A family goes on a cruise. It is to the parent's dismay that their daughter goes missing. It traumatizes them to lose their son as well. Will the parent's of this family solve the mystery of their missing children? [1,401 words]
I write what I feel. Although many authors say the same, I truly believe you need the right mood to write a story, poem, or song. I write all three, but I'm not very good at writing poems. I may be young, but my mind is set on a total different age. [May 2006]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (2) Hey There Sir Kevin (Songs) I wrote my own little version of the song, "Hey There Delilah" Its basically the same thing, except I replaced it with my boyfriend's name. [315 words] [Romance] Shattered Temptation (Songs) This is a song I wrote with my friend Elfie. We write a lot together, and we felt like writing a slightly morbid song. I also felt depressed somewhat ..feeling for my ex-boyfriend. [228 words] [Horror]
Defied Jin Ichitaku Natsume
The big vacation day began in an hour; everyone in Sarah’s house was wide awake and excited except for her and her brother Jimmy. It was nearly four in the morning and Sarah was half-asleep. She was sitting upright in her bed wearing nothing but a KISS t-shirt and underwear.
“Sarah! Get out of bed; we’re leaving in a half an hour!” Came Sarah’s mother’s angry yell from inside the doorway.
Sarah blankly looked at her mother and then rose out of bed and shooed her away. With a light grunt of drowsiness, Sarah closed the door and pulled on a pair of torn jeans, and then threw her hair into pigtails. Sarah slipped on some checkered Vans, grabbed her stuffed red duffle-bag, then opened the door and met her cheery family in the kitchen. Sarah’s mother, father, and older brother were sitting at the kitchen table. Her older brother was tall and slim. He was seventeen with long blonde hair, and at the moment was wearing a black Star Wars t-shirt, worn jeans, and a pair of black high-top converse. Sarah’s mother was nearly forty but still in good shape. She had long black hair and was wearing a purple sun-dress that buttoned up, and on her feet were purple high-heels. Her father was an older man, three years older than her mother. He was bald and pale, wearing old jeans and a blue and white checkered button-up shirt.
“Hey, sis,” said Jimmy more monotone than he’d intended.
Sarah nodded her head in reply and plopped lazily into a wooden kitchen chair. Sarah and Jimmy got along well. In fact they were best friends. Sarah’s mother leapt up out of her chair after taking a glance at her watch.
“We’ve got to go!” She said.
With her mother’s word, all four were in the car and on their way to the great cruise ship they’d be spending the month on.
Sarah stepped out of the car into the fishy sea-air. Jimmy put his arm around her and sighed; Sarah smirked at him and shook her head as she followed her mother and father up the dock and onto the huge ship.
“What a beautiful ship and view!” Cried Sarah’s mother. Her father agreed.
“Yeah… isn’t it just so exciting and wonderful,” Sarah sarcastically declared. Her mother gave her a horrid look and simply said this:
“Sarah, Jimmy. Here is one hundred dollars to do as you please… don’t spend it all in one day, I and your father will be in the casino.” With that, Sarah and Jimmy’s mother and father merely walked off.
Sarah and Jimmy stared at each other. They usually were into the same things so they decided to find the game room. Jimmy found it first, and Sarah smiled.
“Mortal Kombat?” She questioned with a smirk.
Jimmy nodded and they found the Mortal Kombat game. They lost track of time and when they ran out of money, Jimmy gasped.
“Dude, time to head back… you know how mom is,” said Jimmy already turning to leave.
Sarah followed her brother and when they’d reached their cabin. Jimmy plopped onto a bed and Sarah in the one next to him.
The next morning, the sun beat down hard through the tiny glass windows of the ship. Sarah rose out of bed and looked at the clock. It was nearly noon and her mother and father were gone.
“Ugh, Jimmy get up,” Said Sarah groggily. She smacked her brother with a magazine and went into the bathroom.
Jimmy and Sarah stayed in the cabin that day. They hated the ship, and they hated vacations, so they sat on their beds. Their lap-tops were hooked together and they were battling each other on a game called, ‘Quake 3’.
When their mother and father came home that night, Sarah wasn’t there. Jimmy told them she’d gone to stand out on the further deck out by the front of the ship. He also said she’d been gone for almost four hours and that she hadn’t even called. Sarah’s mother and father weren’t too concerned, but when Sarah hadn’t showed up by six that next morning, they contacted the captain. The captain seemed not be too concerned about Sarah’s ‘disappearance’ and this outraged her mother, her father, and also Jimmy. Jimmy was quite angry. By the next morning, he was also very worried.
“You know what? Forget this. I’m going to search this ship until I find her or any trace of her!” Jimmy said this in a loud voice, well loud enough to be heard and taken seriously, and he left the cabin.
When Jimmy also didn’t come back that night, his mother and father were scared to tears. They demanded that the place be searched, and if their daughter and son didn’t come off of the boat, they would sue. With these demands and threats, the captain and his crew searched the entire ship, or so they said. That night, the captain came to their cabin. He said he had some …unsettling information.
“Mr. and Mrs. Michael, we looked through our files… and found… no trace of you coming on board with two teenagers. One was a boy and one a girl, you say? one saw you get on this ship with a boy and a girl.” The captain said this with much sympathy, and more curiosity.
The two parents sat stunned, confused, and more enraged than before.
“We had our children on this ship! We have been planning this trip for four, and we paid for four! I want to know where my children are!” Hollered Mr. Michael.
The captain sighed, “Sir, we have your documents. You didn’t pay for four. You paid for two.” The captain tilted his head, took off his glasses, and rubbed his eyes.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael were so enraged, and sad, and confused at the time. They sent the captain away, wondering if everyone had gone insane, or if they were covering something up.
For days the captain and everyone who was willing to get involved, told the Michaels that there were no others besides them that boarded. But the Michaels refused to believe this, so a highly trained psychologist came to them one morning, and the two resisted at first, but finally gave in. The doctor ran some tests, and in his free time looked up the history of their family in police documents, with permission from the police by phone. What the doctor found was horrible, and he quickly knew the diagnosis for the Michaels.
The wind was blowing, and it was raining when the Michaels arose from their beds. Mrs. Michael pulled on a rain coat and went outside. She was leaning half-way over the railing when a woman saw and pulled her back over.
“Ma’am! What are you doing?” Asked the woman. She was beautiful and young, with brown hair that reached nearly to her waist and was wearing a beautiful black and white long-sleeved dress.
“I can’t live like this… I’ve done something horrible and I know it. But I just can’t remember what it was that I’ve done,” Mrs. Michael said, her voice quaky with tears.
The woman smiled at her, “Its alright dear, I’m sure you’ve done nothing.” But as quickly as the woman had appeared, she got up and walked away.
The doctor came pounding on the Michael’s door that night. When they let him in he sat down shakily.
“I have some …disturbing news. I also can explain why you thought you brought your children on this ship.” The doctor’s voice was shaking, either with fear or cold.
Mrs. Michael put a cup of tea on the table in front of the doctor, who quickly sipped it and thanked her.
“Why… what is it?” Asked Mrs. Michael, in a scared yet calm voice.
The doctor sighed heavily and picked up the tea-cup and sipped again, but the Michael’s kept asking and pushing for the answer. Without any more delay, the doctor could not wait any longer; he merely headed for the door, opened it and turned to face them.
“Mr. Michael, Mrs. Michael. Your children died last year, months apart from each other. Your daughter, Sarah, overdosed on a high dosage of drugs, and your son. Jimmy committed suicide in the school bathroom after, as his note said, losing faith in God.” With that, the old Doctor walked out of the room, and Mr. and Mrs. Michael? Well, that is another story…
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