AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (6) Dont Want To Let You Go (Songs) This is a song I wrote for a guy I really love. [133 words] [Relationships] Just The Two Of Us (Poetry) It's about being with the one you really love and just being there for eachother is all that matters as long as you love eachother. [166 words] Losing My Mind (Songs) I dont know what this is about, it just popped in my head and you can either like it or hate it.. [174 words] Open Your Heart (Songs) This is one of my newest songs I just wrote tonight. It's about a girl that wants her boyfriend to open up to her and tell her how he feels so she knows if he feels how she does about him. [182 words] Where'd You Go (Songs) Ok none of my songs have music until I find someone that can do that for me. This song is sad I guess but its just about how I feel about one of my ex's that is no longer with me and I dont mean cuz ... [169 words] Why Do You Like Me (Poetry) This poem I wrote based on what celebrities or just about anyone would think about why someone likes them. To make sure that there liked for who they are and not what they do. [99 words]
To Blind To See Ranay Mueller
You said you loved me
and you'd stay by my side
but yet there was so much
that you would hide
we'd stay up all night
and talk the night through
but when you were gone
my feelings disappeared with you
You held me in your arms
and said everything would be fine
but I guess that was just another
one of your lies.
I gave everything to you
even my heart
but Im never going to get over
being apart.
My heart is broken
you just tossed it to the ground
everyday is raining
when your not around.
I cared for you
like I thought you did for me
but there was to much
that I didnt see.
I did everything for you
and I gave you my heart
so tell me why
I hate being apart?
Some nights I'd sit up
by myself and cry
and think about
all the time that went by.
You were never really around
but the times that you were
you never thought about me
only you missing her.
I never really seen it
I just thought that you cared
but now that I know the truth
I'm glad that your not there.
I do miss you
but it's better this way
your still in my heart
I dont know if I'll make it through today.
My heart is broken
you just tossed it to the ground
everyday is raining
when your not around.
I cared for you
like I thought you did for me
but there was to much
that I didnt see.
I did everything for you
and I gave you my heart
so tell me why
I hate being apart?
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