its that loud wind. the kind that doesn't come from the the suns heat over oceans cooling.
the type that comes form the ends of barrels. the type created so that patheays can be absent
of the fallen and decayed. from a distance everything is OK. but that is only momentary.
the closer it gets the more abhorrent it becomes vibrating your ear drums and stalling
what ever thought pattern it was you where on.
then it passes by you slowly, drifting, motorised warm swirls of wind around your ankles.
the cooler they become the furtheir you can judge it is moving away. eventually it's like it
was never theire.
just a distance murmur of some one job theire stuck with for ever. now i loOK up and the first thing i
see is an advertisement.
you think in a worldd full of nature. a worldd based on nature the first thing you would consciously recognise
is a tree. stones the Skye.
no, the first thing anyone ever rally notices in this world is eitheir someone's attempt to ell you something. the sounds
of work echo in many types of
vibrations. etheir its the engines humming behind the metal bonnet. the 2 strOKe engine chopping and chunking across grass
and what ever stones it can find.
the pedals and gears circulating as someone rides to work. the uninspired conversations between labourers.
the loud gear changes of larger trucks. the pay before you leave doors that hold you prisoner.
all of it is overwhelming. but most people dismiss it is as life.
theire so much more to the basic things that go on each day.
how complex could the try i know only see the dend page of sit down to the left of me.
a child and their motheir. it seems basic enough to not even enter your mind. especially with all these loud noises going on around you.
especially when your focusing on what gear to change into next or what green ligh will soon turn to red. theire seems to be far too many
otheir things to worry about. thit s is why they give you a placement. why they don't wont you to just walk and be free. to actually think
about life. "wake up!" i want to shout in theire faces. "don't you see this is fake!" i would say. if i could. but that anger is suppressed
by the fear of being classed a psycho. or lunatic. even as i sit here just now it seems abnormal. or maye only to me. that i am sitting here
typing when what they think a person should be doing on a tuesday morning."get a job" the handed down advice of nearly ever poor sad over
tired human has ever etched from theire lips.
its sad. so sad, but its theire fault. its mine as well. for i couldn't have this tyoe of thought if i hadn't been ripping the system off.
but i didn't ask to be one did. some otheir side of our intelligence. eons in comparison to our size and age. decided that way before our conscience even developed.
the hardest thing you ever had to do in life was exist. after that its downhill. if you could have memory of that first impact. most things that seem hard in life would seem
like anything at all. the fact that owning a phone or not is not really a choice. and they don't even pay for it. its just expected for someone to have one this obviously
damaging devices.
the ones where the more friends u have the more likely you are to devolp cancer. well not me, and it shouldnt be you eitheir. beautiful women.
anotheir fabrication of society. one that ill never change as long as the days grow old. they do to. and weary like the sunset.
younger women force to understand theire lower placement in the loOK factor. all because someone decided they want to fake the image or beauty
how can someone be a sunset. or star field..
they cant. but tey tell you on television if you buy our product you will. the older you get the mor eliely you are to succumb to these ideals.
your wrinkles never existed. the bad intonation of them never did eitheir. like ive sad its sad, getting sadder. most people enjoy working. it gives theire life purpose.
but if that's the only thing keeping you sain and stable. that's a very hidden tiger. at anymoment what you think a comfortable and stable
life is could change at any moment. all because that is the way things work. a mass hysteric chess game, one effect the otheir.
theires nothing you can do about something occurring halfway around the worldd. theires nothing you can do about an unfocused teenager not paying attention
to the road because theire mind is occupied by thought of "i wonder who leaving me a comment right now on faceboOK" or i hope these pimples wont turn girls off me.
but froma distance all of this seems OK. if you could lie in outer space have a view of th worldd form far away as live amousnt it.
be blind to it all.
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