I am fairly new at writing, but I love the freedom that comes with being able to express myself. [September 2001]
A Modern Day Love Story Shari Calkin
I had just about given up on finding the man that God had intended for me, after having three failed marriages, and countless failed relationships, when one day, when I least expected it, a miracle happened.
In December of 1997, I was still looking for something in the relationships I was involved in that just wasn't there. I had ended one relationship around the end of December, and renewed a relationship that had ended a few months previously, all the while, waiting for a divorce from my first husband, whom I had married a second time. Needless to say, my "love life" was just about as crazy and mixed up as it could get.
When I started working at a local nursing home that December,I had every intention of trying to get my life back on track and forget about my crazy love life. That didn't work as well as I had planned.
By January 1998, I was still looking for that "special someone." That was about the time the "new guy" on my shift caught my eye. He was kind of cute, with silver-blonde curly hair, glasses, and the thickest mustache I had ever seen, but the thing I first noticed about him was his "cute little butt." I wanted to introduce myself but I was afraid to talk to him. Later, I found out that he thought I was a complete "fruitcake," because my friend Karen and I would sit outside at break time and talk and giggle like a couple of little girls. He thought we were both nuts.
On February 3, 1998 all that changed. I was in a resident's room working, when Janet, the charge nurse came in. The new guy was with her. She introduced us. "Sharon, this is Bill. He'll be working with you tonight." After the introduction, Janet left the room and Bill and I set to work. We worked side by side all night, and talked while we worked. We talked about how each of us was affected by our failed marriages. We talked about our children, our grandchildren, and our backgrounds. I told Bill things that night I normally would have never told a stranger. Bill told me that he had come back home to Arkansas after spending so many years in Florida in hopes that he would get over the breakup of his last marriage and start out fresh. That night I knew that some way, some how, Bill and I were meant to be together, so I made a bold move. I gave Bill my phone number and told him that if he needed someone to talk to, he could call me. At shift's end, we said our good-byes and thanked each other for a good night's work.
For three days, I didn't see Bill or hear from him. I thought I might have scared him off by being so forward. I needen't have worried, for on February sixth, Bill came looking for me. "Would you like to go to a movie and dinner on the next night we're off at the same time?" Bill asked. "Sure. That would be nice," I replied. So we looked at the schedule to see when the first night we would be off together was. It was the eleventh. Bill asked me if I would like to see "Titanic," and I said that I would. Between February sixth and February eleventh, Bill and I were inseparable. We would sit together on breaks, and linger in the parking lot after we got off, just so we could talk. We also spent hours talking on the phone every night.
When the night of the eleventh rolled around, I was so nervous. By that time I already knew I was in love with Bill. I didn't want to scare him off on our first date by telling him that I loved him, so I kept quiet. As we watched the movie, we held hands, kissed occasionally, and cried. All through the movie, I felt there was something Bill wanted to say to me, but didn't know how. After the movie, we had dinner at a local restaurant. As we were eating, Bill said the strangest thing to me. "You know, I'm getting more and more hooked on you every day." I really didn't know how to respond, so I think I said something silly like "Okay." I don't really remember exactly what I said, but I do remember thinking "If I tell Bill that I love him he's probably going to think I'm crazy, but oh well, he thinks I'm crazy anyway." So after we arrived back at my house, we sat in the car talking. I mustered up all the courage I had and told him, almost, but not quite, the whole truth: "Bill, I think I'm falling in love with you." Surprisingly enough, Bill told me that he was falling in love with me, too. "Let's go in. It's really cold out here," I told him. When we were inside, I told Bill the truth. "I have already fallen in love with you. I guess you really think I'm crazy now, don't you?" "No," he said. "I'm in love with you too." We were two halves of a whole, finally united.
Bill and I continued to be inseparable. It was getting harder and harder for us to be away from one another. One night, during one of our late-night phone conversations, Bill and I discussed how hard it was getting for us to be apart. Out of the blue, "We'll just have to fix that, Won't we?" "How?" I asked. "By getting married." I was really surprised. I asked him, "How can we get married? You haven't asked me." "Will you marry me?" I was deliriously happy when I told him that I would marry him.
Over the next few days, we discussed wedding plans and made arrangements. We set the wedding date for February twenty-first. On February eighteenth, Bill and I attended an in-service at work, and afterwards, picked up our wedding rings. We then went to the courthouse to pick up our marriage license before we had to get to work that afternoon. While at the Marriage License Bureau, the clerk who was assisting us said, "If you don't want to wait to get married, I can call a Justice of the Peace to marry you." Bill and I looked at each other and said, "Why not?" Bill and I were married in a little room at the courthouse, on February 18, 1998, at 12:00 p.m. by a Justice of the Peace, and then went to work that night.
At first, neither Bill's family, nor my children were thrilled about our marriage. Bill's Mom was upset because we had gotten married so quickly, and my children gave our marriage six months. Bill's children were not happy about our marriage either. For the first year, my children did everything they could to break Bill and I up, but we are still together after three and a half years.
Bill and I thank God every day that He joined us together. He knew that Bill and I were each part of a whole and together, we are stronger than we would be alone. We have endured many hardships in our marriage, and with God's help we have overcome each and every one of them. Bill and I know that God will be with us as we travel together on our journey through life.
"What a beautiful touching love story. All of us should be so lucky in love!!!" -- Robin Harderson, Jonesboro, Ar..
"This is just amazing. It is better than anything I have written. Is it true? " -- Spencer A Morin.
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