TITLE (EDIT) Judged For The Past Am I Cherokee.....I Sure Think So
Delimas we sometimes face as a devided race. Being of Irish and Cherokee desent I have often encountered many a problem in the past. Finding my roots and embracing them [1,497 words]
A Day In The Life Of A wanna Be Super Mom and A Grand Old Granny..... [September 2007]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (2) Singing The Thirteen Year Old Blues....B.B King Ain;T Got Nothing On Me (Short Stories) My youngest daughters journey from grade school to the big JR high school. A fun loving day includes laughs and the never ending needs of a teen girl. Trying to meet those needs and keep it together w... [1,129 words] [Comedy] The Portal Of Venting (Short Stories) A fun loving story of a day in the life of a wanna be super mom and grand old granny. How to vent in a good way using humor and love in each passing moment. Discover my world and set out for a good la... [1,840 words] [Comedy]
Judged For The Past Am I Cherokee.....I Sure Think So Kelly Tagaban
Judged for the past. Judged by appearance You cannot punish those who did not walk the trail of tears. In many ways that is something we face every day. A race divided by color past and many times reason. On the issues of our ancestors and their not following the trail puts us known too many as not only liars but also scared yellow-bellied lizards. Hate still rears it’s ugly head and names are commonly called out. Hate makes for some very bitter hearts. Those who can with great pride say that those before them walked that most cruel holocaust may do so with great self-respect. That walk still haunts many souls and hearts still cry for those left behind to be buried by the hands of time. Lets turn the tables just a tad and for a moment ponder the idea that those who gave up and walked not on free will but ordered to. I know no one wanted this but the white man. In some small way it was wrong just as it was wrong for those white men called soldiers to shoot the Cherokee that ran from the trail. Don’t you see we all lied and denied at a time so gruesome our Cherokee blood.
Can it be that only those whose ancestors walked that trail have full rights to be among the nation? Then there are those who put their names on the final dawes maybe they did not have much to give up and maybe they did it because they were true in heart. So many questions and not enough answers Many among the nation feel this in their heart you are not a Cherokee unless you are from some one who traveled the trail or a descendant of a person of on final rolls. Do you really think and believe with all your heart that only you of these people can stake claim to TSALAGI THE REAL PEOPLE. Hey I give credit when and where credit is due those who survived and their descendants do indeed need to be forever a part of the Cherokee nation. Yet when will those whose ancestors did not walk and still are here on the out side looking in, longing to embrace their heritage and honor the dead. When will we be accepted? How long are we going to have to sacrifice and pay for it. How long can you continue to strip of us of our honor our blood our very skin and hearts? Punish those whose beloved walked before us fled the scene of this most horrid crime holding against us the fact we turned cheek and went another way. Did not the walkers in a sense lie to themselves perhaps How do you think life was for those who ran lied and hid. Hiding I am sure was most difficult and for so many years having to hush and shush your pride of who you were. I do believe half the USA was black Dutch a common nationality used to hide dark skin and dark eyes. Hair needed to be cut and hair is very sacred to the Cherokee. Imagine if you will a life of lies to marry a white man that perhaps you did not love but it would lighten your children’s color and so you sacrificed so much. Being among the white mans world and being an Indian was unacceptable you were savage you were hated. Those who moved along with the tears that revolting trail every thing was taken from them as well, no longer a Cherokee man or women but a person a shell behind fences guarded by the white man you’re every move. Watched, told what to eat and when. Your language no longer allowed nor the dances or sacred ceremonies once so proud all gone used only in hiding. That word hiding seems to be used a lot does it not? All the Cherokees went through hell and back to many times. Are we not equal what makes you better than one who chose to ran and hide than one who chose to walk and hide? We need to acknowledge one another as equal people
Then there is the traitor issue we all know so well. Songs have been written and sung calling us Cherokee the TRAITOR! The first to give up we are still ridiculed to this day. So we gave up first so what .we did not want to see our babies dying by gunshots our women violated our men stripped of all honor. Who does no one I ever knew or read about. Some say we are not and were not warriors because we did not fight till the death yet we did. In more ways than one. This needs to be known we did fight for many years and too many of us died, this being long before the trail. We did adapt well to the white mans ways undercover I say. We did what we had to live or die.
Now on to the issue of the hate coming from the numbered Cherokee to the non numbered. This continues to this day. A race divided. Card carrier or not. Those who want a card only to do so because they want money. What money???? Not all seeking a CDIB CARD want money yes there is some of us that want to honor those before us and live as they once did. What would the world do if we had to have a card for all our many colors? Madness I say complete utter madness.
Hey you don’t look Indian your much to white ummm another issue Yeah I am white and I don’t really care what you think. The color of your skin does not always have to match your nationality In Spain there are blonde hair and blue eyes everywhere as well as dark and so on. My oldest daughter is part Philippine she does not look a bit like it. And so don’t stereotype a person by color. You’ll never win that one.
Lets get to the root we had to all lie us Cherokee way back when. I like to call em white lies hidden truths. I’m not going to let you tell me I am not what I have researched for so many years and what I love from ever corner of my soul. I don’t want your money to those who are numbered and think I am a person of greed; I am fine right where I am. I do want to some day sit among a great council of people a race once divided put back together. Pass a talking stick and refer to the days before us and to the new ones ahead. One nation war no more!
Can this be done? Will a white Indian ever be accepted? Will a person who does not carry a card that identifies them as Indian be a part of the nation? Will there come a time when we all see we had to lie at one time or another? Will the hate erase disappear with the blowing winds? I think so I do with all my heart and the way to begin this journey is within the heart. It starts in you and I Spread the word an urgent message needs to be sent across the mountains fly through the sky on the wings of the birds. After all they are the messengers. Reach out to the hearts that desire a peaceful world of one nation of Indians here in the good ole USA. We can use our words our faith our love. We can make places for folks like us. A place where one can go and be accepted and loved and most of all respected. I leave you now with a lot to consider. Before I leave you I recently read an old journal of a man who long ago traveled to the Tennessee state and looked upon some of the great Cherokee chiefs and beautiful brown skinned Indian so vast through out the land. He left and his last words were The poor Indian who’s untutored mind sees God in the clouds and hears him in the winds That poor man his mind un- schooled so to speak for is not the creator everywhere. Embrace the wonders of life in which god made. It makes one stop to think why did this man too not see god in the clouds and hear him in the winds. For god made all these things he the GREAT FATHER IS EVERYWHERE. IT IS BECAUSE OF THE UNTOURTERED MIND WE ARE IN SUCH DEMISE. END RACISIM!!!!!!!!!!! Stop trying to get a CDIB CARD for money it isn’t happening and don’t leave your Cherokee brother or sister outside looking in. Lets all agree to disagree and admit to hidden truths Ride the winds return soon and leave hate at the back door MORNING DOVE LIGHT.
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