Harriet Nicholas is 20 years old. She is a final year fashion student living in the UK.
Harriet grew up in Brunei and won numerous short story competitions there. Despite having a strong love for writing, her ambition to be a designer was far greater. She moved to the UK four years ago to do her course and is currently living with her boyfriend, Kevin.
She is also a freelance illustrator and fashion writer. [February 2004]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (7) A Model Life (Novels) Janet hates her life, hates her parents and her boyfriend isn't the ideal she'd dreamed of. She is rude, calculating and other girls hate her guts. On top of that, she's a raging nymphomaniac, incapab... [6,622 words] [Humor] Adoration Is Not Love (Poetry) A poem about . . . well, myself really and I boy I fancied when I was about thirteen! [122 words] [Mind] Guilt (Poetry) A short poem about guilt. [91 words] I Haven't Found Myself Yet (Poetry) A sad poem I wrote one night when I was feeling very, very sorry for myself . . . [100 words] [Mind] Pretty Dancer (Poetry) A poem about some girls I have known . . . and their way. . . please, read on and find out . . . [176 words] [Mind] The Muse Speaks To The Writer (Poetry) A poem about the determined muse within my head that urges me to keep writing! [117 words] [Mind] Turning Point (Short Stories) The thoughts of a girl in one afternoon that will change her attitude towards her social life . . . [2,270 words] [Mind]
The Day You Dissapeared Harriet Nicholas
How I cried that day
The day you disappeared
And I hoped and I prayed
You’d be coming home real soon
But I knew that you wouldn’t
See I know what you are like
And I guess you ain’t coming home tonight
A few weeks passed
And they rolled into months
I’d try to avoid
All the places we had been
I would work real late
And never saw a soul
But too many things
Reminded me of you
How I cried that winter
I wished that I could die
And I’d wake up most mornings
Still thinking you were there
And I feel so alone
I wish you were still here
But I guess you ain’t coming home tonight
How I hoped that we
Could weather out the storm
But you didn’t even try
Never even left a note
You just packed your bags
And left me in the night
And I guess you ain’t coming home tonight
I saw you with her
Don’t think I didn’t know
You didn’t have to talk
I could tell just being there
Then you looked at me
And I knew that you were gone
I knew
Yes, I knew . . .
How I cried that day
The day you disappeared
And I hoped and I prayed
You’d be coming home real soon
But I knew that you wouldn’t
See I know what you are like
And I guess you ain’t coming home tonight
And I guess
Yes, I guess . . .
You ain’t coming home to me . . .
"i read your song and i fell in love with it,simply put.i play guitar and i would love to put music to that song.if you could get into contact with me that would be excellent. jonnymac8080@hotmail.com my yahoo messenger is J_MAC1399 my aim is jonnymac8011 and my msn is my email address.if you email me i only request that you put "THE SONG YOU LIKED" in the subject box. your song has such great potential for the type of music i can put with it,i was playing a few different chords with it (wednesday march 1st of 2006 at 2:30 am lol) and i was amazed at the possibilities.so like i said if you could get in touch with me thats excellent because i would also like to have your permission to use this song,and play it at a couple gigs after practising it.im asking for permission because 1-thast the respectable thing to do,and 2- this is your song,it came from your heart because of a feeling that was brought upon you by something unfortunate,i can relate to the song so well,except you know a girl broke my heart not a guy.anyways i hope you are doing better because i can tell by the way your words were written that he really broke your heart in more ways than one,and in a million different peices.well thats enough chit chat out of me for now,i hope to hear back from you soon,sincerely, Jonny P.S.-incase your wondering im 19(going on 20 in july)from rochester ny " -- Jonny, rochester, new york, usa.
"Haven't logged on for years. Can see why it's pretty dead. . .glad you liked it Jonny. Have you had any luck with it? I'm working in fashion now and haven't written anything in years. I put a kind of Dolly Parton spin on it when I wrote it - don't know if that was consciously done or not. I even drummed up a melody though it's a bit repetitive.Anyhow, glad you've been able to use it - lemme know when you have a big hit! lol" -- Harriet.
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