You live with the question. Wondering how to proceed, we find ways to make things happen. We do not understand the question. It is there despite our lack of understanding, as are many other things. For some reason we choose not to be bothered by this.
Short Biography: Pepijn Sauer Born midnight between the 3rd and 4th of February 1970 in Arnhem, The Netherlands. Studied Japanese, Philosophy and Psychology at the universities of Leiden and Utrecht, finished neither because of tendencies towards the more obscure sides of the above mentioned fields. Paints, does illustrations and translates from Dutch to English and vice versa. (mainly scientific articles). [September 2001]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (8) A Song Of Absence (Short Stories) Absence. Everybody is on the beach but you. Meister Eckhart sunbathing in bright green shorts. Dostojevski and William James play beach volleyball against the Marx Brothers. In the shadow of a palm t... [1,412 words] [Mind] Dis-Appointment (Poetry) Short poem. [12 words] [Romance] Gravity (Short Stories) I circle the gravity of this situation in elliptical curves. Inside the fences, so fashionably dressed in distractedly elegant drapings of barbed wire, the TV show goes on showing. (White noise. Fragm... [589 words] [Mind] Party (Short Stories) Actually the host is dead. It took me a while to notice, but it's true. The host is so dead he has a lot of time to give parties. [581 words] [Mind] The End Of History And The Last Fish (Short Stories) When Field commander Asinine launched his final all out withdrawal the first one to be killed was major Fuck Up. The loss was grave but they had no time to bury him. [1,168 words] [Mind] The Function Of Criticism (Short Stories) We forget without remembering what. Something started at some point but the point is now almost identical to everything; or rather, it is starting to be, unstoppably, constantly. [774 words] [Mind] The Mind That Is Morning (Short Stories) The mind that is morning swims. As it grows later it will become frosted glass; an empty couch by the window; twelve words; a dolphin blowing rings of air and an empty coffee cup in the sunlight. [459 words] [Mind] Witness (Short Stories) You have seen things. I thank you for describing them to me with so much care and poetic accuracy. Your eyes must be beautiful. As for the things at hand, I am unclear regarding their purpose, if any. [826 words]
For Sofia Pepijn Sauer
For Sofia.
You live with the question. Wondering how to proceed, we find ways to make things happen. We do not understand the question. It is there despite our lack of understanding, as are many other things. For some reason we choose not to be bothered by this.
The question is there. You are there. Lately you have more and more become the asking of the question. We have taken notice of this. We predicted it and it ensued. We are given to habitual premonitions. It would be natural to assume some causal factor in all this. We, however, do not care for causality.
Many things appear in our visions that we choose not to predict. Our visions of course consist of Numbers. We crunch them in order to make them talk. Sometimes The Numbers refuse to talk, so we crunch them some more. Often this does not help but we try, knowing our duty and the means to its fulfillment. The Truth among other things is somewhere in The Numbers. We have predicted it. It will ensue. We have come close to it on a number occasions. This number, too, is somewhere in The Numbers.
If we fail we will simply predict our own existence. From that everything will ensue and we will use a different number at the point where we went wrong. We know. We have tried it before. We are fond of Procedure though not necessarily this one. Above all we are dispassionate. We do not believe, or at least this is what we choose to believe. The Numbers demand it, we think.
We think. In this Procedure is very helpful. It helps us to think something definite and useful. Even though Procedure killed the rats, we know we must have faith. Anyway, everything dies: To die usefully is to die well. (Procedure: 12,14.) We wish we would have been useful in the way of the rats but our use was determined to lie elsewhere. We know who we are. We may not like it but that is allowed. We do not have to like anything, not even being dispassionate, even though we do.
We are very Good with The Numbers. We have known for a long time how to make them talk. We can make them talk by way of colors and shapes; we can even make them talk by way of words though this is definitely not our favorite. We are very professional about all this; our professionalism necessitates it. We do it for you. We love you dispassionately. We will succeed. The numbers have said so. We have predicted it and if not we will. It will ensue.
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