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Short Stories

Specimen by Roald E Peterson Iii Out for a simple walk, Carl encounters two aliens hunting for scientific specimens to study, and they ... [3,882 words]
Insomnia by Jeremy Lee Henderson Where do writers get their ideas? Sometimes it's best you don't ask... [597 words]
The Day The Rain Stopped by Jeremy Lee Henderson A story about death and friendship. [802 words]
Image Obsessed
The Stone: Man Or Myth? by Lawrence Peters Continuing story of a legendary childhood friend, which will be updated as time and the... [1,956 words]
The Secret Admirer by Yolanda Sfetsos An admirer from afar? Or is he really a harmful stalker? [1,051 words]
The Island Of Avalon by Sandy Wasson a fictional tale, telling of the origin of avalon, along with a cute romance in it. [6,265 words]
The Battlefield Philosopher by David Gardiner We all had that poster of Che Guevara on our walls. We all wanted to fight for the ... [3,702 words]
Paradise Relived by Adagio This is a short emotional story of the full cycle of love. [1,534 words]
Night Out by Virginia Waters A bitter-sweet tale of unrequited love. [4,358 words]
Deraa by Caitlin Conaway *Short* scene-- WWI hero Lawrence of Arabia meditates on a pivotal event in his life: his capture and tor... [950 words]
Am I Dreaming by Janae D Anthony dream or reality. [777 words]
A Sinner by Paula M Shackleford Janey feels smothered by the man in her life. Will He ever relinquish His hold on her? [1,432 words]
The Short Stories Of Mila Strictzer by Mike Strozier The Short Stories of Mila Strictzer, With a Preface by Tex Strozier: The T... [42,875 words]
The Gangster Prince by Sreenivasa Murthy Govindaraju An innocent girl who was on her way to her village was the victim of a gang rape. The leade... [1,664 words]
The Shadows by Christina L. Voigt Is there such a thing as life after death? [638 words]
Vega's Revenge by Olivia Geraghty It only looked easy... [718 words]
Two Days Of The Beginning Of My Life by Laura Peruzzi A teenage girl finds understanding in her surroundings after 48 hours of d... [1,486 words]
The Stubborn Old Man by Roxanne Kendrick About an old man and his daughter who wants to leave. Wrote it for classwork back in 1994. [761 words]
The Lies Of Sleeping Dogs by David Gardiner History is the attempt that each generation makes to come to terms with its past. Per... [4,992 words]
One Look by Timothy A. Lyzenga A basic view of humanity [1,199 words]
Klaas by Adagio This is a story I 'discovered' after noting the homeless in the city of Cape Town. I would appreciate any... [2,122 words]
Kate by Thomas J A man dies and attends his own funeral. [4,040 words]
Kate & Louis by Roxanne Kendrick I don't know how best to describe this story, except that it's a romance. So I've put the names of... [8,062 words]
Hideaway by Laura Peruzzi After her father is killed by members of the Italian Mafia, Semara Menaratti is placed in the Witness ... [1,173 words]
Dream Park De Mattete by Rachel This is an almost love story between a Chinese ballet student and Japanese skating studen... [2,980 words]
All's Well... by Jan A. Tammen The end of the "Spooks" saga. Published by me alone, due to differences between the authors. For ... [1,173 words]
Thoughts On The Dawn After A Starry Night by Jeremy Lee Henderson A bad breakup, two days with no sleep and a 4 hour cram session for a... [563 words]
Wrath Of The Fallen: Chapter I by Jan A. Tammen In an imperfect future, a greedy corporate creation turns devastating, and human... [3,015 words]
Turning Point by Harriet Nicholas The thoughts of a girl in one afternoon that will change her attitude towards her social life . .... [2,270 words]
The Honest Cheat by Sreenivasa Murthy Govindaraju He could not meet both ends meet and steals money from his benefactor-but rises high later on ... [2,895 words]
The Agonies Of Agnes- First Entry by Hippolito Jaken Don't you ever wonder? I mean, you've read about the Saints, probably written... [327 words]
Stan & Angy by Phoenix Rises When a satan falls in love with an angel. [1,388 words]
Gem 38 by Saaz - [4,108 words]
The Monkey-Trap by David Gardiner An ageing ex-Nazi receives a visit he has been waiting for since the end of the Second World Wa... [4,815 words]
The Karmic Wheel by Becka Roach Destiny unites two lovers who find each other in every lifetime. [974 words]
The Antique Table by Sreenivasa Murthy Govindaraju He finds a love letter in a table, written 53 years back by a lady and goes in search of the ... [3,014 words]
Pilgrimage Of A Parasite by Sreenivasa Murthy Govindaraju A criminal sentenced to serve a jail term, escapes and flees in search of God and peac... [2,077 words]
Joe The Hatter & The Black Pearl by Lawrence Anthony Calabro - [12,748 words]
In The Light Of A Shadow: Showdown In The House Of God by Robert G Hagans This is the second chapter in the seris about a professi... [2,561 words]
Going Dancing by Becka Roach A young woman sets her sights on a handsome stranger. Their night of passion is one they will nev... [1,475 words]
E-Love by Rita A. Wheeler A shor-short story about internet love. [1,708 words]
Childhood Dreams by Adagio This is a short piece for those who fondly remember the past and try to relive it as often as ... [288 words]
Back Home by Becka Roach After months of being away, a young husband and wife become re-acquainted with one another. [1,703 words]
A Chance Meeting by Becka Roach What happens when two souls find one another after a life time of searching? Magic.... [1,077 words]

