Joe Diss)". [520 words]
I'm Over (Songs) About a guy who's been tempted so much in life, trying to keep to his Christian ways has been quite tough for him lately. He's fallen and fallen deeper into temptation and sin every time he tried to f... [472 words] [Drama]
Infected (Songs) A Metal song I wrote, it's about a guy who was with a girl who practically ruined his life until there was nothing left. Really Good! [426 words]
Renegade (50 Cent Diss) (Songs) A song I have written to express my feelings about 50 Cent. I like some of his material but he is getting way out of hand! [307 words] [Writing Resource]
Time Goes By (G-Unit Diss) (Songs) The last G-Unit diss I have to offer. I have written what I wrote and I'm finished. I will add the previous ones I've done but this is an updated version, goes to the beat of "I'm So Fly" by Lloyd Ban... [436 words]
You Vs. Me (Songs) Song I wrote about a guy who's tired of getting beat down by everyone around him including this one particular dude whose seen as the best and a greater power over this other guy...the poor guy is bac... [487 words]
Candy Man
Lee Branham


Come baby, get a taste of the sugar cane,
Once you get a lick of me I'll drive you insane,
You keep sayin' I'm sweet and that I'm your Candy Man,
Soon you'll find out, I melt in your mouth (not your hand),
I'm like cotton candy you think I'm fluffy and sweet,
I dissolve on your tongue as soon as I'm behind your teeth,
I don't have a Candy Shop, I own Candy Land,
Girl, I ain't just a lollipop, I'm your Candy Man,

(Verse 1)

It's late and she's wanting a little sugar before bed,
It's the Candy Man she calls for and I'm looking to head,
To her place I go, she's knows me well, I'm her man,
I'd give her anything, know that I came with a wrapper and not a can,
Man, when I get to her house I'm already feeling a rush coming,
So to speak, she hears me come in the front door and comes running,
She pulls me in like a spider does to it's prey,
Next thing I know, I'm on her bed and she's ready to play,
She said wanted it, so I let her have it,
And she starts goin' crazy when she tastes me, she made it a habit,
Then it started heating up like an oven she melted me,
She said it was better that way, that's the way it should be,
I'm good and clean and anyone can see that it's true,
But this girl said I'm like a lollipop, and she owns it too,


Come baby, get a taste of the sugar cane,
Once you get a lick of me I'll drive you insane,
You keep sayin' I'm sweet and that I'm your Candy Man,
Soon you'll find out, I melt in your mouth (not your hand),
I'm like cotton candy you think I'm fluffy and sweet,
I dissolve on your tongue as soon as I'm behind your teeth,
I don't have a Candy Shop, I own Candy Land,
Girl, I ain't just a lollipop, I'm your Candy Man,

(Verse 2)

Usually my mind is never quite this dirty,
But when it comes to mind, the thought gets pretty,
I can't deny her and she can't deny me,
This is the Candy Man and no one else can buy me,
I'm rare like diamond in the ruff,
And trust that it gets crazy and even gets rough,
She's my baby, matter of fact she's my Candy Girl,
And she shines in my eyes like a tight dandy pearl,
Yeah, she drives me crazy, she makes me taste buds swirl,
This is what happens, when you reach the nasty side of C's world,
You get a sugar rush forced through you like a gun bullet,
I'm gonna let it get hot, there's no reason to cool it,
I last in your mouth forever, that's better than any bubble gum,
The taste reserves itself that's enough to make you double cum,
Still, I'm not this dirty minded, I'm just making this a first time,
If I was this crazy what could you expect in my next rhyme?


Come baby, get a taste of the sugar cane,
Once you get a lick of me I'll drive you insane,
You keep sayin' I'm sweet and that I'm your Candy Man,
Soon you'll find out, I melt in your mouth (not your hand),
I'm like cotton candy you think I'm fluffy and sweet,
I dissolve on your tongue as soon as I'm behind your teeth,
I don't have a Candy Shop, I own Candy Land,
Girl, I ain't just a lollipop, I'm your Candy Man


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© 2008 Lee Branham
July 2008

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