This is just basicly part 2 of the story!! Shadow is having no luck in finding Menchi. Oh and what's this?! Mr.Lancaster is finally going to take over the world?! and my story?!!?!?!? Read to find out!......... [668 words]
Hey,(I'm 14 years old)Shadow's the (nick)name and fames my game! that rhymes! ^_^ Anyway, I love to read and write stories especialy ones from Dan Brown, James Patterson, and more! I also love to draw and I like anime, one day I plan to visit Japan in the future! ^_^ [November 2005]
AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (1) Shadow's Adventure (Short Stories) Shadow(me) has to find Menchi, her pet dog that oddly looks like a cat, but gets caught up in saving the world and her story from Mr. Lancaster! So what happens next in her adventure? Read to find out... [518 words] [Comedy]
Shadow's Adventure 2 Maritza Vargas
Hi, Welcome back to vol. 2 of....none other then Shadow's Adventure! I'm still working on becoming a writer!(or an artist!^_^),but i still have a long way to go(only 14 here)Oh and after the story is another interview with Mr.Lancaster, hopefully he won't be halucenating again. Now, on with the story!!oh and (words) <-this is when the Puu-chus are talking instead of just translating their language.
*Shadows house* Shadow: Menchi, Where are you!?
*Somewhere deep in space* Puu-chu:(Mr. Lancaster, have you found the super weapon yet?!) Mr.Lancaster: Hmm......interesting ???:(I feel as I'm somewhere I'm not suppose to be.....) Puu-chu:(Mr.Lancaster, there's someone here!!) Mr.Lancaster: Who is it?! Puu-chu:(We dont know how it got here or what it is) ???:(Hey, i have a name you know! I in trouble?)
*Meanwhile at Excel's house* Shadow: Where could Menchi be? Excel: Whoa, since when do you live here?! Shadow: Since...NOW!.....I need to go find Menchi!....
*Now back into deep space* Mr.Lancaster: Yes, I have finally found the super weapon to take over this story and the world!!! Puu-chu:(Mr.Lancaster, what about this dog/cat thing?) Mr.Lancaster: shall be my super villian dog! Puu-chu:(Hurray for Mr.Lancaster!!) Mr.Lancaster: Yes, now we shall take over the world and this story and make it my own!! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha*choke,cough*...Ahem....... Bwuahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!*evil laugh*
*Back to Shadow* Shadow: What if Menchi followed Mr.Lancaster and is trying to take over the world too....? Hmm...... maybe it's just me.. Hyatt: Maybe we should look for Menchi instead of just sitting here watching T.V. Excel: Yes, we should save the world and then we can kick some a**..... Shadow: Um....I like Hyatts's better...I think Hyatt: Ok, then lets just walk over here--*dies and falls instantly* Shadow: Um....what is one of these days she actually dies? Excel: I wondered that too, but then that question just started to fade away...... Hyatt:*wakes up* oh.....did I do it again?...*takes out book and pen* how long was i out for this time?.......... ^_^' Shadow: Um... 2 hours and 15 minutes... Hyatt: Hmm....thats a new record! ^_^ Excel:Um...of course it is...*walks away slowly*
*Back in space* Mr.Lancaster: Now, lets take over this story!! Puu-chu:(Yay, lets take over!)
*beep-beep* PLEASE STAND BY.....THERE HAS BEEN A PROBLEM...... PLEASE STAND BY-... *beep-beep* Mr.Lancaster: Hello, welcome to MY story now!Bwuahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha*evil laugh* So, since this is my story now.I will take over the world and I shall be king!! Bwuahahahahahahahahahahahaha *evil laugh*
*beep-beep* Shadow: Hey, what happened to my story?.......grr...I know who did this! It's the only onw person who wants to take over the world and that person is......*drum roll* Mr.Lancaster,but now to find out where he's hiding.....
*beep-beep* Puu-chu:(Mr.Lancaster we have now landed on earth!) Mr.Lancaster: Good, now lets find the President! Puu-chu:(Um...I dont think we can sir!) Mr.Lancaster: What?!....why not! this is my story, so whatever i say goes!!! Puu-chu:(yes, but.....the ships engines are down..) Mr.Lancaster: Grr......then fix them!! Puu-chu:(Yes, sir!) Mr.Lancaster: Now, to find the president and then I'll rule the world!!! Bwahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha*evil laugh*
*Back to Shadow* Shadow: Menchu!....Mr.Lancaster!...where are you?! Excel: Ugh.... we looked everywhere and still now sign of evil activity...... -_-' Hyatt: Hmm...perhaps we should look over at that lake? Shadow: Hmm......maybe....thats their secert hide out!!*runs toward a mysterious space ship* Excel: Hey, wait for us!
*Back on Mr.Lancasters space ship* Mr.Lancaster: Hmm....lets go find the president now! *walks outside the ship and looks around* Hmm....something's wrong here...... Shadow: Look, it's Mr.Lancaster! Excel: He's the one that stole Menchi? ???:(Shadow,everybody over here!) Shadow: It's Menchi!!.......Menchi, attack Mr.Lancaster! Menchi:( Mr.Lancaster: Well, sorry to break up the reunion,but I got to make like a banana and split! Bwhahahahahahahaha!*teleports to the white house* Shadow: Where'd he go?....hmm Excel: Um....what the heck is that?*points to a puu-chu* Hyatt: I dunno....... Puu-chu:*pops up* (Mr.Lancaster will rule the world and we will follow!!) Shadow: Umm.....I don't think so*hits the stupid Puu-chu* Puu-chu: Ugh....*dies Shadow: Oops... ^_^' heh heh ...
*To the white house!* Mr.Lancaster: Now, Mr.president tell me what I want to know! Mr.President: .....uh..I will never tell you!? Mr.Lancaster: Very well then....I shall take over the world with my new super weapon! Bwuahahahahahaha ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! *beep-beep*
Well that's the end for volume 2! So, was this one better? or worse? Anyway, we have another interview!
Shadow: So, Mr.Lancaster what types of movies do you like?
Mr.L: I love Comedies! My favorite comedy movie is 'Harold and Kumar go to white castle'(ha ha ha ha)
Shadow: Thats's cool. What made you take over my story?
Mr.L: Oh, thats easy! I'm a villian! Bwahahahahahahahaha *evil laugh*
Shadow: That's all we have for today! So see ya next time
Puu-chu:(Long live Mr.Lancaster!!)
Shadow: Hey, get out of here! *beep-beep* please review
(Monkeys will rule the world with a banana! ^_^) ~Shadow(Maritza) <(o_o)>
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