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Image Obsessed
A brief "Bridget Jones" moment.
[816 words]
Paula M Shackleford
I am 21 years old and have just graduated from Glasgow Caledonian University with an honours degree in Marketing and Communication. What I really want to do though is write, that has been my lifelong dream. I am the kind of person who could happily spend my entire life sitting at a computer, writing story after story - of course, that doesn't mean they'll be any good, but practice makes perfect. . .supposedly. I would appreciate any feedback and criticism regarding this story, its not as if I'm going to see any of you face to face!
[July 2001]
A Sinner (Short Stories) Janey feels smothered by the man in her life. Will He ever relinquish His hold on her? [1,432 words]
Almost There (Short Stories) An engaged girl runs into an old crush who once humiliated her, and is horrified to find herself still in lust with him. [2,520 words]
Crushed (Short Stories) The story of how a fulfilled crush doesn't necessarily make you happier. [2,005 words]
Cybertalk (Short Stories) Cassie, 20 years old and desperate for love, meets a guy on a chatroom who almost instantly claims to love her. Is he insane??? [4,606 words]
Cyn (Short Stories) Is Cynthia really cheating on Jerry? And, if she is, what is he going to do about it? [2,479 words]
Don't Bank On It (Short Stories) This is the story of how a petty argument can develop into a full-scale war, when it comes to couples living together! And then this silly squabble is put into perspective when the couple involved fin... [3,766 words]
His And Hers (Short Stories) The story of a girl and guy on the same course at university. They think that they hate each other - but is hate really the emotion they feel? [2,765 words]
Letting Go (Short Stories) A guy who has broke up with his girlfriend is writing her a letter to explain his actions. [1,264 words]
Night Of Living Hell (Short Stories) This is a story I wrote a couple of years ago about a girl who is waiting outside the cinema for her date, and wondering if he is ever going to turn up. [1,227 words]
Please Sir (Short Stories) This is the first three chapters of a story I am trying to write, a sort of bonkbuster-cum-comedy about a gilr who seduces her English teacher. Note: As I am British, my spelling, grammar and dress ... [12,851 words]
Smothered (Short Stories) The story of a girl who drives away men without meaning to. Will she ever find true love? [3,970 words] [Romance]
Splitting (Short Stories) When Anna's boyfriend decides to break up with her, Anna is the one who ends up laughing. [1,001 words]
Image Obsessed
Paula M Shackleford

