It all started when I was 23. I was a secretary at a very prestigious law firm; my boss’s name was David Isaac Evers. I was his secretary for almost a year before asked me out on a date. The way he did it was the cutest way ever. He said, "Amanda, I’ve always noticed you but never had the courage to ask you out. But I’m feeling risky today and I hope you are too. So would you like to go out for dinner tomorrow…please?
I melted. We went out and had an amazing night! He took me out to a five star restaurant; we walked through the Central Park, and shared a passionate first kiss. When I showed up for a work the next day I had a dozen red roses waiting for me on my desk.
We started dating regularly and that blossomed into a relationship. We were together for four years when he proposed. I couldn’t have been happier. I was crazy in love. No on else even entered my mind. We got married on Valentine’s day and had a gorgeous wedding, 200 guests, floral everything, a five-layer cake, the works.
Our honeymoon was in Cancun, Mexico. We had a private beach, I couldn’t have been happier. After the honeymoon was over we moved into a big house in Florida because he transferred to an even better law firm. Things were going great for a bout 6 months, before the changes started. I noticed he was becoming overly protective of me. He made me quit my job because the guys at the office were "looking at me."
This wasn’t that big of a deal because it’s not like we needed the money, he already made enough that we could have anything we ever wanted.
It gradually started getting worse. He decided that my only job is to take care of him and clean the house. By the second year of our marriage I barely got to see my friends and he started getting really pushy about having kids.
For the first time since we met we actually started fighting, on a regular basis too. The more we fought the worse the fights got. I didn’t know what to do because I loved him and how he was acting wasn’t really him. At least I thought it wasn’t. One night I decided to go out with my friends instead of waiting at home for him to get off of work. After he repeatedly called, I finally came home. It was nice to do what I wanted for once.
I walked in the living room door when the light flashed on behind me. I spun around and he was standing in the kitchen doorway with a knife in his hand. I stood there frozen. He bolted towards me, knocked me down, and held the knife up to my throat as he said, "if you ever disobey me again I'll kill you." Then he picked me up and threw me down the wooden basement stairs and locked the door. The next morning he unlocked the door but didn't bother to check on me. I could have been dead for all he knew. The whole left side of my body was skinned. I spent the day patching myself up. Around three o'clock the doorbell rang. I stumbled over to answer it and it was a deliveryman with a brand new car addressed to me. Then man also gave me a card, it read "Sorry about last night baby, it won't happen again. I just love you so much and the thought of having to share you infuriates me. Xoxo David"
He was home very late and completely drunk. I was already asleep when I awoke to him tearing my clothes off. That's when he started raping me. I kept saying "no David please no. please stop." And then he punched me right in the face. It knocked me out and it's hard to remember much of what happened when I woke up. I finally realized this had to stop. He hit me and I shouldn't have to take this. I packed up my bags and told him I was leaving. He backhanded me, so I kicked him in the balls. He pulled a knife out of his coat and stabbed me in the stomach. He proceeded to stab me 12 more times. Repeating "If I can't have you no one can!"
They said I should have bled to death, but I didn't. The ambulance got there just in time, I had lost 5 pints of blood. And it turns out that David Isaac Evers, or D.I.E to his file, had a long history of violent behavior. David was sent to prison for 6 years. Which seemed all to soon for me. I ended up meeting this really great guy with no record. That's when I got the phone call, it was from the police saying David had escaped from prison. Right after that the letter arrived.
Dearest Amanda,
I can never let you go, but your going to have to pay for the pain you caused me. My only crime was loving you too much. And I most certainly am not going to let some other guy have you. Either you live with me or you don't live at all. I didn't want it to end this way, but it must. You must die, you must die in order to learn how much I cared. So tell me what's your decision going to me. You can tell me, I'm standing right behind you.
And there he was standing right behind me, breathing down my neck. There was a loud bang and everything went black... I guess this is what it feels like to die.
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