AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (1) Hideaway (Short Stories) After her father is killed by members of the Italian Mafia, Semara Menaratti is placed in the Witness Protection Program. [1,173 words] [Suspense]
Two Days Of The Beginning Of My Life Laura Peruzzi
Last day of school and the first day of summer…a blend of drunken fun and everlasting memories. First of all, my short-lasted independence from my not so significant other probably lit the fire. Thursday I was finally free from the tedious workload and empty-souled hallways of You’ve Been There Too High School. After unsuccessfully finding a ride to the End of School party held at The Park Not So Nearest To You, it was decided that we would have our own. The Gathering began. There was one house that seemed to be the heart of ignorance of sobriety so it was only natural to have it there. The crowd slowly trickled in, unlike the beer devoured by our gaping facial orifice. The Circle became complete, the fun began and our worries and concerns for the future were drowned by the alcohol. As the intoxicant began to work it’s magic, thoughts started to freely flow and the ritual of inebriated intense conversation commenced. Opinionated communication on subjects of religion, sex, literature and media, government issues, human behavior, death, and the unknown and inexplicable pried the top off the introverted shy ant inside all of us that make discussions on these subjects difficult and awkward just flow like the cool refreshing summer wind on a beach in Massachusetts. The uncomfortably heavy stale air outside on this Florida day was forgotten like a bad dream because this kind of intense discourse draws you in so far into the hole that you forget where you are. I felt as if I was running around inside my head opening all the Suitcases of Knowledge to access all the information I was waiting to hook together and send out into the ears, minds and hearts of all the others around me willing to listen. I felt One with those around me, those that were sucked in by the Heineken and Smirnoff Ice induced conference being held out on the patio overlooking the distantly Oriental tree with its branches wrapped around the screened enclosure. Thoughts that couldn’t hook together properly were transmitted by the sharing of cigarettes or Bottles of Freedom or the mystically colored Pyrex pipe. As the ashtray filled, so did I. I began to feel a little more complete every time I reached that point in a conversation with someone where the conclusion is reached, the question answered and the idea planted even more firmly than if was written in stone. After my fifteen-minute prayer to the Porcelain God, I returned to the Circle. A little more sober I began to realize that this could not go on forever. I began to fall back into reality, my reality of parents and curfew and pagers and responsibilities. Immediately disliking this reality, I felt it was necessary to rebel against it. I’ll be damned if my reality won’t be what I want of it. And so I chose to half-drunkenly fight for my freedom as a delinquent teenager on her last day of her sophomore year of High School. The Battle began. The Battle ended, with I as the victor. Empowered by my triumph, I again returned to the Circle, feeling more liberated than ever and more ready to tear off my skin and reveal my every breathing, living belief and opinion from the deepest parts inside me. My tête-à-tête with Jerry (another member of the Circle) on Ultimate Balance and The Human Desire was my peak. The two subjects which my opinions are so deeply rooted and more stable than a magnetic attraction. The Balance of this world is the only thing I have observed as a constant occurrence in my sixteen years of dying. There will always be good and evil, right and wrong, and everything that you make happen will balance out to it’s opposite and equal. The Human Desire conversation excited me and awakened my inner child as if it had the run of a toy store. The Human Desire is what we fantasize and daydream about, the Unattainable Conquest. My Desire of living on a deserted island completely detached was discussed and tossed around and compared to the Desires of others. Then as I looked at the small table in front of me, it’s surface filled with empty bottles, empty cigarette packs and what once filled them laying in numerous clumps of ash here and there, I felt as if I could fill every one of the unoccupied containers with the enthusiastic, uplifted, free-spirited attitude I had and market them to all the inhabitants of this world who weren’t experiencing what I was. If only the populous could feel what I felt…
However, once I came to this realization, I had the epiphany that this many empty bottles and smoked tobacco cylinders could only mean one thing…the end. And as everything does, the party came to an end. It was like everyone stood up at the same time and gave that sigh of melancholy for they knew it was the end too. However, my fun did not stop here, the road goes on, the end will be postponed. As the Circle diminished and reluctantly returned back to their respective places they call Home, I waited around until the time was to come. I sent the elevator unoccupied on it’s vertical route to my designated floor awaiting the “all clear” signal. It was then that the owner had left, temporarily, and his paying guest snuck me in and the cliché alcohol driven sexual episode was set into motion.
The next day, half of the Circle members gathered again, but today for a different purpose. This was the first day of our summer. Our focus was on modern technology and our creativity. The two were molded together in the form of a video game that let the user create their own songs with given sounds, melodies, and a whole array of musical sound effects. As the time crawled by, the restlessness built up, and the urge to get out into the world and experience took over our minds like a parasite. The Beach. What is summer without a trip to the beach? A car, a guitar, twelve beers, cigarettes, a sufficient amount of the herbal mind altering substance and five thrill seeking human forms of boundless energy went to the beach looking for entertainment, and if none was to be found, it would be created. After aimlessly walking the heavily populated beach finding no satisfying entertainment, it was decided that we would start with a deserted beach as our blank canvas and paint the scenery with our drunken minds. The bottles opened, the joint lit, the guitar played, the voices rose. After inebriated dancing and singing to familiar Sublime songs, the authority of the ocean demanded the removal of our clothes and coerced us into her inviting salty womb. Our garments were effortlessly thrown off and forgotten like last week’s newspaper. The pile of attire lay unwanted on the sand while their former occupants were swallowed by the waves and the beauty of the summer sky. Four naked bodies floated around, each one illuminated by the moon and the countless stars sewed into the quilt of purple, black, blue and magenta sky. Many a sexual thought was bounced between the naked figures and ricocheted like a pinball in this pinball game of nakedness. But it wasn’t until the ride home did any materialize. Oral pleasure was given by two and received by one. To conclude, a good time was had by all. This is where the first day of summer ended. Eventually, I returned home, as did the others. However, this is not the end of the story. After showering the night away, at close examination, I noticed a red agent taking over my body. I had a rash devouring my legs and arms. It took over, as if my body was it’s to claim. Pondering this rotten outcome, I began to understand the importance of this circumstance; this is My Balance. With good there comes bad, and this was the equal and opposite reaction of my two days of invigorating, irresponsible, illegal, exhilarating drunken paradise. This was my consequence. And lastly, I remembered my conversation on the Human Desire, and my own deserted utopia, and I realized that if I could have occurrences like this devil red itchy bitch of a rash from whatever I was exposed to, that there would be slim to no chance of surviving alone exposed to the unknown. Thus, my Desire is unattainable and something I will always dream of and if all else fails, something to grasp onto and live for. And today, on the third day of my summer, I have come to understand and appreciate the world and what it has to offer. It is amazing to see life in this light, and it becomes so much more enjoyable to live it once you understand how it works.
"Brilliant, to put it mildly. The author's Thomsonesque description of those two days were as thought provoking and as enlightening as the words of the author who, I'm sure, inspired her in some way. These words came from a woman who was wise beyond her years. Her story made me reminiscent of a day I will forever remember. One in which I had a conversation with a similar young woman that challenged my mind more than anyone before. She made me think differently about things I never second guessed in the past. She was an amazing woman, as I am sure the author of this story is as well. Thank you for the memories. -----Jerry H." -- Jerry H., Boca Raton, FL, USA.
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