    April 8th 2001
That's it! I'm officially sick of looking like Luciano Pavarotti's (slightly thinner, infinitely less hairy, tone deaf and female) twin. For once I decided to forsake my usual quick efficient shower in favour of a luxurious bath. Big mistake. Made the mistake of looking at my stomach - put it this way, the Michelin Man would look at me in disgust and lecture me on the benefits of healthy eating. I was too depressed to even hop on the scales - it's one of those speaking ones and I live in terror that it's going to say "One at a time please" when I stand on it. Anyway, can't seriously see myself "hopping" at the moment, I can barely reach for the remote control without getting out of breath. But I'm not going to the gym - I'd have to lose at least a stone before I had the nerve to don workout clothes and set foot in a place sure to be packed with potential Baywatch extras. Of course, that seems kind of pointless, sort of like cleaning your house BEFORE your cleaner arrives - which, incidentally, I do on a regular basis. Don’t want her to think I actually NEED her services!
Must remember never to watch MTV when feeling depressed about my weight. Turned it on to only to be faced with thousands of Britney and Christina clones, all flowing blonde hair, perfect skin and tinier waists than Scarlet O'Hara. AND they can sing! Life is so unfair! I briefly entertain myself with the thought that the designer belts looped nonchalantly around their hips would probably not even stretch around my waist. In fact, do I even have a waist? Think I'll go and check - in fact, maybe I should unearth the tape measurer and note my vital statistics. Isn't that supposed to be a better way of gauging how overweight you are?
My waist is 80 inches! How can that be? Think I'm having a panic attack.
Phew! Panic over. Just phoned Chloe for help (although the only help I need right now is a pin stuck in my stomach - maybe that could deflate it like a punctured tyre). She started laughing.
"Try looking at the other side of the tape. You've been looking at the centimetre side."
Momentarily relieved, until I realise that my waist is still at least 3 inches larger than it was last time I measured it. The fact that the last measuring session was over five years ago is irrelevant. I always vowed my weight wouldn't increase with my age. Yet another resolution I have broken.
There's only one thing for it. Must burn more calories than I consume. This means total starvation and over-exercise.
Chloe finds that notion hilarious. "Yeah right, cos you could give up food," she sniggers.
"I'm great at abstinence," I sniff.
"We're talking about food here, not sex." (Oh that's really catty - remind me about my involuntary celibacy. That really helps my self-esteem!) "Come off it, you supposedly gave up chocolate for Lent - you lasted one day!"
"You'll see." I toss my head haughtily, then realise I'm on the phone. "You'll eat your words when I look like Jennifer Aniston, only skinnier."
Her only reply to this is a skeptical snort, so I slam the phone down on her.
Thank goodness for home exercise equipment. My face is purple, my body dripping in sweat, and I appear to have lost the ability to breathe. And I was only on the exercise bike for ten minutes.
And I am starving. There’s a packet of Jaffa Cakes sitting on the kitchen table, clearly visible from where I’m collapsed in the living room. Am I hallucinating or are they FLIRTTING with me? “You want us, you KNOW you want us,” they’re telling me, winking and wriggling seductively in front of my eyes.
It’s official. I’m going insane.
One won’t hurt, surely. There’s only like 50 calories in one biscuit. One biscuit will give me some more energy, then I can exercise some more. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do, I’ll have one biscuit. Just the one, mind.
There’s about 400 calories in a full packet. I know because I ate every one of those calories.
I hate myself.
Realisation has dawned - I’m clearly not meant to be skinny. And by trying to conform to the notion of “slimness” I am simply giving into manipulation from the media (and from men, of course) that I have to be slim to be beautiful. But I’m going to change all that. I’m going to be a representative for the REAL women. We’re NOT built like stick insects, we DON’T eat nothing but lettuce leaves, we DON’T live in the gym. We have better things to do with our lives, like LIVE them.
Now, where did I put those Easter Eggs I bought for my niece and nephew?
After all, I need to practice what I preach, don’t I?



"i was attracted by the "Bridget Jones" in the description. Yes, this is a diary but more a diary of a day. I think the humour in B.J. worked as it was the background to a plot that was based on her relationships. Maybe building the exercise bike experience would give the piece more depth.Hope this helps. " -- Wendy, Kent, UK.


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© 2001 Paula M Shackleford
July 2001

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