Mother Nature (Nothing We Can Do) by Fred Hardy - [367 words] 40 Days by Fred Hardy - [313 words] Life Judgement by Ryuichi Minamino About how poeple look at punks/goth (Revised) [260 words] The N-Word by Rapadamus How is bigotry To be defeated/ If you don’t know Your history Then you’ll repeat it/ And the use of ... [451 words] The Legend Of Nia Umoja by Cedric McClester The Legend of Nia Umoja is the companion piece to the best selling childrens book of th... [195 words] You Got A Sexy Walk by Rapadamus This song is based on an actual encounter that is best summerized by the following lines: ... [261 words] ...With My Bones by Brian C Lebron This song was influenced by The Doors.But to hear it on my 2nd CD would be a real treat. [19 words] You'll Never Get A Chick Like Me by Alia Harold This is gonna be a hit I'm out dis be poptart. [218 words] You Were There You Don't Know What You Got by Cedric McClester - [277 words] You Can Have Her by Alia Harold It's good. [193 words] You Call ‘Em Faggots by Rapadamus You see a gay guy And you get so upset/ Whether or not He's approached you yet/ Now here... [210 words] You Called Me by Shannon H Stotz This song "You Called Me" it just about love and I think it could be made a hit someday. Its a tr... [134 words] You Baby Boy by Alia Harold - [198 words] Wild Hair by Russell Berwick I wrote this song about a long distance relationship. [145 words] Why Should They? by Cedric McClester This is another ode to the Dixie Chicks. It poses the following questions. Why should they As... [145 words] Who Is She To Say? by Rapadamus This could be considered a follow up to Pink's Stupid Girls song. [226 words] Where The Rubber Meets The Road by Cedric McClester Where the rubber Meets the road/ I’m the one Who hauls the load/ Down the nati... [291 words] Tree In Your Forest by Russell Berwick I wrote this about a young lady that I fell for but she didn't fall for me. [124 words] Transylvanian Mail Order Brides by Russell Berwick I came up with this song because I needed to meet a young lady friend at the Co... [157 words] Too Much Information by Rapadamus Scratch his name right up off The terror list/ What the world can use Is one less terroris... [186 words] Timeline by Wesley Githens Song about aging. [55 words] Time To Shine by Alia Harold This junk is exclusive!!!!! [181 words] Through These Eyes by Chad Naquin Some really wierd, yet, good metal song. [242 words] This Love by Brian C Lebron - [61 words] The Ravages Of War by Rapadamus The ravages of war Are not a pretty sight/ They could catch it anytime While caught up in th... [265 words] The Last Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood by Brandon Colcleasure - [183 words] Take My Hand by Brian C Lebron This is a song I wrote for my fiance. [72 words] Take It From Me by Jonathon Brannon Just felt like writing a song about a break up..Noone in particular is meant by this, just what... [143 words] Sweet Patootie by Russell Berwick I wrote this about a young lady that I fell for who had a very nice rear or patootie. [144 words] Still Lookin (For The Noble Cause) by Rapadamus He’s still looking For the noble cause/ That was mentioned But never was/ He... [195 words] Steal by Chris Carpenter - [146 words] Somehow by Deedumz I'm not sure if this qualifies as a song yet but it's a start.It's about lost love and wanting it back ... [158 words] Somebody Tell Me by Cedric McClester Somebody tell me Where the world’s headed to/ That is the question That I wish I knew/ Look at... [239 words] She Has A Book To Pitch by Cedric McClester She’ll gladly play the bitch/ When she has a book to pitch/ And we’ve all made her rich... [216 words] Shattered Temptation by Jin Ichitaku Natsume This is a song I wrote with my friend Elfie. We write a lot together, and we felt like wri... [228 words] Seniority, Priority, What The Hell by Alia Harold It's da boof. [63 words] Savages by Rapadamus The ravages of the savages/ Can be felt on the streets/ Where innocent bystanders Often catch the heat/... [414 words] Saint B.J. by Russell Berwick I wrote this song about the late great Barbra Jorden who was known as B.J. to many here at the Unive... [129 words] Rock And Roll Pimp by Russell Berwick This song is about playing music or pimping music instead of people. [150 words] Remember The Armadillo by Russell Berwick I wrote this song about the blues artist Freddy King and the Armadillo World Headquarter... [83 words] Publicity Stunt by Cedric McClester This song is a response to an undersecretary at the State Department stating the suicides of th... [186 words] Publicity Stunt Suicide