After much bugging by friends, family and co-workers I finally caved and took the big step to submit some of my work. I write little short stories that reflect life during good times and bad. Hopefully you will enjoy! [February 2012]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (7) A Special Day (Short Stories) Remember how it used to feel when you waited for that special someone to arrive. [376 words] Cafe Mundo (Short Stories) Want to go for coffee? [934 words] Confronting A Bully (Short Stories) Have you ever experienced workplace bullying? See how this person chose to heal from this experience. [4,341 words] Facing The Dark (Short Stories) A woman comes to terms with her past. [448 words] Fishing With Grandpa (Short Stories) This is a story about a little boy's first fishing trip with his Grandpa. What an adventure they had! [1,158 words] Letter To Dad (Short Stories) This is moving letter written to a father that has passed in hopes of bringing closure to the grief his daughter suffers. [403 words] The Little Christmas Tree (Short Stories) A cute little story about a sad little Christmas tree. [237 words]
The Hawk Cari Graham
I heard the strangest sound in the night. Quietly rising from my bed, I looked out onto
the moonlit grass. A shadow lay moving in the breeze emitting quiet sobbing sounds.
I rushed to the door without thought or care of myself, but only to help the poor injured
soul that lay upon my lawn.
As I crossed the cold wet grass, the full picture came into view. I was gazing down upon
the most beautiful hawk I had ever laid my eyes on. He looked up at me, for it certainly
had to be a he the way those eyes pierced to my very soul. I could see the pain and feel
the depth of his despair. One wing lay at a crooked angle and the other was supporting
his weak body. I reached out to him. I know hawks can be dangerous but his eyes boring
into mine only cried out for help. He had a brief look of panic in his eyes, but it passed
quickly as he realized I was not there to bring more harm upon him. I picked him up so
gently, holding him close so as not to further injure this great beast that had so willingly
let me near. I could feel the strength drain from my body as the hawk drew from me to
keep his place in this realm. I quickly returned to my house where I laid the fragile bird
down upon my bed. He didn't fight me for he knew I would only help him and make him
whole again.
For weeks we stayed together, my hawk and I. He gained strength and I learned how to
trust once more. I spent many hours talking softly to him. He would watch me with
those brilliant golden eyes. I am sure he understood everything I said as I bared my soul
on a plate before him.
He had healed well during our time together and was ready to head back out into the
world again. I stood on the step holding him close to my heart, knowing he will truly
never leave me. I stretched out my arms and held him up to the clear sky. A gentle
breeze ruffled his feathers as he prepared himself for flight. He looked back at me and
for a moment I could swear I saw a tear. He took a deep breath and lifted from me up
into the great blue depths. I stood and smiled through my tears as he flew.
I turned to go back into the house, when I felt a gentle breath and heard a quiet whisper
that could only have been my thank you. I looked back and he cried with joy as he flew
past and over the mountains to continue his journey.
I often think of my courageous hawk. The power, the strength, and the gentle way he is.
I know he is soaring high and watching me from his world. He knows he has a place in
my heart. Someday we will meet again my beautiful hawk and I.
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