AUTHOR'S OTHER TITLES (1) (Still Not Deteremined) (Short Stories) - [1,423 words] [Relationships]
(Not Determined Yet) Wheaton
Chapter 1
You checked yourself out in the full-length mirror to see that every detail was correct. You were overly excited about tonight. It was your twenty-first birthday and your friends were throwing you a party. You gave your appearance one last check-over. You had chosen your favorite black Tripp pants that hung low on your tight hips and placed a black studded belt perfectly in its loops. Your tight black baby tee ended just above your belly button showing off your double pierced naval. Your black combat boots just added to your gorgeous image. As you walked into your bathroom the chains hanging off of your pants rattled causing a bunch of noise. You stopped in front of the mirror lifting your eyeliner pencil to your dark brown eyes. You placed the eyeliner on dark and drew a line under and above your eyes, down your cheek. Your coal black hair was straight and laid just beside your eyes and ended just past your shoulders. Finally content with your image, you grabbed your keys and walked down to your buildings parking lot. The building you lived in was considered middle-class. Its white walls and brown wood floors gave it a sophisticated look. The building only consisted of three floors and you lived on the first floor. You walked over to her black mustang and flopped yourself in the drivers seat. Everyone had agreed to meet at your friend Shane's house. As you pulled out of the driveway you turned on the radio to your favorite station. They were playing one of her favorite Rob Zombie songs and you blared the speakers and continued on singing along with the song.
You slowly pulled into Shane's driveway examining the place as you had so many times before. The house he lived in was once owned by Shane's parents but they had recently died and he was left with it. The house was beautiful with its red brick exterior, circle driveway and the red roses under each window. you had always liked coming here. You'd known Shane since they ya'll were little and you use to come here all the time. you carefully parked your car behind Shane's red blazer and turned it off. You were the first to arrive and Shane had noticed. He slowly walked out the door and greeted you. "Hey gorgeous! Happy Birthday!" Shane smiled and wrapped you tightly in a warm hug. You and shane had dated for almost a year and had broken up because you thought you had found someone better and someone that would treat you better but you had'nt you regretted breaking up with shane very much. "Hey Shane! No ones here yet?" you said slowly unwrapping from the hug and walked with Shane to the house. It's not like Shane wasn’t attractive. He was actually the most gorgeous guy you'd ever met. He was about 6'0" with black hair extending to his chin. He had his tongue, lip, eyebrow and ears pierced. He always wore black Tripp pants and baggy T-shirts. He had a flat stomach with a slight muscle showing. His eyes were a faint gold and he always wore eyeliner, which showed his eyes much more. "Nah! It's just you and me Cay-Cay, but you still got me!" Shane smiled, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you closer. "Yes! I know!" you whispered. Ya'll walked through the living room to the kitchen. you jumped and sat up on a counter while Shane stuffed himself with appetizers. "So, Shane! Wheres Katie?" Katie and Shane had only been dating two weeks and she'd already moved in. "Oh, Shes not here anymore. We uh.. broke up." "Awe Shane, im sorry! What happened?" you were really sorry but you were actually happy Katie had left. "Well," Shane said walking slowly toward you, "She was just a little to clingy and to fast for me. I need someone that allows me to have some space and someone that gives me time to adjust to the fact of having a girlfriend before moving to the next step. You know what I mean?" Shane was now standing directly infront of you. you reached out and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Yes I know what you mean, and you know im always here for you if you need me right? Don’t worry about Katie. You deserve someone better anyway. She was kind of a Slut!" You and Shane both laughed at the last comment you'd made. Shane wrapped his arms around your waist softly and you kissed him lightly on the forehead and smiled. Just as you were both looking into each other's eyes your friend Jaydence walked in. "Oh im sorry guys, I didn’t mean to barge in on ya'lls little private party!" Shane began to disagree but you kicked him lightly looking at him as if saying "let me handle this one." Shane looked up at you and smiled questioningly. "Oh yes, Jay that’s exactly.. whats going on here. Little Shane here decided to give me my present early." you then leaned down and kissed Shanes lips lightly. you missed his kisses and obviously he missed yours because after recovering from shock, he was kissing you back. Just as your tongues found each others Shane realized Jay had left the room and pulled back. He looked up at you slowly, "What was that for? I thought I was giving you the early present." you smiled, pushed him from the counter and jumped down walking away and leaving Shane to wonder.
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