by Cedric McClester This song is a response to a statement that an undersecretary of State made regarding t... [186 words] Piss And Moan by Russell Berwick I wrote this to show how we seem to be programmed to be the victum when we speak out about someth... [177 words] People Wanna Know by Cedric McClester These lyrics were inspired by an interview that platinum recording artist Ciara gave concerni... [255 words] Our Redemption Day by Layne 'Our Redemption Day' was written to reflect upon the way I see it when someone slowly destro... [224 words] One More Fight by Caitlynn Anne Its basically about giving up and leaving, somethin I cant deal with very well. [249 words] Now That Zarqawi’S Dead by Cedric McClester Now that Zarqawi’s dead/ From a thousand pounds of lead/ The insurgency he fed/ Might f... [262 words] Nothing Without Me by Lynch - [163 words] My Something by Alia Harold This my junk. [185 words] My Last Words by Nicole Morris Break up/Fighting song. [127 words] My Last Love by Nash Reflection on how relationships that felt deep move on. [254 words] My Funeral by Josh Alderman Its about a person's life that is really crappy. They just can't wait until their funeral, where the... [119 words] Must Be Something by Brian C Lebron Written for my fiance.Check it out and letme know what you think. [114 words] Mirror, Mirror You're The Wiset Of 'em All. by Alia Harold - [368 words] Livin The American Dream by Cedric McClester Living The American Dream was inspired by a comment that American Idol winner Taylor H... [302 words] Listen Up Nation by Rapadamus Listen up nation/ In the Bush administration No level of incompetence Goes unrewarded/ And wha... [209 words] Letter by Chris Carpenter - [126 words] Junkyard Dog by Russell Berwick I wrote this song thinking of myself being an outsider peace freak from the late 60's and living i... [145 words] Jowsa Girl by Russell Berwick I wrote this song about my wife and the Chinese dumpling called jowsa which is very popular there. [146 words] Jet And Judy by Russell Berwick I wrote this fantasy song about Jet Screamer and Judy Jetson while using the movie Star Wars as a ... [157 words] I by Brian C Lebron This is a little something I wrote lastnight strumming along with my acoustic.About my sobriety. [61 words] Im Still Around... by Caitlynn Anne This Is Acutally a song I wrote after my boyfriend and I of two years broke was kin... [221 words] I Don't Wanna Fuck by Alia Harold - [85 words] I Can’T Wait by Cedric McClester I can’t wait To get home to my baby/ Knock off work And spend time with my lady/ Unlike some girl... [215 words] How Long by Alia Harold This is so sweet. [237 words] Hot Baby by Yessayana Hartfield Intro: The way you make me feel. [106 words] Hope I Get Lucky Tonight by Cedric McClester This song was inspired by a comment that was made on the Country Music Awards. [238 words] Hold Your Head Up Paul by Cedric McClester Hold Your Head Up Paul chronicals Paul McCartney's present state of mind as a consequenc... [196 words] Hide It In Your Eyes. by Alia Harold This be that banger right 'der. [74 words] Hey There Sir Kevin by Jin Ichitaku Natsume I wrote my own little version of the song, "Hey There Delilah" Its basically the same thing... [315 words] Hard To Ignore by Cedric McClester It’s hard to ignore That kind of whore/ We’ve seen her Walk the stroll before/ And we all know ... [137 words] Handfull Of Mush by Russell Berwick I wrote this song about living with cronic head pain. [112 words] Guys by Cedric McClester Guys is written from a teen aged girl's perspective. [280 words] Good Noise by Russell Berwick I wrote this song about good music. [167 words] Get Off by Rapadamus I need a warm body/ And a bed that’s soft/ When I’m feelin horny/ And wanna get off. [240 words] Get Along by Russell Berwick I wrote this because I'm sick of all the hate by different groups. I made this in the style of a cow... [175 words] Freaky Things by Cedric McClester Girl just wait And you will see/ What affect anticipation Has on me/ Talkin ‘bout All that passi... [207 words] Fish Out Of Water by Alia Harold 'dis my junk. [316 words] Fire by Chris Carpenter - [119 words] Fire Woman by Russell Berwick I wrote this about the lady from the fire department who helped me after a car wreak. [171 words] Feel It by Hillary Davis It is a song about dancing. [266 words] Fall Back Now! by Matthew Mark Gill America A soldier stays strong to his beliefs and finds life is what you make of it! [103 words] Ever And Ever by R Bennett Okerstrom Just another heavy guitar and deep baseline type of song on the subject of immortality. [127 