Chapter two
:::It'd been about an hour and everyone had arrived:::
"Let's play spin the bottle!"
"Hell no! That's a fucking baby game!" Shane and Jaydence had been arguing for about five minutes about playing the game and Shane was still refusing. You were sitting in you favorite corner of the living room on a huge window seat while everyone else was sprawled watching the two from couches. Just as you were starting to drowned out the twos yelling, someone came up and sat beside you. "Cay-Cay! Attention Cay! We want our Cay-Cay back!" you looked beside you realizing someone was calling your nickname. "There you are! Your not brain dead!", the friend whispered. It was Shawn. "I thought I was going to have to bite you or something." He smiled that smile that usually got him all the dates he wanted. Shawn was the "ladies man" of the group of friends and also the prep. He was on the football team in high school and always wore holister T-shirt's. He never wore Tripp pants or anything black unless it was a tux. You had tried once or twice to get him to dress up just for one day but he wouldn’t. The only thing Shawn had pierced was his ear and that was only one. He had blonde hair and bright blue eyes and looked just like a "popular boy" would. "Oh sorry! I was just uh.. Thinking!" You apologized. Shawn wrapped his strong-arms around your waist and scooted you closer to him. "Nah! Don’t be sorry love, just tell me what you're thinking about." "Nothing impaticurlar!" you were lying. It was something impaticular. You were thinking about Shane but you couldn’t tell Shawn that. He'd been trying to hard to get together with you himself.
Next thing you knew, you were being lifted from the window seat and pulled roughly into the kitchen. Everyone was chanting behind and beside you, "CAKE, CAKE, CAKE!!!" Shane brought out the cake from the fridge and sat it on the table. It was a vanilla ice cream cake, your favorite. Only one person knew your favorite kind of cake, Shane. You turned to Shane and hugged him tightly, "Shane you remembered!" she kissed him softly on the cheek, "I've never forgotten anything you've ever told me Cay-Cay!" you then blushed slightly and blew out the candles hoping no one notice the change in the color of your face. You sliced the cake for everyone and passed them out then got yourself a piece.
You, Jaydence and Shane were all sitting on the couch nearest the window seat eating your cake and talking with the others when Jaydence leaned over towards you. "You know you want him back!" she whispered looking over at Shane who was laughing about something Kyle had said. You looked over at Shane and then to Jaydence who was watching you. "Why don’t you just go for it Cay?" you then looked back over at Shane who was watching his fork move around the cake on his plate. "Its complicated! He deserves better and well.. I don’t deserve him. I will help him find someone that is great and perfect for him." you whispered not knowing if Jaydence had heard you or not. She had of course because she mumbled something about you being perfect and you just ignored it, not knowing what to say or do.
Everyone thought you were thinking about the argument you and Jaydence were having about what game to play but your mind was stuck on the birthday girl and that kiss she'd given you earlier. She hadnt kissed you like that since the break up, and she hadn't answered when you'd asked her about it. Caylen and Michael had broken up about a week ago and she'd been a little quiet and distant since then. Now she was sitting in the window seat she'd always sat at when she came over. you looked over at her and she looked so beautiful. She was chewing on her bottom lipring like she did when she was thinking hard about something. You stopped arueing with Jaydence and sat on the couch just as Shawn sat down beside Caylen. you halfway listened to the conversation the others had going on as you watched Caylen and Shawn. An immediate rush of jealousy hit you whenever Shawn put his arms around her and in the next moment you had started chanting "CAKE, CAKE, CAKE!" and was pulling Caylen up from her seat. You pulled the cake out of the fridge hoping she'd notice you'd remembered her favorite. She had, she quickly wrapped you in a hug and kissed your cheek, the cold metal from her lipring sent chills up your spine. "Shane you rememered!" your eyes and your heart felt overpoweringly happy, " I've never forgotten anything you've ever told me Cay-Cay!" and you hadnt. you felt you knew everything about her but that he had so much more to learn. Everyone had gotten there cake and was now chilling in the living room. Caylen was sitting in between you and Jaydence and you longed to put your arm around her and to pull her closer to you, but you didn’t. You watched as Jaydence leaned over and her and Caylen started whispering and looking at you. You made no point in looking back at them just so they'd keep talking and wouldn’t know you noticed there stares, or that you'd heard them
you hadn't realized Shane was watching you until you had finished the dishes. Everyone had left already and after much pursuing on your part Shane had agreed to let you stay and help clean up. You turned around and Shane was stading there with a black garbage bag at his feet and leaning against the door frame. "uhhmm.. hey is everything picked up in there?" you had barely been able to spit out that much. He looked so gorgeous. You'd noticed earlier that he was weraing your favorite t-shirt. A black one with a huge skull on it and his favorite black baggy tripps. The look on his face was one you'd seen befre and recently you'd seen it often. He was looking at you as if you were a piece of gold that he had just found. "yeah, its all in this bag!" it'd taken him awhile to answer so something was on his mind. You couldn’t pinpoint it but you had a feeling it had to do with you. You walked around the counter island and leaned your back against it still watchin Shane who had'nt moved more that his lips since you'd turned around. "Is something wrong Shane? You look like theres something going on in that lil' head of yours?!?" you said with a smile. "There is but.." he paused, ".. its not bad." He had now leaned off the door frame and had taken a step toward you. "you look beautiful Caylen!" you blushed a little and smiled knowing something was up when he called you by your full name. Shane wrapped his arms around you and looked down into your eyes. You looked back and was speechless. You couldn’t figure out what he was doing to you but you liked it. You felt happy, safe and most of all you felt loved. "I miss this Caylen. I miss us!" you had missed it to but you hadn't wanted him to realize it. "I know, Shane, but.." he inturrupted you, "but what Cay? You think you don’t deserve me right? That I deserve someone.. better? Perfect? Caylen.." he sighed then continued, "your perfect for me. There is no one better and if anything I don’t deserve you!" everyone supposibly has flaws, thorns, but to me, you don’t. I want to be with you. I love you Caylen Jade Morris. And I'll do anything to be with you again." He had stopped talking and was staring deep into your eyes. You didn’t know what to do. You loved him to but you still felt he deserved better. You tried to speak but you were speechless and his words were still running through your mind. When you finally got your voice back you whispered, "I love you to Shane and I want to be with you but.." he inturrupted you again but this time you didn’t mind because he did it with a kiss. His lipring clinked softly against yours and you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck pulling him closer to you.
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