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Used To Be by Chuk H MacDonald You must have cast a spell over me. I used to be bad and now look at me. I guess a bad cat can strai... [276 words]
You're One Dream by Chuk H MacDonald I can't get you out of my mind. I dream about you. I think I see you. Sometimes I think I hear... [177 words]
Until Your Love by Chuk H MacDonald I wasn't a pretty picture. I was drifting. I was going nowhere. I was just spinning my tires..... [189 words]
The Way I Think Of You by Chuk H MacDonald Though time, distance and life separate us, I will always cherish memories of you. [192 words]
A Little Too Close by Chuk H MacDonald Is it me or did something just happen between us? [194 words]
Playing In Puddles by Chuk H MacDonald Life used to be so simple. Remember those beautiful carefree days of your childhood when you... [212 words]
Maybe You And I by Chuk H MacDonald Here we are. You don't know me and I don't know you but something brought us to the same place ... [267 words]
Every Bit Of Your Heart by Chuk H MacDonald How do you expect us to move forward if you keep holding back? [199 words]
Cupid, Close Don't Count! by Chuk H MacDonald Come on Cupid, What to hell were you thinking? How 'bout hitting the bull's eye? [148 words]
Been There Done That by Chuk H MacDonald Everybody makes mistakes and I know I've made my share [237 words]
Keep Your Distance by Christy Mack Thinking about everything, and taking it all in, only to realize you have absolutely no idea... [227 words]
All I Need Is Your Love (Not Sure About Title) by Mueller - [278 words]
Where'd You Go by Ranay Mueller Ok none of my songs have music until I find someone that can do that for me. This song is sad I... [169 words]
Undo This Forever Loss by Christy Mack Breaking up when you don't want to. Telling someone that you still love them when they'r... [200 words]
To Blind To See by Ranay Mueller This song is about being heart broken and not really seeing what is right in front of you cause... [236 words]
The Cold Beneath The Light by Rick B. Baber Story of a down-&-out "street person". Lyrics written with John Cougar Mellencamp i... [264 words]
Open Your Heart by Ranay Mueller This is one of my newest songs I just wrote tonight. It's about a girl that wants her boyfrien... [182 words]
Little Girl by John Heckel A melancholy tune written for my wife after her father passed away. It's a slow melodic song that ... [226 words]
I'll Tell You A Secret by Christy Mack Telling the person you love them that, you do. They hurt you, but, you can't get over th... [152 words]
Down From The Balcony by Jaded Angelll Tribute To My Mother [127 words]
Don't Promise Me by Jaded Angelll Jaded relationship filled with broken promises. [126 words]
Walk Away Real Slow by Christy Mack Wishing you had the guts to leave and forget what you had, but you can't because you know t... [179 words]
Never Tell A Soul by Christy Mack Just a song about not being able to tell somebody you love them! :):) [159 words]
If Only.... by R. Nonny - [184 words]
Hypnotized by Mueller - [151 words]
Losing My Mind by Ranay Mueller I dont know what this is about, it just popped in my head and you can either like it or hate it.... [174 words]
You Don't Understand by L Chapman We've all been told in our lives whenever someone has a problem, and we try to help, that ... [277 words]
You Can't Buy My Love by L Chapman its a song about a guy who never tells his girlfriend he loves her, but instead buys her ... [375 words]
She Was A Dreamer by L Chapman This song is about a girl who has a lot of confidence in herself, she likes to dream all the ... [235 words]
I'm Proud Of You by L Chapman this is definitely not one of my best works, i think i wrote it in like 2 minutes LOL [197 words]
Dont Want To Let You Go by Ranay Mueller This is a song I wrote for a guy I really love. [133 words]
34th Street by L Chapman I was bored one day, so i decided to write this song cos i live on 34th street. My man came to visi... [285 words]
Bring Me by Mia Angello Lyrics to a mosh song. [140 words]
Here To Stay by Samantha Carter A song about being happy because you are comforted by the knowledge that you're lover will never l... [202 words]
Raisin In The Sun
Join The Stars by R Wood A questioning song about what happens after all this is over [220 words]
Eight Years Old by R Wood I'd prefer it if you made your own mind up as to the meaning of the song. Basically it's follow... [156 words]
Rainy Monday by Rosario Perez It can "rain" in your life when someone doesn't love you [144 words]
Road Runnin by Fizzgig McArthur The first title my band ever did. Just playing around y' know? Having fun. [149 words]
Eyes Wide Open by Jenine Marie Graschuk A song about spouse abuse. [226 words]
The Best Of Whats Left by Genesis [124 words]
Heart Be Still by Genesis [100 words]
The Hardest Part by Genesis A song about how tough it is to leave someone behind for someone new. [145 words]
Alone by Sabriel About a girl whose boyfriend is always leaving when she needs him the most, and finally she deals with hi... [240 words]
Nightmare Alley, A Collection by S Lichtenstein Nightmare Alley - A dark song about escaping to one's nightmares. Prayer For Love...
Sleepless at 3.44 a.m.
The Surrender Song
Making His Body Hot