words] Emotions, Emotions by Shannon H Stotz "Emotions" is a song about people who dont think they seem to fit in. [134 words] Double Life by Jennifer Shelby And Brittany Sillinger And McCormick - [145 words] Do Anything With Your Life But End It by Brandon Colcleasure - [122 words] Different Light by Russell Berwick I wrote this about the shock of 9-11. [148 words] Death And Taxes And My Loving by Russell Berwick I wrote this song about never ending love. [125 words] Crashing Down by Nicole Morris It's kind of like a big appology when a girl is blaming herself for why the guy broke up with her... [203 words] Coulter’S Cauldron by Cedric McClester Someone needs to Give a wallop/ To that anorexic trollop/ Who’s lacking in civility/ And mea... [185 words] Could Never Be by Russell Berwick I wrote this song about falling for that perfect someone and wishing they felt the same way abou... [165 words] Channel Surfer by Russell Berwick I wrote this song because I love tv and surf music. [129 words] Captive by Alia Harold This is the junk right here. [217 words] Can’T by Cedric McClester Of all the words People choose to use/ Can’t is the one That’s most abused/ It’s the main reason Why I... [208 words] But Us by Alia Harold - [231 words] Bushwacker Baby by Russell Berwick I wrote this about an old girlfriend. [171 words] Broken Heart by Alia Harold Dis be the notorious poptart yes sir. [176 words] Breaking The Chains by Chris Carpenter Another Break-up song. [159 words] Blame It On The Dixie Chicks by Rapadamus This song is written in the voice of the much maligned Dixie Chicks whose latest a... [218 words] Behind The Door by Chad Naquin Behind The Door means my life as a secret. It simply states that I'm telling eeryone what I fee... [178 words] Be Ok by Chris Carpenter - [133 words] Baby What's Happening by Alia Harold - [264 words] Anna's Moon Song by Russell Berwick I wrote this song about my wife and her telling me that she would sing to the moon so I could ... [123 words] All In by Smuckers's NOT a love song. [160 words] All Hail The Heartbreaker by Nicole Morris This song is about a girl (the person who is singing the song) singing about how a gu... [132 words] Ain’T Illegal Yet by Rapadamus This song is written in the voice of the infamous Dixie Chicks - They refuse to play our rec... [215 words] Adolf Hitler Song by Josh Alderman A song about Adolf Hitler's quotes that he said when he had control of Germany during WWII. [299 words] A Girl Without A Face by Shannon H Stotz It is a song about people who feel like they are lonely and have no faith in themselves a... [75 words] 1 Star Story: Running Away by Chris Nagle - [239 words] Go to page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 [71 ] 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
You Were There
This song " YOu were there" is about someone who had died and how they helped this person in the song. [89 words]
Shannon H Stotz
I am a young girl. I go to Rombout Middle School and I am 12 years old. Ive been intrested in song writing for a while now. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer you. [May 2006]
A Girl Without A Face (Songs) It is a song about people who feel like they are lonely and have no faith in themselves and think that they have been used and that there not suppose to be on this earth. [75 words] Emotions, Emotions (Songs) "Emotions" is a song about people who dont think they seem to fit in. [134 words] I Dont Know You Anymore (Songs) Its about two friends that have been getting into fights and the one girl just wants to end it because the other girl is ruining everything. [151 words] My Grandpas (Poetry) Dedicated to my grandpas. [93 words] Remember It All (Poetry) Dedicated to Samanatha Maskewicz. [163 words] Whats Right (Songs) - [110 words] You Called Me (Songs) This song "You Called Me" it just about love and I think it could be made a hit someday. Its a true story to. [134 words] [Romance]
You Were There Shannon H Stotz
When i was by you, you protected me
i know you loved me, i could see
Chorus: you were there when things went wrong
you were there when i worte my first song
you were there when i was scared
you were there i know you cared
but now your gone
so i wrote you this song
cause i care
i hope you got my pray
yuo were there when i needed you the most
but now you under the ground
where you cant hear a sound
not even a heart pound
I just want you to know (x3)
I love you
Chorus (x2)
"This is just as good as the song i just read." -- Amanda, Coventry, USA, CT.
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© 2006 Shannon H Stotz
May 2006