20 year old from North Carolina [July 2006]
The Birth Of... Chris Nolen
Metal, Grease, Sweat, Blood, Screws, Nails, Bolts, Fire, and Passion. These were the seeds of “The Device“. It took seven years to draw up the hundreds of schematics and blueprints. The Architect , the man who was hell bent on seeing the creation of “The Device”, based the last half of his life on its creation. He traveled the world for two decades searching for a impeccable team of artists, designers, builders, welders, poets, and even a journalist to keep notes on the creation of “The Device”. The idea to create this machine first started in the early years of the Architects life. A machine that could accomplish this impossible feat, could it be true? The Architect first heard of “The Device” through a story he found in an ancient book he had bought at an antique store. The book was hardly readable and the pages had nearly fallen apart but some mythical force held this book together until it landed in the right mans hands. After many months of searching the Architect found a well renowned linguist who lived on a small island all alone. He spent his days studying the many languages of the universe, some of which didn’t even involve words. The Architect traveled to the Linguist’s private island and told him his story and offered him riches beyond his wildest desire to decipher the ancient text in the book (at this point although the Architect still had no idea what wonderful words the book offered but some deeply rooted feeling made and undeniably want to know these words). The Linguist told him his name and then told the Architect that he could set up a tent outside of his house while he deciphers the ancient text. The Architect agreed with this gracious offer and waited patiently for three days while the Linguist worked. On the third day the Linguist arose from his home and spoke with the Architect. He told him “I will not accept your riches” the Architect felt his heart drop. “Although” the Linguist said, “I will work with you until the creation of ’The Device’ for I must witness its birth”. After this was said the Architect waited while the Linguist prepared his things and they journeyed around the world gathering up members for their impeccable team and the creation of “The Device” began. After the blueprints were drawn up the search for the building site began. After many years of working together the Architect and the Linguist became close friends. They spent the next year searching for a perfect location for the birth of “The Device”. When the location was found it was undeniable that this location would be the Birth Place, this location would be the location where history began. After months of clearing, leveling, excavating, and mining (in order to make sure the Birth Place was not ridden with any burrowed tunnels or coal deposits) the creation began. The first day of the creation was then known as the day that the universe was happy, for on this day every living being in the universe felt and unexplained happiness in the depths of its soul and this happiness was called Love. The years went by the creation neared its end, the Architect and the Linguist stood in marvel of “The Device” as it neared its completion. Although the ancient text from the ancient book had been deciphered to its full extent the Architect and the Linguist were still completely oblivious to the real reason they decided to create “The Device”. Years of planning and creation all built on top of the imaginary foundation of a feeling that the Architect felt long ago that still burnt brightly to this day. Not only did this feeling burn brightly for him but for every person he came into contact with. By the end of the creation of “The Device” it seemed that every living being that heard tell of this amazing machine dropped what they were doing to provide a helping hand, and to the amazement of the Architect and the Linguist every person that helped with the creation seemed to never experience sickness, or sadness, and for that matter not a single death of any helper was accounted for after the creation began.
And the Final Days approached.
One morning the Architect arose from his home that stood only a short distance away from the Birth Place and he walked by himself down a dirt pathway that he walked everyday to reach “The Device”. As he approached “The Device” he stopped and took mental note of the appearance of the incredible machine. He walked closer and felt the smooth sides of the machine and he felt the blood and sweat of all the people that helped in the creation. Although these people worked hard for what seemed like an eternity, the work was what made them happy. There was never a sad face or unhappy person who helped in the creation of “The Device” and all wounds that were encountered on the Birth Place seemed to heal almost instantly. This machine was an incredible thing and the Architect smiled at knowing he would soon see its birth.
After the Architect made a few more rounds and inspected a small amount of the many components of “The Device” the people approached and began the days work. Although the people worked hard everyday not a single one was aware of the day that “The Device” would be completed. So they worked equally hard everyday without resistance or discouragement. As the Architect wondered slowly down the beaten pathway he greeted every worker with a new since of satisfaction and they all picked up on the feeling hidden behind the Architects time weathered eyes. So as each worked received his daily greeting their heart was overwhelmed with a strange since that the Final Day approached so the workers ran as fast as they could to the Birth Place to began working.
And the Final Day is upon us.
The Architect and the Linguist sat alone in a building especially designed for the study of blueprints and schematics when the Great Celebration was heard. The sounds of the voices of the workers traveled from the Birth Place to the ears of the Architect and the Linguist. They looked up at each other with an equal amount of joy in their eyes. The day was finally upon them. The two respectively walked to the door of the building and opened it. Before them stood hundreds of thousands of people all cheering and applauding for the Final Day had finally arrived. The Architect and the Linguist quietly walked through the crowd toward the Birth Place to witness the final stage of the creation. This day was forever known as the Great Celebration. As the two walked through the people a pathway was formed as the crowd split down the middle. The great sea of people parted and the two were welcomed with cheers from the workers. The Architect glanced as the Linguist and realized that they were both thinking the same thing, the day they had met, when a dream was giving from one person to another and now that dream had been made into reality. When the Architect and the Linguist reached the Birth Place they both marveled at the machine. Although they had seen it everyday it only wore its brightest colors in its finest stage. To this day the Architect, the Linguist, or a single artist, designer, builder, welder, or poet, could describe the what “The Device” actually looked like. Not even the journalist could put into words the appearance of the great creation. The Architect and the Linguist climbed to the top of a podium especially built for this day to announce the completion of “The Device”. The crowd became silent and the Architect looked across the land at the endless amount or people who all helped equally in the creation of “The Device”. After a few moments a voice arose from the crowd and asked the Architect “What will you call this great creation?” The Architect looked at the Linguist and smiled as he prepared his answer to the crowd which now ,to him, represented one large being. He paused and looked out over the being as the anticipation manifested into its own entity that could almost be heard growing larger and larger.
“I will call it God…
Hands flew into the air and cheers could be heard as far as the sun could reach.
…and he shall create an endless Love”.
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