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Raisin In The Sun
It's a song based on a movie, based on a screenplay, based on a poem, based on a dream
[202 words]
Fizzgig McArthur
Fizzgig McArthur (Jesse Weinberg), other titles
[January 2000]
As They Say (Poetry) The poem I wrote after she left me. [62 words]
Funnel (Poetry) - [107 words]
Iron Bell (Songs) This is a song my band covered. I don't want it to die. [116 words]
Judith And The Elevator (Plays) I wrote this play for a festival a while ago. I was rather pleased with the performance. [1,921 words] [Cooking]
Lover's Thoughts (Poetry) In this crazy messed up world isn't that what it's all about? [40 words]
Luggage (Plays) A "farse" about a small town home. [1,899 words]
Nighttime (Poetry) This is the story of the night passing. [79 words]
Place (Poetry) I wrote this the other night before noon. [56 words]
Questions (Poetry) My latest work, a triumphant return to the pen. [105 words] [Western]
Rain (Is What This Poem Would Have Been Called) (Poetry) I wrote it in the rain. [175 words]
Regret (Poetry) Another one of my remourseful poems. It's about a girl, who got away. [88 words]
Road Runnin (Songs) The first title my band ever did. Just playing around y' know? Having fun. [149 words]
The Canister (Poetry) - [56 words]
The Gorbechev Song (Songs) This is a comedic song I wrote for history class, dedicated to my favorite soviet leader. [182 words] [Comedy]
The Master (Poetry) This is one of my angry at mankind poems. A lot of people think it's about god by the title, then they read it. [77 words]
Raisin In The Sun
Fizzgig McArthur

A raisin in the sun
by jesse weinberg
You live in a low class apartment
your life is goin' real bad
you sit around all day waitin' for a check
cause your living off of your Dad
When your dreams have all but been shattered
and the good times have not yet begun
you forget all the things that have mattered
and you feel like a raisin in the sun
Your son he sleeps on the sofa
and your mama she nags and she nags
when you and your wife are having a fight you get,
"hey Walter, eat your eggs"
You can't move to the house that you want to
because of the color of your face
the people who think you are different
say you shouldn't move to this place
When all you have left are your memories
and the dreams of a life yet to come
a taker, not a talker, breaks all of that
and you want your life to be done
Refrain (sung twice)
If you can, rent the movie it's based on (by the same title), or read the poem the movies based on (a dream deferred) by Langston Hughes. Also, my screenname is Fizzgig Mcarthur, if you want to IM me. Catch you later.



"°¤Kewl goinG¤°" -- Kimberly De Liz.
"Just finished all the poetry and music. Wonderful work, Fizzgig!! " -- Maryla.


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© 1999 Fizzgig McArthur
August 2000

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