Future E-mail is a story about a young girl that babysits three little kids. Everything goes well untill something goes wrong. [1,184 words]
I drove up and I parked my old ’69 bug outside the Smith family house. I was scheduled to babysit their kids that night. My windshield wipers were beating back and forth on the windshield. I was staring into the rearview mirror when I got a chill as if something bad was going to happen. I sat awhile longer and stared into the rearview mirror, my stomach was getting queasy. As far as I could tell this feeling in my stomach was not going to go away anytime soon.
I sat there thinking, “It’s my time”, and as I slowly got out of my car, I hoped that this night would go by quickly. I ran up to the front door knocked three times and hoped that the family would open up quickly. I stood there, rain rolling off me, soaking my clothes and freezing me to the very core. Slowly, the door opened a wee bit and the three little sets of eyes peered out through the darkness. I had been babysitting these little ones for years and I loved them to death. Sam was five, Tony three, and Michaela six. Each of them was perfect in everyway. As their mom was getting ready upstairs, their dad went through the basic routine with me: phone numbers on the fridge, bedtime at 8 p.m., dinner, etc. Finally, after thirty minutes of waiting, their parents were ready to go out for their fun-filled evening. I walked them to the door as the feeling in my stomach kept getting stronger and stronger. The kids ran to the window and waved goodbye as they pulled out of the driveway. I shut the door, leaned against it and realized we were all alone. A sense of overwhelming dread swept me to the floor.
I put a movie on for the kids and they settled in to watch it. I, on the other hand, was surfing the net and checking my e-mail. While I was checking my e-mail, I got this weird message saying “YOUR LIFE…IN THE FUTURE!” This heading intrigued me, so I decided to open it. I moved the mouse and clicked. The page didn’t have anything on it but a box for my name and birthday, so I entered my name and birthday, grabbed the mouse and clicked. A new page popped up that had my name and birthday on it. All of a sudden, I was being sucked into the computer like a vacuum.
Everything around me was frightening, spinning, I screamed at the top of my lungs when, suddenly, it all stopped. I was actually inside the computer and as I turned around, I could see the room looking out from the monitor. As I explored my surroundings, I found a door, and opened it. My jaw dropped and I was astonished. I walked into the room and what I saw was startling; it was me, and it was the exact same night. I saw a clock sitting on a nightstand and I noticed that the clock said 8:00, which was the time the kids were supposed to be in bed.&nbs p; My stomach dropped to my feet as I watched what was about to happen, what was about to be.
I looked scared and tired, and as I gazed out the monitor into the room, the kids were nowhere in sight. I was mesmerized as I watched my future go by. I glanced out to the room again and saw strange shadows lurking around the room I was supposed to be in. I couldn’t take it, the feeling in my stomach got stronger and stronger almost as if I were going to explode.
I heard a scream and panic shook down my spine. Glimpsing out again, I looked around the room, still no kids in sight. I panned the rest of the room and I saw myself lying on the ground in an awkward position, very still and not breathing. I turned around and I saw a man walking towards me, then he walked right through me as if I were a ghost. I watched the man scoop up my now lifeless body and take it away. Terrified, I ran out of the room and slammed the door shut. Just as I turned, I was sucked back out of the computer and I landed with a thud on the floor.
Dazed, after the image I saw, I wanted nothing more than to go home, lock myself in my room and pull the covers over my head. I glanced up at the computer and the mail icon was blinking. I was shaking as I pulled myself up to see what it said. Reluctantly, I opened it to see “Thank you for viewing your future” and “p.s. - you can’t change what the future holds”.
I went into the kitchen to try to calm down and throw something together for the kids to eat. Where were they? I then remembered the scream I had heard earlier. I ran to the bedrooms. Nothing. I searched the house frantically looking for them. Finally, I found them in the playroom contentedly playing undisturbed. We all ventured off to the kitchen to devour the sandwiches I had just prepared.
While the kids were eating, I was contemplating the whole nightmare and just wondering what was going to happen next. Was this really going to happen?
About an hour later, the kids were all tucked into their beds and I was left on my own. I was in a paranoid state for the rest of the night and couldn’t help but think of what could happen through out the night. As the evening progressed, I was sitting on the couch, when I saw a shadow move upstairs…my future is beginning…. I slowly rose from the couch, with my eyes still glued to the upstairs. I looked around for anything to put in my hands. I grabbed the lamp from the table beside me and crept towards the stairs. Sweat was beginning to bead on my forehead and hands. Suddenly, the man appeared with a creepy grin on his face and said, “prepare to meet your future”. He floated towards me, grabbed the lamp from my hands and wrapped the cord around my neck. Everything grew vague and then I couldn’t see. A lightness and peace fell over me as I gave in.
I woke up to beeping monitors and white walls. As I looked around, I heard voices saying, “Welcome back, you gave us a real scare when you fell and hit your head on the tile floor. I’m just glad one of the kids ran out to get us before we left!”
So, it was all a dream. Thank god.
After checking on me, the family arrived back to their house, the doors to the den were ajar and a light on the compute was flashing. “YOUR LIFE…IN THE FUTURE”.
"This story was VERY very good. I just kept wanting to read more. This author is very talented. She has a Flare for writing, and YOU WON'T BE DISSAPOINTED." -- Amberlin, Ramona, New York, Canada.
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